EspeonROX's Fake Spoiler Competition. Where is everyone!?

RE: Dudeman1993's Fake Spoiler Competition. Looking for 8 contestants!

Thanks for reading the rules.

Use {M} and {C} rather than just M and C. Thanks! You're added!
RE: Dudeman1993's Fake Spoiler Competition. Looking for 7 contestants!

Espeon PWN's

Name: Sweet Dawn
How Often You're On the Beach: Every day since I joined :)D)
Example Spoiler:

Moltres {R} Lv. 66 HP: 130

PokePower: Firegiver
Anytime during your turn (before you attack) you can take any amount of {R} energies from Moltres to your Benched Pokemon

{R}{R} Warm-Up 40
Afterburner does double damage next turn

{R}{R}{R} Afterburner 50

Weakness- {W}{L} + 30
Resistance- {F}{M} - 20
Retreat Cost- {C}{C}{C}
RE: Dudeman1993's Fake Spoiler Competition. Looking for 7 contestants!

Espeon PWNs

Name: Celebi23
How Often You're On the Beach: Every day to every other day
Example Spoiler:
Luxray - HP130 - {L}
[Poke-Power] Dark Avenge. Once during your turn (before your attack) if Luxray had any damage counters on it and you evolved Luxray from your hand this turn, you may shuffle one of your opponent's Pokemon and all cards attached to it into your opponent's deck. This power can't be used if your opponent has only one Pokemon in play or Luxray is affected by a special condition.
{L}{L}{C} Crush Volt - 60+ damage. This attack does 60 damage plus 10 more damage for each damage counter on your opponent's active Pokemon.
Weakness: {F}+30
Resistance: {M}-20
Retreat Cost: {C}{C}

And there you have it. If you think Luxray's attack is too strong, take a look at Feraligatr ex from Unseen Forces.
RE: Dudeman1993's Fake Spoiler Competition. Looking for 7 contestants!


Name: RG'94
How Often You're On the Beach: A lot; everyday.
Example Spoiler: below

Leafeon LV.44 HP90 {G}
STAGE 1 Evolves from Eevee

NO. 470 Verdant Pokemon HT:3' 03" WT: 56.2 lbs.

[Poke-BODY] Aromatherapy
Whenever you attach a basic {G} Energy to Leafeon from your hand you may remove 1 damage counter and 1 Special Condition from Leafeon.

[.] Sudden Growth
During your next turn, each of Leafeon's attack does 30 more damage to the Defending Pokemon (before applying Weakness and Resistance).

{G}{G}{C} Energy Threat 70-
Before doing damage, you may search you discard pile for a 2 basic Enegy cards and attach them to your Pokemon in any way you like. If you do, this attack does 70 - 40 damage to the Defending Pokemon.

weakness {R} +30
resistance {W} -20
retreat cost {C}
RE: Dudeman1993's Fake Spoiler Competition. Looking for 7 contestants!

Espeon PWNs

Name: PW
How Often You're On the Beach: VERY often.
Example Spoiler:
Venusaur-Lv.51-140HP {G}

[Poke-Body]Sunny Day
If you have any {R} Pokemon in play, Venusaur's Solar Beam attack only requires {G}{G} energy to use.

{G}{G}{G}{G} Solar Beam 120
Venusaur cannot use Solar Beam during your next turn.

RE: Dudeman1993's Fake Spoiler Competition. Looking for 7 contestants!

Espeon PWN's

Name: Ryuu7
How Often You're On the Beach: Every day 3-5 times
Example Spoiler:

Typhlosion Lv.64 HP: 120

[Poke-Body] Flame of Protection
Any damage done to Typhlosion is reduced by 10 for each Typhlosion in play.

{R}{R}Flame Wheel 30
Choose 1 of your opponent's pokemon,this attack does 30 damage to that pokemon.

{R}{R}{C}{C} Overheat 120
Typhlosion can't use Overheat during your next turn
Weakness- {W}x2
Resistance- {M}-20
Retreat Cost- {C}{C}{C}
RE: Dudeman1993's Fake Spoiler Competition. Looking for 7 contestants!

Wow! Finally some contestants!!

The following have been added:

-Sweet Dawn
-Psychic Whisperer

People! Use [Poke-Power] and [Poke-Body]! Just a shout out, make sure you use the level too, or points will be deducted.

RDR, sorry, all judging spots have been taken. :(
RE: Dudeman1993's Fake Spoiler Competition. Looking for 2 more contestants! Hurry up and enter!

Dudeman1993, is it ok how I did it?
RE: Dudeman1993's Fake Spoiler Competition. Looking for 2 more contestants! Hurry up and enter!!

