Finished Eeveelution RPG

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They're here...
"I'm sorry, but you'll have to excuse me for a second."
*Aira started to darken then dissapeared. Suddenly a Lucario fell on the ground unconcious*
"That's what you get for trying to get me. Stupid police... Now.. Where were we? And what was that blast?"
*There wasn't a hint of anger in her voice anymore*
*Garret is panting heavily. It's taking all his energy to stay standing.*
"We're in my house... And that was a temporal blast... My Time powers are going crazy... I have no idea why..."

*OShade lies next to her, ready to listen.*
Time Powers... That sounds like something that other Umbreon had... It'll be helping this guy, but it'll no fun whenever I don't even get to battle him once!
"Know what?"
*Then she said under her voice*
"As stupid as it sounds"
"I'm going to try to help you with your time powers. There was an Umbreon I saw a while back who had the Power of Time. Maybe I could find him and bring him back here for him to help ya'. This time don't stop me from teleporting. And I MEAN IT!"
*She started to darken, preparing to teleport to where she saw the Umbreon*
Marrisa learned back against, which slowly starts to freeze into ice on contact. She had not yet calmed down - no, she was getting more agitated.
"It started back when we were children. I knew Takeshi was always interested in females ever since he was... seven, I think. It wasn't that bad, though slightly annoying. I didn't think he was bad... just weird. When he evolved into an Umbreon, his perversion grew, and I was the only other one around at the time. It wasn't bad at first, and I... I... kind of liked it..."
Marrisa couldn't continue.
*She simply nodded then started to vanish*
I don't know WHAT I'm thinking helping this guy will do to me!
*Aira appeared again in front of an Umbreon*
"Hey... Ummm, I kind of need your Time Powers for something... Ummm..."
What's his name again?
*The Umbreon looked at Aira and nodded*
"My name is Jordan in case you don't remember."
A- "Okay then, well Jordan, could you come back with me and help someone out real quick?"
J- "I guess so... How far away are they?"
A- "Don't worry about distance, just stand still and we'll get there..."
*Aira closed her eyes then they both vanished and appeared again in front of Garret.*
A- "Garret, this is Jordan. He has the Temporal Insignia, and should be able to help you."
*Jordan put out his paw*
"Let me into your thoughts, if you can't speak..."

SotS said:
*She simply nodded then started to vanish*
I don't know WHAT I'm thinking helping this guy will do to me!
*Aira appeared again in front of an Umbreon*
"Hey... Ummm, I kind of need your Time Powers for something... Ummm..."
What's his name again?
*The Umbreon looked at Aira and nodded*
"My name is Jordan in case you don't remember."
A- "Okay then, well Jordan, could you come back with me and help someone out real quick?"
J- "I guess so... How far away are they?"
A- "Don't worry about distance, just stand still and we'll get there..."
*Aira closed her eyes then they both vanished and appeared again in front of Garret.*
A- "Garret, this is Jordan. He has the Temporal Insignia, and should be able to help you."
*Jordan put out his paw*

*Garret weakly shakes his paw.*
"Nice to meet you..."
*Jordan shook his paw, but then looked up and saw Shade*
*Jordan walked past Garret to Shade*
J- "Whoever is protecting this... THING, open it up! I have a score to settle with Shade!"
A- "Oh boy..."
J- "What was that?!"
*Jordan put a Shadow Blade up to Aria's neck.*
A- *sigh* One mad-man to the next...

(Remember he still hates him. ;P)
(Oh, right. Why was that again?)
*Garret growls, his weakness forgotten.*
"If you're angry at Shade..."
*He closes his eyes and shows Jordan a vision. In the vision, he sees that Garret is a part of Shade.*
"Then take it out on me."
*Creates a Shadow Blade and tackles Jordan.*
"Wait... I know you..."

Zyflair said:
Marrisa blushed.
"Empathy." was the one word that came out as her reply.

*Shade reads deeper into her thoughts. He closes his eyes and begins to figure out her code, how it repeats, it's sequences, etc. He finally has a near-complete library of her code. He hears what Takeshi did to her and his eyes widen.*
"I'm so sorry, Marissa..."
*He hugs her.*
"That's horrible..."
(When Tera had her world and Jordan was her minion I guess you could say, Shade killed her.)

*Jordan was surprised at the attack*
J-"What do you mean you know me?..."
*He was controlling a Shadow Blade and was about to make it swing at Garret. But Aira saw it before it could.*
A- "Garret let go of him and RUN!"
*Garret ignores Aira and blocks.*
"You were Tera's servant! You MURDERED OUR LOVE!!!"
(by our, he means Shade and his)
*Slashes him in the face.*
"You want to know how I know you? Because I, in essence, AM Shade!"
*Iron tails him in the leg.*
Marrisa shivers, and sits down.
"I couldn't take it seriously... I couldn't be faithful to Koji... it was impossible... It... it just felt like a silly game..."
*Jordan went flying and slammed into Aira*
A- "Hey what's the big i-"
*Suddenly Aria started to darken to almost pure black*
A- "Wh-what's going on?!"
*She saw two stones float from behind Jordan*
A- Are those... Shadow Stones?!
*The Shadow stones flew to Aria and started surrounding her. Then Aria started to speak to Garret, in a voice not of her own.*
A- "Good going Jordan... You finally let me back into this world! And right by Shade to..."
J- "M-master Tera?! Is that you?!"
A- "Yes... Now go get that Umbreon!"
*Jordan nodded then jumped for Garret. Aria/Tera started walking towards Shade.*

Edit: (Awww man, bye. =[ I should get going soon to I guess.)
Marrisa sighs and looks down, the hatred replaced with depression.
"But the twisted thing... is that he still cared about me... the only thing wrong with him is that he just wanted... to..."
She gulped.
"Simply put, to have fun. But, other than that, he wasn't a bad character... I don't know whether I can't forgive him... or that I already did and simply am ashamed of my own actions..."
Marrisa sighs.
"I wasn't exactly good either, and please don't try to look in my mind for it... I don't know if I can suppress the feeling... I can tell you instead."
*Garret's eyes widen.*
*He growls. His fur turns pitch black, his eyes a piercing red.*
"NO! I am NOT letting you back!!!"
*Closes his eyes.*
"Even if it means releasing him..."
*Garret screams in pain as he unleashes Chaos. Chaos, in his Umbreon form, which is little more than an Umbreon-shaped Shadow with blood-red eyes, grins.*
"Finally... I'm FREE!!!"
*He slams into Tera, sending her flying. He whirls around and fires a Red Shadow Blast at Jordan.*

Zyflair said:
Marrisa sighs and looks down, the hatred replaced with depression.
"But the twisted thing... is that he still cared about me... the only thing wrong with him is that he just wanted... to..."
She gulped.
"Simply put, to have fun. But, other than that, he wasn't a bad character... I don't know whether I can't forgive him... or that I already did and simply am ashamed of my own actions..."
Marrisa sighs.
"I wasn't exactly good either, and please don't try to look in my mind for it... I don't know if I can suppress the feeling... I can tell you instead."

*OShade just nods.*
"I won't invade your privacy. If you don't want to tell me, I won't force you to."
*Bane had gotten the information he had wanted and was now on the hunt for Shade, Garret, and OShade. Meanwhile, someone had captured Emerald.*
*A note in the shape of a paper airplane hit (Garret's in an intense moment, so is OShade, I guess,...) Shade right on the back of the head.*
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