Finished Eeveelution RPG

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*The 13 shards start to morph into figures."
???-"We're free?"
??2-"But how? We we're concealed in the bond."
??3-"They broke the bond! Chaos is no more!"
?11-"What now master?"
?13-"Silence. We shall use this to our advantage, we no longer need Chaos. It is our turn to rule now, without the destined one..."
??7-"Indeed, the vanguard is too weak now, we have nothing to fear."
??8-"We should split up and conquer the land."
?13-"I agree, but, hunt down Shade, and anyone or anything related to him. We will never be trapped again!"
*All the figures cheer then disappear into black vortexes.*
(Can he live without Chaos? I thought he'd be able to...)
B-"Shade no!"
*Emerald leaped out of the closet.*
E-"What did you do?"
Name: google
Age: 13
Eeveelution: Umbreon
Description: Relaxed, Often gets in trouble.
Appearance: Shiny, Has a hat that looks like a Mudkip.
=(... is this going to be locked? Am i going to get penalized if i post here? As long as i'm not fully banned, i can take it. It was my fault this thread died. I was like a good friend to it for many years the i just left. Not once, not twice, but three whole times expecting everything to be okay. But now I see it wasn't okay, and i expect no more happiness from my return. But please don't let this thread die. I am so sorry about what i did and i can't take it back. This actual game partially inspire me to be what i want to become, an author. It was so much fun, i don't even remember why i left. I know everyone's gone to pokestory, but we can't move this thread there. All you need is two people to role play, so Zigg, you still up to it?
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