Favorite Console

The Yoshi said:
No love for the Game Boy Color? Seriously, Kirby Tilt N' Tumble was one of the most creative games I've ever played.

I feel you man, although I tend to like GB Advance/SP better due to the sheer amount of amazing games I purchased for it.
Wii is amazing. It can play all the GameCube games plus some other great titles, like Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Mario Kart, Mario Galaxy, ect.
bacon said:
Nintendo 64


aaaa so many good games aaaa

Yeah, I have to agree with this one. SNES is a close second, but I gotta go with the big boy.

dmaster out.
DSi, Xbox (regular 360 lags too much)

Bacon said:
Nintendo 64


aaaa so many good games aaaa

^ x 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

Still play mine :)
It's gotta be either the PS2 or N64 for me. In the case of the N64, countless hours of gameplay with friends. So many all-nighters and laughs. In the case of the PS2, so many awesome games that I played for hundreds of hours: Shadow of the Colossus, Vice City, the .hack games, Guilty Gear, the Drakengard games... So awesome.
My favorites are Xbox 360 (for their exclusive games), PC (one word - mods (I have not tried any good games on mine,though)), the Gameboy Color (I swear, Batman Forever - Return of the Joker was my early childhood and one of my first video games), and PS1 (favorites were Tomba, Hogs of War, Darkstalkers 3, Tekken 2, and Toy Story 2.)
Xbox 360.
I only like it because of the multiplayer experience and because all of my friends have an Xbox. The PS3 has better graphics and Blu-Ray, but the Xbox controllers are way better. Games are good on both.

My favorite would be the PC by far, but I have a really old PC with an Intel Core 2 Quad, which definitely isn't the best by today's standards. My GPU sucks, too.
I'm going with good ole' Sony. While all systems are good, PS2 is, by far, the greatest CD-using console there is. It wasn't phased out until about 3 years ago. I have a PS3 and a PS2 now, and I can never be anymore satisfied.
Until Sony's largest disappointment comes out, that is. Stupid PS4 'no pre-owned games allowed' is stupid.
PC, if it can be counted as it's not made specifically for games. I would say DS or Gameboy Advance SP but they don't have many great games.
I would honestly enjoy any system as long as it could use an xbox 360 controller. I've owned pretty much all since Nintendo and I'd have to say super Nintendo or Sega Genesis would be my favorite based on the times I've had when I owned those systems. But currently my winner is xbox 360. I wouldn't give that thing up for anything else.
You do know they make PS3 controllers in the same layout as the 360 controller, right?
Although it's a f****ng crime, imo
You can also get adapters that can plug into different systems and you can use a wired 360 controller for emulators.
X-box 360 because Wii U is outcalssed and PS3 has too many hackers and the controlers suck for me,I like fighting games and X-Box's controlers are great for it,and X-box 360 has better games for me(I hate first-person sooters they suck)I enjoy Hack N' slash games,And Devil May Cry dose not freeze up on 360(going for DmC as well)I love the DLC games as well...way better then PS3 and wii(U) DLC games,X-BOX ROCKS
D Dog master of war said:
X-box 360 because Wii U is outcalssed and PS3 has too many hackers and the controlers suck for me,I like fighting games and X-Box's controlers are great for it,and X-box 360 has better games for me(I hate first-person sooters they suck)I enjoy Hack N' slash games,And Devil May Cry dose not freeze up on 360(going for DmC as well)I love the DLC games as well...way better then PS3 and wii(U) DLC games,X-BOX ROCKS

You say you hate fps, meanwhile you praise X-Box. Why? It has more than PS3.

And as if it really matters now. A lot of 360 fans are going to become PS4 fans becauseof a few inferior features on the 720.
Nintendo 64 hands down. I had a lot of fun with my siblings/cousins/friends....I miss the old days. :/