Fifa World Cup - South Africa 2010 - Spain Are The Champions!

RE: Fifa World Cup - South Africa 2010 - England cheated out! Germany advance!

We all know refs make poor calls, so let's get over it. Like Juilacoolo said, Germany won convincingly, whether or not the goal should've counted.
RE: Fifa World Cup - South Africa 2010 - England cheated out! Germany advance!

Yeah. That call was pretty bad, and having been in England when this was unfolding, was a nightmare. I'm pretty mad about the U.S. v. Ghana match, but Ghana just played better. I really hope Messi can show up in the finals.
RE: Fifa World Cup - South Africa 2010 - England cheated out! Germany advance!

Now that the Dutch are through. I'm a little bit worry if we play Brazil in the quarter final because the back four is kinda shaky at times. >.<
RE: Fifa World Cup - South Africa 2010 - England cheated out! Germany advance!

Brazil can easily win this whole thing. Their only potholes can be the Dutch, Argentina, Portugal and Spain.
RE: Fifa World Cup - South Africa 2010 - England cheated out! Germany advance!

God let Brazil lose tonight. If they win, then we, the Dutch, are lost!
RE: Fifa World Cup - South Africa 2010 - England cheated out! Germany advance!

looks like were all hoping chile wins. i was allowed to leave school early to watch the game :D 28 minutes till the game starts
RE: Fifa World Cup - South Africa 2010 - England cheated out! Germany advance!

Sweet Dawn Berlitz said:
Brazil can easily win this whole thing. Their only potholes can be the Dutch, Argentina, Portugal and Spain.
Because Germany is not a really good team, no.
RE: Fifa World Cup - South Africa 2010 - England cheated out! Germany advance!

Well, Germany and Argentina, one of them will have to lose. If Germany can't contain Messi, it's over for them.
RE: Fifa World Cup - South Africa 2010 - England cheated out! Germany advance!

well chile is pretty much elimanated its 3-0 brazil
RE: Fifa World Cup - South Africa 2010 - England cheated out! Germany advance!

Feel sad for the Japanese. :( Anyway, looking forward to the Spain vs Portugal match.
RE: Fifa World Cup - South Africa 2010 - England cheated out! Germany advance!




RE: Fifa World Cup - South Africa 2010 - England cheated out! Germany advance!

The Netherlands...they're next up for Brazil.
RE: Fifa World Cup - South Africa 2010 - England cheated out! Germany advance!

esperante hates me.. lol
RE: Fifa World Cup - South Africa 2010 - England cheated out! Germany advance!

Aw man Japan lost. Looks like I'll have to cheer for the Ghana team cause not only are they from Ghana but because they are going to Ghana-r and when they do, everyone will be singing a Ghana.

As cheesy as that was...I totally had to do it. We got some Pashto, English, Spanish, and Hindi in there! :p

Ahh minus big officiating errors I've been enjoying this World cup.
RE: Fifa World Cup - South Africa 2010 - England cheated out! Germany advance!

Bring back Beckenbauer!
RE: Fifa World Cup - South Africa 2010 - England cheated out! Germany advance!

Well I'm cheering for England and Brazil, because England is where my grandparents were born and Brazil means kaka which is my favourite player.
Too bad England lost, I think the blown call made them mad and then they took more fouls, played more sloppy. Germany outplayed them. Rooney did absolutely nothing in the tournament.
RE: Fifa World Cup - South Africa 2010 - England cheated out! Germany advance!

Hah! Portugal is finally out! Spain should advance to the Semi Finals without too many problems judging by how Paraguay fare in the last two matches.
RE: Fifa World Cup - South Africa 2010 - England cheated out! Germany advance!

I think the team with the best track to the WC is Brazil. The only really tough task they have is this matchup against Holland. They can take both Ghana and Uruguay, whomever advances.
RE: Fifa World Cup - South Africa 2010 - England cheated out! Germany advance!

I kinda want Ghana to move ahead, because the host's continent has only Ghana to cheer for. Why not?
I just visited the Netherlands, and it'd be cool to see 'em win.
RE: Fifa World Cup - South Africa 2010 - England cheated out! Germany advance!


What a sucky way for Japan to go. Now I have no home away from home to cheer for.... I don't ccare anymore really XD. I just hope it's not Brazil AGAIN.