BW/BW2 English names for the starters

i really hope the new pokemon english names arent as bad as most of the ones ive seen on here....
the names arent just words with letters taken out. they have to end at the same letter. ie torchic is torCH and CHic and squirtle is squirT and Turtle
^exactly, its called a portmentaeu(or some long french word like that) this is why most of these names suck castform weather balls
this is why snivy is a horrible name and serplant is an awesome name
i get serplant. it doesnt sound to evolved or ovcerly obvious. i still want basilisk but as a 2nd evo name. so right now i want
piglit->pignite-> boaruption needs beta art
fine with cubble and cobrawn sounds too fgt and evolved to me. ofcourse these are with out knowing the future typings except wotter.

and i dont love emboar. makes sense since boar is more adult but enbers are weak sparks just like the move whereas boaruption has the more intimadating eruption.
^i dont like cubble, its not as bad as snivy or other fails on here, but i really dont care for it.
dojotter=ok/meh, it works
and boaruption isnt that bad, but i still like emboar better

its sad that wotter is the best name for mijumaru we have so far(aside from derp-derp, which is perfect, lol)
how come emboar instead of boaruption? dojotter makes perfect since and it is sad that wotter and derpderp make the most since. if the final evo of mijumaru is really cool ill name him derderp till he evolves. itll be just like my sisters sissy the ralts whos now sparta the gallade.
derp-derp was just a joke. dojottor is better than 90% of the names on here and would make a great name for wotter's first evo, and boaruption again, is better than most names on this thread, and i was just saying that i like emboar better, thats all
i know its a joke but its sad that it makes a lot more sense then most other names. just,wanted to know why you liked the name emboar more then boaruption.
^do i really need to have a reason? ur out of luck there, because i dont have one, lol
another ok name for pokabu is boarbeque
Pokabu: BaconBits
Tsutaja: Smugsnakeleafthing
Mijumaru: Sad Otter Clown.

....It would be cool if those were abilities though. O.O
^snaple=just as terrible a name as snivy,if you really want to know why, look at the previous page, and i dont get why people like the name piglit, thats as creative as me calling a rabbit pokerman "bunny"
I still think Mijumaru should be named Shotter. If that isn't what his actual English name will be, I will change it to that.
^shotter=another bad name for the same reason snivy is a terrible name, you just took the first two letters of one word that vaguely describes on characteristic of the starter and glued it in front of another word that vaguely describes one characteristic
thats not how pokerman names work people!mput some thought into it
the name shotter reminds me of a combination of buckshot and shatter, id bet nobody would hear that name and get a clue of what pokerman its naming
how 'bout..

Tsutaaja- Slitherthorn (slither and thorn)
Pokabu- Bember (boar and ember)
Mijumaru- Trotter (trot and otter)

idk..i can't think of any!
Tsutaaja: Snake.
Pokabu: Pig.
Mijumaru: Otter.

There you go. English names.
smugleaf is definately going to be tsutaaja's name, if it is not I will nickname him that! I think it is a clever name, Smug+Leaf, and describes tsutaaja is a nutshell! As for bacon breath and kelp-for-brains, pignite and wotter
Piglit is the best. It makes sense,(baby pig and small flame being lit) and is noy to long.
Slithorn sounds cool but maybe as a second evo.
-dojotter- i dont know
Tsutaaja: Scaleaf/Hisleaf
Pokabu: Piglit/Pignite/Boarupt
Mijumaru: Super Cute Otter That Will Rule The World Because It Is So Awesomely Cute And Is The Starter I will Pick :p
Mijumaru evo: Karotter/Judotter
Tsutaaja evo: Cunnake/Snakun (Look at it. It looks so cunning.)