BW/BW2 English names for the starters

Why do people think that Smugleaf has any chance of being Tsutarja's actual name? It's fan-given. I have no clue whether any other generations had something similar, but I really doubt that has any chance of being an actual name.
I doubt we'll get smugleaf either....

I get the feeling gamefreak don't see Tsutaja as smug.

Snaregleaf (Sna-reg-leaf)

A funny name I just thought up, it's a mixture of Snake, Regal and Leaf. It could also have something to do with snare (what grass pokemon could do with their vines...) It's a bit of a mouthful though...
these are the best in my opinion.
pokabu-1st evo: pignite 2nd evo: pignition 3rd evo: emboar
tsuuja- 1st evo: snivy 2nd evo: smugleaf 3rd evo: ???
mijimaru- 1st evo: cubble 2nd evo ottight 3rd evo:???
ok, thats it im tired of these horrible names!
im starting a petition for making the name snivy illegal to use
who agrees with me?!?!?!
and @pokemonfreak44, howbout instead of slitherthorn(which is really lame), you call it slithorn, and emboar is much better then bember(same two words, except emboar actually WORKS)
and @alvin and the minezumis(love the username) snivy is not a play on words, its the first two letters of a word that barely describes this pokerman slapped in front of another word that vaguely describes this pokerman
sign the petition to ban the use of the name snivy!!!!!
Snivy, smugleaf and ottight suck to say the least. Smugleaf and ottight are not a play on words so they can not happen. Snivy is really bad and i would love to ban the name. Where do i sign? I like
piglit(baby pig and lit), pignition(as if getting stronger and starting up, souds like it would be associated with nitro charge), then boaruption(eruptions are big and powerful like boars, not weak embers)
I am so sick of tyrannitard and his negativity in this thread, in case you didn't know this is where we share our opinions and in no way would i sign your petition. How about Dojotter - Judotter - Samurtide?
@tyrannitard: Slitherthorn doesn't fit to begin with.

BTW, what in the world is Cubble? Cub+bubble?!? Cute+Bubble... !?
Samurtide sounds perfect. Also i understand tyranitards gruffness. An idea will not happen just beacause you stick part of a word in front of another. It has to make sense, and a lot of these ideas do not. So along with what i said on piglit, heres what i want as well
not smugleaf or snivy-basilisk-(i do not have a clue) slithorn? cobrawn?
You like Samurtide? Aw shucks, i first thought of samuride but this one sounds better and if it's a fighting type it should have that name.
Yeah i do. It makes sense, and sounds like samurai without being so obvious imo. If i get one that will be his name for sure.
Here are some ideas I literally came up with whilst typing this:

Tsutaaja - Leazard (Leaf + Lizard)
Pokabu - Bakon (Bake + Bacon)
Mijumaru - Stotter (Storm + Otter)

I know that they are all ridiculous ideas, plus I literally thought of them all within a couple of minutes. I like some of the other ideas on here.
Also tyrannitard Snivy is quite a good name, especially since it combines Snake and Ivy, which is the basis for the Japanese name. Just because you don't like the name doesn't mean others don't. Stop complaining.

Anyway, Dripter.... I can't see it happening. Also Samuride is pure genius. Whoever invented that name is awesome.
Boaruption and Samuride are AMAZING names. Gamefreak has to make these the English names.
^ Boaruption sounds more like it could be Pokabu's final evo to me, because it sounds too powerful for a base form. It's a good name, but it's right up there with "Typhlosion" if you see what I mean.