Final Fantasy IV

Yes, I know. Get the Advance version if you like to choose your final party. :/ Auto-Potion is just a throw-away. Use Edward's Life Anthem. Mucho better. :D

dmaster out.
Ok Mr.Spammy. First of all, the FF IV Advance version is almost as good as this version. If you'd already played it, then you probably wouldn't enjoy this version. I think it's just one notch below this version. Tsunami on the other hand is located in 3rd Basement of Old Waterway after beating Cagnazzo. I, personally, just got Edward. :D

dmaster out.
d master342 said:
Ok Mr.Spammy. First of all, the FF IV Advance version is almost as good as this version. If you'd already played it, then you probably wouldn't enjoy this version. I think it's just one notch below this version. Tsunami on the other hand is located in 3rd Basement of Old Waterway after beating Cagnazzo. I, personally, just got Edward. :D

dmaster out.

i know that >.>, but where inside b3?
How should I know? I'm not there yet. :O I'll try finding where.

North wall, Sparklie in Water k?

dmaster out.
I'm trying to get the Eidolon Bahamut but the stupid Behemoths are to annoying. >:|
Where is that at?

EDIT: N/M Found him. Strategy for Behemoths:

Use physical attacks. Before that, have Rosa cast Blink on Cecil and Edge. Have Rosa/Fusoya Hasted. That way, they can Blink and Heal. Have Cecil/Edge attack, or have Cecil Defend if not Blinked. Try to Bless with Fusoya. Have Rydia cast Titan. Piece o' cake.

dmaster out.
I don't exactly have FuSoYa right now. I'm say past the point where you get him.
I've actually gotten Edge's special Blade Mursame right now. I plan to go in and attempt to find the other weapons after I got Edge to level 60.
He's only like 55 compare to my other people who are all like level 65 or so.
You don't have Fusoya? ://////////// Anyway, nice job on over-training Edge. :////

dmaster out.
i found tsunami... so many guides were telling me the most stupidest things ever. "go to the southwest and push west. you will see a glimmering spot. run over it to pick it up"...
d master342 said:
You don't have Fusoya? ://////////// Anyway, nice job on over-training Edge. :////

dmaster out.

But I didn't go and get Bahamut with I diecided to go get everything else over with.
Plus the Behemoths were beinng annoying at the time. I wanted to get Kain and fight them with someone who was non-fail.
Ah, ok. Well, good luck then. :eek:

Sorry Mr.Spammy. You could've just looked on the map for a Sparklie as well.

dmaster out.
No, that's quite all right. I can't give up the Gyara. Anyway, I'm in the battle at Fabul Castle. :D

dmaster out.
im training for the underworld (calcobrina/golbez).im getting closer to where my old account died, then i can get a better banner (d master, can i have that old FFIV banner of yours and use it if you dont mind?)