Finished Eeveelution RPG

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I thought you left when you didn't reply to my PM Zigg.

Charidude already explained my thoughts near exactly.

PM me when you start. Otherwise I might forget. xD

Description: Mina is a quirky Umbreon who can't stop bouncing around. She does have amazing powers, though, even if she can't use them right all the time. Mina is also curious and relaxed sometimes. She used to live in a forest with her pal Toby, but she was kidnapped by evil villians. Toby saved her from them after a long time and they were attacked by mind-controlled legendaries. She evolved into an Umbreon to save Toby and ultimatly defeated Lugia and Ho-Oh.
Appearance: Mina has a long scar on her back from fighting Ho-Oh, since it tore into her with razor-sharp claws.She has a white star on her forehead, which glows red when she gets angry. Mina has a heart on her chest, displaying her love for Toby.
New characters....

I'll post my form later, just want to let you know I'm here. My life's been busier than ever though. Be warned. >.<
Exactly what Charidude said. I’m sorry I left, I’m not much of a Pokémon fan anymore, but this rp has to many good memories. I’m sorry I was inactive, I would have come back sooner if I had known this thread was dying. Hopefully we can keep rping now, even though the thread had been past 2 weeks without posting. I’m going to rejoin this rp with a new character, and I will try to be more active, though I cant make any promises I will be on every day. Ill try to be active though. :)

Name: Alki (All-key)
Age: 16
Eeveelution: Umbreon
Gender: Female
History: Her parents both hated her and ignored her; they loved her sister Sakkik more. At the age of 6 Alki had got fed up with it and ran away without her parents knowing. While exploring the world, she encountered a houndoom that had been enraged at her because she had accidentally hit him with a Shadowball while training. The houndoom slashed at her with its claw, hitting her hard on her right eye. Being only 7 years old, she knew she couldn’t fight the houndoom and ran away, but her right eye is now blind from the injury. She now approaches every Pokémon with caution and not trusting them.
Personality: Alki is very cautious, and doesn’t trust any other Pokémon. She is usualy snappy and grumpy, though at times she can be friendly and kind.
Appearance: A normal Umbreon, but has a scar across her right eye from a battle with a houndoom. Her right eye is now blind.
name: storm
eevelution: glaceon/jolteon
description: he was trapped inside an iceberg for 1,000,000 years then one day a blazing thunderstorm came and struck the iceberg. the electricity was surging throughthe ice burg melting it and hitting the poor eevee. the pain of 2,564 volts of electricity surging through your body unimaginable. then everything calmed down eevee was on an iceberg. cold with agonizing pain. and then all of a sudden he started evolving but this wasn't normal. normally eevee's evolve peacefully. but when he evolved there were thunderstorms, hurricanes, earth quakes, volcanos erupted, sinkholes activated tsunamis crashing at the shore. gas stations bursting to flames. it was a horrible sight. but then every thing stopped and the former eevee raised his chin proudly. he was a cross between a glaceon and a jolteon. jaceon
appearance: body with stripes of joleon and glaceon front feet of glaceon back feet of jolteon. tail of glaceon with a hint of jolteon at the end and head of glaceon and one ear of jolteon.
Name: Mira
Age: 18
Eeveelution: Espeon
Description: An enigmatic traveler who has traveled much of the lands. She mentions little about her, but she reveals that she is finding someone whose name she doesn't know and that she does not belong in this world.
Appearance: Her clothing and rapier is made of unknown material. She dresses very modestly, her clothing various shades of pink and purple. Only her rapier is not conceal among her hidden inventory. An interesting thing is that her cloth's back has two slits near the shoulder blades. She does not explain these blantant cuts.
Name: Ryam
Age: 16
Eeveelution: Umbreon
Description: Has lived a very boring life and what's to escape that life and live an exciting one on a quest. Has no re-collection of his past in anyway past the age of 5, except for one day when he was 1 years old. He doesn't know why he remembers but whenever it comes up he can feel soaring pain in his scar. He cannot figure out why he has the scar or why he does this. It had been manageable until just recently when the pain got stronger and the memory got more vivid. Now because of this he wants to be able to leave his home once and for all.
Appearance:Has a scar on his forehead in a weird shape with 2 curved lines forming some sort of ying-yang
Name: Ellis
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Eeveelution: Flareon
Description: For the entirety of his life, Ellis has been through some pretty stupid things. With his friends, he's done all sorts of crazy stunts and acts that nobody else would really consider doing. Due to this, he's somewhat looked down upon in society, but that only attracts attention to Ellis, which he LOVES. Despite this recklessness, Ellis can be kind and caring for others...but he always throws in a bad joke/pun into the conversation every so often. With Ellis around, nobody's gonna frown.
Appearance: Other than looking the same as a normal Flareon, Ellis dresses...strangely. Ellis wears a baseball cap tilted sideways. He wears a beat-up shirt that JUST fits him. His jeans are all ripped up, too. It appears that he doesn't really care what he wears...
(And here's mine. Let's start!)
Name: ???
Gender: Male
Age: Two Weeks
Eeveelution: Eevee
Personality: ???
History: ???
Appearance: A normal, baby Eevee
(Yes, I'm starting with a baby. Deal with it :p)
(I guess I'll just start it)
*Our story begins during the sunset of a particularly restless day. The wind is rustling in an agitated manner, the heat radiating from the red skies nearly unbearable. To anyone truly in tune with their surroundings, one thing is certain: Blood has been spilled this day.*
(Hi Zigg :))
*Alki walked slowly through the forest, sensing tention in the air. She keeps her ears perked, making sure there are no pokemon nearby.*
*Alki jumps back in surprise and disgust. She stares at the puddle of blood, then looks around quickly,trying to find the source of it.*
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