kashmaster said:I bet half of the people who say they can fight on this thread don't know how to looool. Anyhow, those who don't condone fighting have never fought before...(or got a broken nose)
I don't get why people fight anyways. Violence is stupid. Like Krucifier said, fighting for reputation is just... not right. There are other ways you can get reputation. For example, I'm one of the weakest people in school. But I'm still known throughout almost the entire school. Why? Because I'm smart. In my opinion, good intellegence is better than good physical strength.
I've also noticed that most people that fight at my school are in non-gifted, non-advanced classes. What does that say about how caring more about physical strength affects your intellegence?
The only reason you should be fighting is if you are doing it in self-defense. And even then, you shouldn't be fighting, simply defending yourself.
I think I've made my point here.