BW/BW2 English names for the starters

I can see Emboar being one of the fire starters' names. Maybe not the first stage, but one of its evos.

What about Scorchog for one of Pokabu's evos?
oakbark said:
I can see Emboar being one of the fire starters' names. Maybe not the first stage, but one of its evos.

What about Scorchog for one of Pokabu's evos?

Those are great!, lol how about Boarbecue (get it kidding :p) <----Edit: Aww man someone beat me to it.
I kinda like Pokabu and hope they keep it
johncenarocks said:
HAHAHAHAHA i am literally laughing u are funny dude but boarbecue could be a real name (highly doubt it tho.)

Lol yeah, too bad someone beat me to the boarbecue thing XD
that would be funny, boarbeque, anyway, GET OVER IT PEOPLE TSUTAJA WILL BE CALLED SMUGLEAF, HAHAHAHAHA!!!!

smugleaf will rule the world one day, mwahahahahaha!!!!
toille12345 said:

Yeah, it sure will, in the game of anyone who decides to nickname it that >.>

Is anyone actually taking these name suggestions SERIOUSLY?! The only ones that sound reasonably legitimate are Emboar and Scorchog, but most likely they probably won't even be called that.

Then again, if I saw an female ice ghost and someone dubbed it Frosslass, I'd say, "No way, they'd never use a name THAT stupid" and boy would I be wrong -.-

Now that I think of it, there were some horrible names right from the start. GEODUDE? Ugh. I always hated that. Unfortunately I wasn't exposed to his Japanese name first, so GEODUDE became an in-ground neuropathway in my brain.

Anyways, I'm seriously confused as to the point of this thread now, is anyone besides Hellion actually trying to guess what the official English names will be, or just making up names they like and/or choosing existing names others made up that they like the best?

Because seriously, they would not name a water otter "CUBBLE". Where the heck did that come from?! Smugleaf and Wotter are just stupid internet nicknames that have 0 chance of being used as official names, but CUBBLE?! That dosen't even come CLOSE to being relevant. If anyone thinks its a fitting name because baby otters are "cubs" then think again. Baby otters are called pups or whelps.

Not only that but it sounds too much like Snubbull. Which makes sense as it's a bulldog, it's Japanese name is Bull, snub means a short flat nose, and bulldogs are apparently commonly reffered to as "snub nosed dogs". That's an example of a GOOD English name.

Same with Drowzee and Hypno for example. They managed to make the names more creative then the Japanese (Sleep and Sleeper) yet still sound good AND make sense.
tyking16 said:
That is pure GENIUS!

Although, I still can't believe it's not butter.

XD I see wut u did thar. But anyway, I think the starters will go like this:

Smugleaf=Solid Snake
Pokabu= Wampig (I love it but sounds like Grumpig)

I don't like two of them. My predictions though...

Pokabu= Wampig (I love it but sounds like Grumpig)

I don't like two of them. My predictions though...
Mijimaru-Baott -Kidrisea-Otkasuka

:D well that just took 3 hrs of my life XDlol
Pokemon rules!!!!!!!
RangerX said:
Mijimaru-Baott -Kidrisea-Otkasuka

:D well that just took 3 hrs of my life XDlol
Pokemon rules!

Honestly their is no wya, what-so-ever that the english name sof the starters will be any of those terrible names. They don't even make sense, and I am pretty sure Blastfernog is too long to be a name anyway! :p Seriously Koravile? What? Otkasuka? Ewwwww!
toille12345 said:
Honestly their is no wya, what-so-ever that the english name sof the starters will be any of those terrible names. They don't even make sense, and I am pretty sure Blastfernog is too long to be a name anyway! :p Seriously Koravile? What? Otkasuka? Ewwwww!

Lol well Happy Xmas to you to
I do know the suck i was jk around with names Like every name i seen on this forum sucks!!

Tbh Pokubo is a awesome name !!!
I'm getting the feeling that Hihidaruma is going to be named something like "Darumape". (Da-ru-mayp)

Mijumaru - Shelotter/Shelotte/Otteshel/Shellote/....not really sure. (I'm trying to put words together relating to Mijumaru and taking out a few letters (which they usually do) and mixing them around...

Although I don't know if they'd have another pokemon with shell at the start of their name...we already have Shellos and Shellder...
Dizzard said:
I'm getting the feeling that Hihidaruma is going to be named something like "Darumape". (Da-ru-mayp)

Its more likely to be Dharmape since Dharma is the english word for Daruma. Personally I think it should be called Baboodharma (Baboon and Dharma) but i think it exceeds the letter limit for the names. :(
i couldnt agree more with tyrannitard, snivy is awful!
its saddens me to see that people are still coming up with lame names, though. people are just throwing together two words that vague feature of a pokemon and dont fit together. the names have to work, they have to have a rhythym/flow. most pokemon names are portmentaeus or some other long french word like that.
and once again i agree with tyrannitard, the pokabu line should be called pignite, pigntion, and emboar.
Dizzard said:
I'm getting the feeling that Hihidaruma is going to be named something like "Darumape". (Da-ru-mayp)

Darumape gets the ST17 cookie of approval.
*Hands cookie*

Tarazuma said:
They are not "stupid and dumb", they are coherant. They may be "uncreative" as Hellion said, but at least they make sense. I prefer sense making "boring" names to cheesy sounding "creative" ones.

I am aware that vespa means wasp, however, in order to fit this they needed to remove one of the "e's" from queen, thus making it misspelled and idiotic looking. The same thing goes for Feraligator, which I refuse to spell without the "o" as the game does.

Megayanma makes more sense because mega is a prefix. It is the "mega" (large) evolution of Yanma. Yanmega makes no sense, because mega is never used as a suffix. It just look ridiculous and there was no need to change it from Megayanma.

Well, as Megayanma, it sounds ridiculous as an English name. Yanmega sounds fine, imo. At least it's a tad more creative. Besides, I'm pretty sure grammar doesn't apply to Pokemon names xD
Yeah, I hope the names don't get really kiddish and annoying (Geodude) this generation with the series reboot.