Finished Eeveelution RPG

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*A light blade flies into Bane's paw, slicing it open. The bone and skin are cut like butter. Solaria leaps out of the tree she was sitting in and catches the blade. She walks over to Bane.*
*Punches him in the jaw.*
*Bane falls on the ground in pain.*
*Then a very pale, almost completely white Emerald smashed through the window and silently grabbed Garret and started to choke him.*
*Garret doesn't wake up, but his hearbeat slows. As his heartrate slows, OShade begins fading faster. Solaria throws the blade at Emerald.*
*The arrow goes straight through Shade's head. He falls over, dead. OShade stops fading, and fully solidifies.*
Solaria: "NO!!!"
*She growls and grabs her light blade, then leaps at Marissa, murder in her eyes.*
Marrisa scowls, her bow deflecting the blade's slash, completely unharmed, even when sparks flew.
She jumps back, shifting her body so that OShade's body safely slid down her.
"Don't test me." she warns.
*Emerald sees an opening and silently carries off the dead Shade away from th house.*
*Bane manages to come to again and tries to hold Solaira down.*
B-"Stop resisting! He's paid already!"
*Solaria begins glowing a brilliant white. Her eyes turn a sky-blue, as does her blade. She tackles Marissa, traveling at the speed of light. Marissa is sent flying into a tree. Solaria grabs her by the throat and flies high into the atmosphere, then throws her down to the ground. The crash causes a massive crater to form around Marissa's now-mangled body. Solaria grabs her bow and snaps it in half.*
"My work is done. I need to follow Emerald..."
*Bane grabbed the unconcious Garet (he's unconcious right?) and ran off into the night after Emerald.*
*Emerald arrived at an underground temple. There she placed Shade's dead body on a pedastal.*
AShade-"Ah, you have sucseeded Emerald..."
Marrisa's eyes flung open, and water appeared at the crater she's in, the nearby plants shivering up, as liquid is forced out of them. The water rushed at Marrisa's body, and glowed, instantly healing her.

She leaps at Solaria, grabbing the blade and freezing it, a new ice longbow appearing in her other paw. Grabbing it like a mace, she swings it hard, striking Solaria at the neck and nearly snapping it.
*AShade places a stone on Shade's body which begins to radiate blue. Suddenly the glowing stopped.*
AShade-"Now, the final piece of the puzzle. The one who shall grant me revenge on that miserable Shade...."
*AShade places a piece of clothing onto Shade who then begins to radiate Red.*
*Bane walks in and sees the situation.*
B-"What the?.."
*The blade phases through Solaria. She grabs Marissa by the throat. Solaria's skin is like acid, and it eats way at Marissa's throat. She snarls and makes a Light Blade, then plunges it into her stomach, twisting it so it's more painful. She flies off, leaving the blade fused into marissa.*
Marrisa snaps her paw, and sky blue symbols appeared on her arm. They shone heavily and the blade froze, unable to continue fusing, the fusing was then undone and expelled out of her body. She slowly gets up, relieving her neck of the pain with some water.

She heads back to where she left OShade.
*Soon the radiating stops and Shade seems to split in two. He now has a somewhat of a clone.*
*The clone stares up at Bane with completely red eyes.*
Clone-"Hello there..."
Marrisa sighs, sitting down besides OShade.
"I'm sure you'd rather not know."
AShade-"Confused Bane? I used the stone to control your sister. she's sort of like a slave now, and used Shade's body, who's is similar to Veran's to ressurect him. So we can combine our power to crush Shade!"
*Veran to face AShade.*
*A red beam of light shot out from Veran and absorbed AShade.*
V-"I think not. Now where is my brother?..."
*Veran flies out of the room in search of OShade.*
B-"What have I done?"
*Bane runs outside to find Solaria.*
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