Finished Eeveelution RPG

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*Tera could see Shade getting more powerful every second*
*She used Aria's power and turned into a Shadow.*
"Come here you!"
*She started to fly towards Shade and then surrounded him giving him Dark Power*
I can finally control Shade again!
*She started to laugh evily*
*Chaos slams into the shadow around Shade, but is sent flying back. He hits the wall and groans, turning back into Garret.*
Garret: "No... No, please no..."
*Coughs out blood.*
*He feels a temporal build-up again. He grins.*
"Get ready, Tera... Living has it's disadvantages..."
*Unleashes an enourmous and amazingly powerful Temporal Blast that destroys the house, rapidly aging everything inside. Tera's Shadow power is negated, and she is driven from Aira's body. Unfortunately, that means that she now has her own body... Jordan's powers are driven to the brink of shattering, and he is knocked out by the blast. Trees and pokemon in a 40 mile radius of the house are killed in an instant, fossilizing at the touch of the blast. The blast is visible clear across sinnoh, and Garret is completely drained. He collapses, exhausted.*
"That... Should do... It..."
*Passes out.*
(Wow, what a convinient time for me to have to go... Please don't do anything that will throw me off tons when I come back. xP)
Marrisa nods, unable to control her tears.
"I'll get you back, mark my word on that..."
She goes for one last kiss.
(Garret and Tera had a big battle, OShade and Marissa are together now, and Shade began waking up from the coma, which is making OShade disappear.*
(Okay, I'll just pick up from where we left off.)
Bane-"Solaria! All I want you to do is bring me any of one them, Shade, OShade, or Garret, then I won't harm you or the others."
Marrisa held OShade and set him on her back and around her shoulder.
Shade it is...
She lands onto the water, and dashes off.
*Bane manages a small tear in thought of what he has to do and starts off looking for Garret and Shade.*
"At least I know where an unconcious one is...."
*Bane walked up to a small edge which from where he can see Shade.*
"Don't you dare thrust that in."
Marrisa was ten yards away from Bane, holding an ice longbow, with a shining arrow of energy pointed at him.
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