Finished Eeveelution RPG

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"I did. I am unaware of such consequences... but-"
She looks out.
"You're the only person I have..."
Then her eyes widened, looking in front more attentively.
"Where'd he go?"
*Solaria slaps Bane across the face, still in her Light Form. The slap burns his skin.*
"How DARE you talk to me!"
*Pins him to a tree, then creates a Light Blade.*

*OShade looks at her.*
*Bane winces.*
"H-He's in danger! V-Veran's back!"
*Veran spots OShade from above and starts to create a ball of energy.*
"I think I'll lay with his friend first..."
"Sh-Shade... his body was here but-"
Marrisa narrow her eyes, and looked up to see Veran.
*OShade's head snaps up. He glares at Veran.*
"Marissa, listen to me. Get as far away from here as possible, NOW!"
*Flies up to Veran and creates a Shadow Blade.*
"Didn't I kill you?"

Solaria: "WHAT?!"
*She drops him.*
"... I hate you so much, Bane..."
*Flies off, looking for Veran.*
*Bane quickly hurries out the door.*
B-"I have to help OShade!"
V-"In fact, you've done it twice."
*Veran launches the ball of energy sending Shade flying back.*
"I'm not out of your league, OShade... I can fight as well..."
Marrisa held her other paw at her chest and activated more spells. Her cloak reformed, but it was a dark blue, and had intricate designs. She grins.
"That reminds me... you have a death wish, don't you?"
*OShade holds out his paw and catches the ball of energy. He absorbs it into himself, completely unharmed.*
"I've learned a few tricks since we last met, Veran..."
*Throws his blade at Veran. It slashes his side, then returns to OShade's hand like a boomerang.*

Zyflair said:
"I'm not out of your league, OShade... I can fight as well..."
Marrisa held her other paw at her chest and activated more spells. Her cloak reformed, but it was a dark blue, and had intricate designs. She grins.
"That reminds me... you have a death wish, don't you?"

*OShade shakes his head.*
"Please no, Marissa... Last time I battled him, he was too strong for ME..."
*The wound stitches itself up back to full health.*
V-"And i have absorbed someone with all of your powers..."
*Veran teleported behind Shade and swung at him with a blade.*

*Just then Emerald leaps out at Marissa a dagger in each paw.*
E-"Master wants to fight alone."
"And strength means little in a true conflict!"
Marrisa mutters something and a large seal blocks the blade's slash, completely intact. The seal disappears and Marrisa lunges at Veran herself.
*OShade grabs Veran by the throat.*
"There is one thing you will never have, because he exists in only one of us, and cannot be cloned..."
*His eyes turn red.*
"Chaos... I RELEASE YOU!!!"
*A black cyclone appears around OShade.*
Marrisa grabbed Emerald by the throat, her gaze burning into Emerald's eyes.
"You dare not, you cursed slave."
She flung her into a tree.
"Multi-Laser Strike!"
And that tree was shattered as Emerald was sent flying from hundreds of frozen lasers.
*Veran starts to panic.*
"Chaos? But- Fine, you yourself are running the risk of hurting your friends..."

*Emerald had wounds in her but seemed to not noticed and swung her dagger across Marissa's face leaving a large gash across the right side.*
(BRB switching computer)
It's obvious that the only way to defeat a person that only has one purpose would be to keep them from doing it at all...
Marrisa pulled her bow across the air, sending the dagger out of Emerald's paw. she leaps and rams into Emerald, sending her into a lake. Marrisa snaps her paw, causing a symbol to appear on her arm, causing the lake to freeze and trapping Emerald bound to the surface of the lake.
Marrisa expertly turned around, her cloak flying in the air. She completely evaded the leap and back-flipped, her tail slamming into Bane's side gut as an uppercut.
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