nabby101 said:
x4 Pokeblower ($.50 each)
x1 Dusknoir SF ($2 each)
x2 Scizor SF ($3 each)
x1 Unown G ($7 each)
= $15
For Your:
x1 Mismaigus GL ($4 each)
x3 underground expedition ($.75 each)
x2 Jirachi RR ($2 each)
X2 Looker's ($1 each)
= $14.25
I don't know what prices you're going by, but those are terribly wrong. and your math doesn't even add up.
I only have one looker's now, so here's what I can do.
x1 Mismaigus GL ($1.50)
x3 Underground expo (.50 each) makes $1.50
x2 Jirachi RR ($2 each) makes $4
x2 Jolteon RR (if you don't want these anymore let me know.) ($1 each)
x1 Looker's ($3 each)
Total: $12
x1 Roseanne's Research ($5)
x1 Dusknoir SF ($1)
x1 Scizor SF ($2)
x4 pokeblower (.50 each) makes $2
x2 Quick Ball ($.50 each) makes $1
Total: $11
if you no longer need the Jolteon RR's than take off the x2 quick ball,
also if you're skeptical on any of those prices those are all taken straight off of or for some overpriced things (like roseanne's there), they're buy it now prices straight off of ebay.