Finished Eeveelution RPG

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Marrisa smiled back.
"You're right... why bother moving anywhere?"
She leaned back on him, and passionately kisses OShade.
*He angles his head to kiss her better, then puts his paw behind her head, holding her lips to his. He kisses her for a long time, then finally breaks away, smiling. He's panting heavily.*
She gasped lightly when they let go, not breathing as heavily as him, her eyes hungry for more.
*Grins. Slowly floats down so that they're not even a foot above the ocean. It's unnaturally calm around them. He kisses her again, more passionately than before. The water around them leaps into the air in columns, then begins twisting around in a passionate dance. It forms incredibly intricate patterns around them.*
You... your grace matches your passion.
Marrisa's tail swayed to one side and froze during the kiss, the wave freezing at the top and breaking down, complicating the pattern.
*Keeps kissing her. The columns turn a deep golden color. His rings glow the same hue of gold.*
My grace is nothing compared to that which you show in each movement...
But my movements cannot outweigh the gentle touch of the soul you bring, the affection you offer... I accept both gratefully with my heart and spirit.
She lightly moaned, returning each one, the air mixing in temperature, casuing the light to relfect the waves differently.
Marrisa was hardly tired, merely breathing slightly hard, her chest heaving with the extra air. She had a teasing grin on her, her tail swishing in amusement.
"What? The great OShade has to take a break?"
*OShade laughs.*
"Not everyone has giant lungs, Marissa. I'm not a vaporeon..."
*Nuzzles her. Suddenly, he gasps, and a huge shattering sound fills the air. The water collapses into the water, and so does he. His rings are glowing a deep red, as are the runes all over his body.*

*Shade begins to wake up.*
(I'm so sorry for not posting today, I'll try to post today if I can. But I probably won't be able to. Just wanted to let you know so that you don't think I dissapeared or nothing.)

Edit: Wait, I though it was 9:50. Not 8:50! xD

*She crashed right into Shade's Barrier cushing it*
T- "Oh great, if it isn't my little slave, Garret letting out Chaos!"
*She looked at Shade waking up*
T- "Hehe, well if it isn't Shade. Taking a little nap I see, well this should be the perfect oppurtunity to strike!"
*Tera made a "Tera Blade" and swung at Shade.*

(What's the Blade actually called?)

(I still can't be on for long though, don't think I can keep posting. ;])
(The floating water collapsed into the rest of the ocean. And is Marissa gonna respond? Also, it's ok, SotS. Just post if you can)
*OShade is floating in the water, barely breathing, his heart barely beating.*
It's already happened once, but I'm not going to let it happen TWICE!
"Aqua Retrieve!"
The water gushes back up, sending OShade up, Marrisa dives down and grabs him when the two met.
SotS said:
(I'm so sorry for not posting today, I'll try to post today if I can. But I probably won't be able to. Just wanted to let you know so that you don't think I dissapeared or nothing.)

Edit: Wait, I though it was 9:50. Not 8:50! xD

*She crashed right into Shade's Barrier cushing it*
T- "Oh great, if it isn't my little slave, Garret letting out Chaos!"
*She looked at Shade waking up*
T- "Hehe, well if it isn't Shade. Taking a little nap I see, well this should be the perfect oppurtunity to strike!"
*Tera made a "Tera Blade" and swung at Shade.*

(What's the Blade actually called?)

(I still can't be on for long though, don't think I can keep posting. ;])

*Chaos holds up his paw. The blade shatters, and Tera is sent flying out of the house.*
"I am no one's slave."

Zyflair said:
Marrisa immediately teared up.
"What are you saying?!"

OShade: "Shade... Is waking from his coma..."
*Screams in pain.*
"I'll be... Absorbed into his soul... Unless he perishes soon..."
*Screams as his form continues to fade.*
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