Finished Eeveelution RPG

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(I need to go to psychology class)
Ziggoratt999 said:
*Garret's eyes widen.*
*OShade just nods.*
"I won't invade your privacy. If you don't want to tell me, I won't force you to."
Marrisa shook her head.
"No... it's just that... I wasn't in my right mind in the last few years of my former life... I'm slightly afraid that reminiscing would bring that side back..."

Dear Garret,
I have Emerald captive, now unless you do the following, you'll never see Emerald, ever again. Find Bane. Tell him that you found Shade with the stone and let Bane do what he wants.

(Yes, I know it hit Solaria.)
*Bane is still wearing his Vemu suit.*
*Instead of enlightened to see Solaria he's fuming mad and pins her against a tree his dagger at her throat.*
B-"You make things too easy for me..."
*She spits in his face and teleports behind him. She pins him against the tree, a Light Blade against the back of his neck.*
"You REALLY want to try this, Bane? It's about your sister. She's been taken hostage."
Marrisa sighs.
"Just know that I lost all sense of right and wrong before... and I still wonder if I have that sense back..."
*OShade nuzzles her.*
"I think you do... Now, to get off this island. Hold onto me."
*Wraps his arms around her and begins to rise.*
Marrisa grabs on tight, and OShade felt that her body was ironically rather warm.
*OShade holds her close, then takes off, nearly breaking the sound barrier. He rises above the clouds and slows down. The setting sun gives his fur a beautiful, golden hue. The ocean is glittering below them.*
Marrisa looked at the scenery, saying nothing, but she then closed her eyes and hugged OShade tight.
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