rappermi said:
I am interested in some of your arcanine RR
cml if you see anything that you would like to trade for
sure, I'd love to! but I kind of need to be able to find your list!
Alex13 said:
Hi guy
I want this:
x1 Snorlax Lev X,
CML and all card of pokemon are in Spanish,
I'm sorry alex, I just finalized a deal for the snorlax LV X =(
also, I really don't need any spanish cards. I'm sorry.
Politoed666 said:
I think we got off on the wrong foot. Let's trade.
I have:
1x Floatzel GL Lv.X
Xx Bebe's Search
1x Claydol GE
3x Baltoy GE
2x Roseanne's Research
4x Porygon GE
2x Porygon2 GE
4x Weavile SW
2x Ninetails MT (1x RH)
4x Gengar SF
I need:
6x Call Energy
5x RH Claydol GE
5x RH Baltoy GE
2x RH Uxie LA
I can do the regulars+extras for the Baltoys and the Claydol. LMK.
let's see, could you do
6x Call Energy
1x RH Claydol GE
3x RH baltoy GE
1x Claydol GE
3x Baltoy GE
2x weavile SW
2x roseanne's research
1x Floatzel GL LV X