BW/BW2 Final Evolution of Starters.

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RE: Final Evoultion of starters

I'm making a prediction that Mijumaru will have the best final evolution. Look at piplup. Piplup was considered the girlist starter in d/p. It turned into massive water/steel empoleon at the end. The fire type starter reminds me much like chimchar in many ways which makes me beileve it will be a lot like infernape at the final stage. The grass starter reminds me of treeko. Which will probably lead to a final evolution like sceptile. The picture posted is probably really close to how he will look.
RE: Final Evoultion of starters

Here is what I personally think.

Tsutaaja: Bigger snake with some added features. Happened with Ekans to Arbok, I think it'll happen again.

Pokabu: A boar with a red-yellow-orange-black pattern. The tusks are pretty big. The end of it is very round and spherical, and is almost all black. The end of Pokabu's tail is a little ball, but the end of the tail of the final evolution will be some flames, giving you the impression that it's behind is a bomb.

Mijumaru: I'm picturing some sort of otter samurai with its shell as its chestplate. It also wields a sword, since Mijumaru can learn an attack called Shell Blade.
RE: Final Evoultion of starters

whodeynotday said:
I'm making a prediction that Mijumaru will have the best final evolution. Look at piplup. Piplup was considered the girlist starter in d/p. It turned into massive water/steel empoleon at the end. The fire type starter reminds me much like chimchar in many ways which makes me beileve it will be a lot like infernape at the final stage. The grass starter reminds me of treeko. Which will probably lead to a final evolution like sceptile. The picture posted is probably really close to how he will look.

im scared to post on this revived thread. *waits for dmaster*
empoleon had the worste starter design of all time imo. and i hope to god that pokabu isnt like chimchar(first of all pokabu is a PIG, not a CHIMP) im gonna sue gf if they make another fire/fighting starter.
i think tsutaaja wil either be a grass version of charizard, or a grass/posion or grass/dark cobra.
i think mijumaru will be a samurai with shell-like blades on his arms. and i think that pokabu will either look kinda like a bomb, or a boar with huge tusks and a mace on the tip of his tail
*waits patiently for a dmaster out to come soon*
RE: Final Evoultion of starters

I'll leave this open for more discussion (since clearly people want to discuss more) at least until the final evos are confirmed or whatever. Because then the thread will be pointless.

dmaster out.
RE: Final Evoultion of starters

im thinking wotter will become a ninja otter (beta art) then a samurai as it seems more like a justice fighter (thats why fightning beats drk).
smugleaf wont be part dragon but maybe psychic because of its high sp atk
pglit/bbq could be part grd or drk. maybe steel but id need another evo to see if thats plausible.
RE: Final Evoultion of starters

ManhattanTheStarr said:
I just hope Tsutaaja's final evolution looks something like this:


it's like a grass type garchomp. :/

Pokemon Trainer Rob said:
Pokekoks on Deviant Art made these:

if the starter's final evo is like this, i would have a hard time picking which. i just dont like the moustache on the grass dragon. i like mijumaru's final evo the most cos it look like a wolf and it has the 'wings' of zekrom.
RE: Final Evoultion of starters

those are all gross to me. wotter wont just get bigger itll be a samurai with shell armor. pokabu should look like a boar with a flaming mohawk. the tail would catch fire and the ears arent dominant aspects of pokabu.
wish i could show you all my pics.
RE: Final Evoultion of starters

same here. i have hated wotter but now i love it just as much as the other starters. i forgot to rant about smugleaf. cobra part is a good ideas but done wrong. should keep its arms and legs and have a more prominent tail.
RE: Final Evoultion of starters

I would love it if Tsutaaja's final evo is part Dragon.
RE: Final Evoultion of starters

Tsutaja's looks similar to this but has some differences,like that it's more large not skinny,it has wings like this pic but they start from the chest,the head and face are different and the tail is some kind a flamy bush.I couldn't copy the images url because in the site I found it the right click is disabled but I will try to get that pic.
RE: Final Evoultion of starters

I don't think that they are going to be looking like that. They don't really seem like Pokemon. They seem like monsters that are going to kill you.
RE: Final Evoultion of starters

Yeah.I don't know if that pic that I saw is true or fake but that evo was creepy.This fake one is better.
Off topic:Since your online here;Are we going to post rumors in the forum or not ?
RE: Final Evoultion of starters

On topic: Yeah the Pokeabu evo has a bomb as a tail. o_O
Hate to go off topic: There are a lot of rumors going around, so probably not.
RE: Final Evoultion of starters

And guys, no one knows what the final evolutions look like, so don't think that any of the pictures here are real. Because thats what it looks like for some of you.
RE: Final Evoultion of starters

Red Monkeys In A Forest said:
I think they should look like this:

That would be great! (Not my art BTW)

YES, YES, YES. All the other pictures I've seen on this thread SUCK.

This however, would make Black and White COMPLETE!

-loves this-
RE: Final Evoultion of starters

RocketNorth said:
YES, YES, YES. All the other pictures I've seen on this thread SUCK.

This however, would make Black and White COMPLETE!

-loves this-

But the starters evolutions aren't going to be looking like that. They don't seem like Pokemon. But I do agree that they look great.
RE: Final Evoultion of starters

Ice Arceus said:
But the starters evolutions aren't going to be looking like that. They don't seem like Pokemon. But I do agree that they look great.

The second evolutions look possible, and Pignition's final stage looks good to me :].
RE: Final Evoultion of starters

Red Monkeys In A Forest said:
I think they should look like this:

That would be great! (Not my art BTW)

Wow i love this I love Tsutaja Final Evoultion!!!!!!
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