Espeon PWN's

Name: Mu' Kah (gmmuka username)
How often on beach: Daily, give or take.
Example Spoiler:

Charizard Lv 72 Hp 130 {R}
Evolves from Charmeleon

[Poke-Body] Proud King
While Charizard is your active pokemon and your opponent's defending pokemon has an hp of 100 or more, increase Charizard's hp by the ammount that pokemon's hp exceeds 100 (an oposing pokemon with 120 hp would give Charizard an hp total of 150). If either the defending pokemon or Charizard are no longer the active pokemon, and Charizard would be knocked out, remove damage counters from Charizard until it has 10 hp remaining.

{R} Effortless Fire
This attack does 30 damage to one of your opponent's pokemon, and put a "Burned Counter" on that pokemon. If that pokemon is or becomes active, remove the counter, and that pokemon is now burned.

{R}{R}{R}{C} Royal Inferno 50x
Discard all {R} energy attached to Charizard to use this attack. This attack does 50 damage for each energy discarded. If this attack knocks out the defending pokemon, all excess damage is delt to the newly active pokemon, and continue's to do so until their is no longer any remaining damage to distribute.

Weakness: {W} +40
Resistance: {F} -20
Retreat: {C}{C}{C}

RE: Dudeman1993's Fake Spoiler Competition. Looking for 2 more contestants! Hurry up and enter!

Espeon PWNs

Name: MultiLuxury
How Often You're On the Beach: Everyday
Example Spoiler:

Jumpluff Lv 68 100HP [G]
Evolve from Skiploom

[Poke-Body] Rise Up
Whenever an attack would damage Jumpluff, flips a coin. If head, prevent any damage done to Jumpluff (excluding any effect of attach).

[G] Condition Spread
Flip 2 coins. For each heads, choose a Special Condition, the Defending Pokemon is effected by the Special Condition.

[G][C][C] Conditon Counter
This attack does 20 time the number of Special Condition effected by both Active Pokemon (yours and your opponent's).

W - [R] +30
R - [F] -20
RC - [-]
RE: Dudeman1993's Fake Spoiler Competition. Looking for 2 more contestants! Hurry up and enter!

gmmuka read the rules...
multiray, you're in, but I have to go so I don't have time to update.
RG, it's amazing, I'm going to put the spoiler in the Uber Spoilers section!
RE: Dudeman1993's Fake Spoiler Competition. Looking for 2 more contestants! Hurry up and enter!!

Espeon PWNs

May I join?

Name: Gengar Master
How Often You're On the Beach: About a half an hour a day
Example Spoiler:

Manaphy Lv.X HP-110 {W}

[PokePower] Aqua Fountain
Once during your turn before you attack, when you play Manaphy Lv.X to level up 1 of your Pokemon, you may attach all {W} energy cards in your hand to your {W} pokemon in any way you like.

{W} Tsunami 60
Before doing damage, You may choose 1 of your opponents benched Pokemon and switch it with the defending Pokemon. If you don't have at least six energy cards in play, this attack does nothing.

Weakness: {L} x2 Resistance: Retreat Cost: {C}
RE: Dudeman1993's Fake Spoiler Competition. Looking for 2 more contestants! Hurry up and enter!

I'm actually trying to find where I violated the rules. Please present me any, if so, that I have.

That Espeon PWNS thing? I have read the rules, just missed that tiny clause. On top of that, I have no kind feelings for that pokemon what so ever.
RE: Dudeman1993's Fake Spoiler Competition. Looking for 2 more contestants! Hurry up and enter!

You must of not read the rules if you didn't post correctly. That was the whole point.
RE: Dudeman1993's Fake Spoiler Competition. Looking for 2 more contestants! Hurry up and enter!

There you go gmmuka!! Added!

Gengar Master: Nice! You're added!! I think that's all we need! (Make sure there's the Lightning symbol in the Weakness)


-We have 11 contestants. That's fine.
-Our first round will begin...after I contact the judges.
-The round will start tomorrow, I will try to post the topic ON THE FIRST PAGE OF THIS THREAD around 5 o' clock or 6 o' clock PM EST.
-The spoilers, when I'm contacted by the judges, will be due: 11/15/2008, Friday. That means that they must be posted by 6:00 EST on Friday in this thread! Points will be deducted for lateness!
RE: Dudeman1993's Fake Spoiler Competition. Round 1 starts 11/11/2008!

How are we supposed to post on the front page of this thread? All of the space was already used up. That's why we moved to pages 2 and 3.
RE: Dudeman1993's Fake Spoiler Competition. Round 1 starts 11/11/2008!

I you read correctly HE is going to post on the front page of the thread.
RE: Dudeman1993's Fake Spoiler Competition. Round 1 starts 11/11/2008!

Oh. Didn't see that. My mistake.
RE: Dudeman1993's Fake Spoiler Competition. Round 1 starts 11/11/2008!

Yah. I'm waiting on Peta's PM or post in the thread, so just waiting on that...HOWEVER:

I will post the topic now with the list of Pokemon you may choose from!!

Let the judging, (and spoiling) BEGIN!