Future Metagame Speculation Thread

RE: The Official Black and White-On Metagame Speculation Thread

Sinnoh_Champion_Ernesto said:
My tier list:
Tier 1:
Tier 1.5:
Empoleon variants
Tier 2:

How can Rayeels be Tier 1.5 when G/A is tier 1?
RE: The Official Black and White-On Metagame Speculation Thread

My point is that a deck can't be as high as Tier 1.5 when it nearly autolosses to a Tier 1 deck.
RE: The Official Black and White-On Metagame Speculation Thread

Oh, I see. I agree that RayEels should be tier 2, but my reasoning is more about how hard it is to get the necessary energy each turn for Rayquaza.
RE: The Official Black and White-On Metagame Speculation Thread

With all this N vs. Juniper talk, I love how Bianca and Cheren hasn't even been brought up. Seriously, in the example hand that James gave, Bianca and Cheren are just as good as N. I'd take the N any day over the two, but the other two can still give you 3-4 new cards.

I have a feeling Rayeel will be terrible. Idk, just a feeling. Ideally, you have all of your stuff set up and are hitting for like 180, then you retreat after Dynamotor and swing again, but it seems impossible to get all of that set up, and then have to deal with Catcher and a Night Spear, which literally ruins the entire combo until you Super Rod.
RE: The Official Black and White-On Metagame Speculation Thread

I use Cheren in almost everything after the rotation, we were kind of debating about hand refreshers, but I'm glad you brought it up.

I definitely meant 5 different Empoleon Varients -_-' You have to be insane to think I was implying there were that many.

I have mixed feelings about Rayeels. I feel like if it is played as a speed version with with the regular Rayquaza it might do well. I just don't know right now, I haven't done much research on the deck.

I have updated my list of viable decks:
Empoleon Varients
Darkrai Varients
Zekeels Varients
Terrakion/Mewtwo/Tornadus Varients
RE: The Official Black and White-On Metagame Speculation Thread

Durant isn't viable. It loses too much in the rotation.
RE: The Official Black and White-On Metagame Speculation Thread

Martini said:
How in living heck is a deck that was only good in the early days of Pokemon TCG going to comeback?? Unless you're talking about Mewtwo Terrakions.

Also, Quad Entie BW-ON is much Much stronger, gaining Mew EX as a tech against Empoleon, it becomes even better. Not only that, most poeple will tech in a Leavanny NV, and Max Potion, making Empoleon have issue's with it.

As for my list from what I've tested goes:

Tier 1: (BDIF at the top and so forth)

Tier 1.5:
Rayquaza EX + Eels
Quad Terrakion
Quad Entei
Entei with Volcarona

Tier 2:
Empoleon/Terrakion/Mew EX
Accelgor/Gothitelle/Mew EX
Klinklang (Because of Enhanced Hammer)

Teir Suckish:
Durant/Aggron (You have no search power :/)

The reasons for Empoleon being Tier 2 is because it can't keep up with the speed of most decks. Having to set up at LEAST 4 stage 2's, + Techs, you have a major issue when battling against faster decks.
In what situation would you ever need four stage 2's out at the same time with Empoleon? Also, the words "stage 2 tech" aren't usually used in the same sentence as the words "in an all-basic deck", lol.
Martini said:
You do that... But you bring the most invalid points I HAVE EVER SEEN!!!!

Number 1... Mewtwo, needs more than 2 energies to sucsessfully do some actual damage assuming that the defending Pokemon doesn't have energy. And Haystack was used way different than Tornadus, Mewtwo, Mew, and so forth. It had more synergy than that.
Where did he say anything about Mewtwo?
Also, you go ahead and tell that to my pretty sexy Zekrom that Empoleon is fast. And I do, I currently play Empoleon Terrakion as a side deck, and it has some bad starts. And you assume to much when you say it can swing 80 T2. As soon as people see Empoleon hit the table, they conserver their bench spaces, waiting for a weakness to appear. Diving Draw is helpful, I won't argue with that, but you rare EVER use it. Normally, you get a good hand, and you can't discard cards.
I use Diving Draw pretty much every turn with that deck... If you're losing games because you discard important cards or can't afford to discard anything, that's more of an issue with playing skill than with Empoleon itself. That's like saying Junk Arm is rarely useful because you have to discard cards.
N More than Juniper!!!!!! LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOl ROLFMA what list are you using?? That's the most ridiculus thing I've heard since someone came up with a deck at my league called Straight Tornadus, but only had 1 Tornadus. Even then, you say Empoleon can set up fast, then I see no issue setting up a Leavanny.
Leavanny takes up a heck of a lot of space in any deck, and even more in an all-basic deck. It's a huge deck to beat one only semi-popular deck that's definitely not going to be in any winning lists. You have to cut too much important consistency.
Wanna know why I don't wanna use it at my battle roads??? Cuz I don't have the cards, nor the time to waste testing a deck I truly don't wanna run. Just because a few BR's get won by a deck doesn't mean it sucks. If I remember correctly, google Cawthorn hadn't had his Truth deck in a BR, and look at where it got.
google actually didn't play in Autumn Battle Roads this season because he already had the worlds invite. And he used Eelektrik for Spring Battle Roads.
Martini said:
I'd still rather have Juniper... Speed over giving my opponet a good hand. Honestly, if you can get me 5 different Empoleon Variants, that do good, I'll give you $1.

Even then, Entei may not be a good deck next format, but it will exist.
Straight Empoleon, Empoleon/Terrakion, Empoleon/Accelgor, Empoleon/Mew-EX, Empoleon/combination of the previously listed cards. Dollar please.
RE: The Official Black and White-On Metagame Speculation Thread

I wanted to give him a list too, but I didn't want to make the kid lose a dollar.
Two other correct answers were:

Wanna go splitsies on the dollar Celebi23?
RE: The Official Black and White-On Metagame Speculation Thread

Darn, I thought the Roserade version was more of a secret. Looks like I won't be surprising everybody at Battle Roads. :/

I should get 5/7ths of the dollar.
RE: The Official Black and White-On Metagame Speculation Thread

It sounds really consistent. Empoleon/Ninetales also sounds really good since normally Empoleon struggles against Accelgor/Gothitelle, since 140 is s magic number for Accelgor, meaning it gets KO'ed going into the Accelgor player's turn.Ninetales lets you KO Accelgors/Mew EX's on the bench.
RE: The Official Black and White-On Metagame Speculation Thread

Celebi23 said:
Straight Empoleon, Empoleon/Terrakion, Empoleon/Accelgor, Empoleon/Mew-EX, Empoleon/combination of the previously listed cards. Dollar please.

There's also Empoleon Donphan.
RE: The Official Black and White-On Metagame Speculation Thread


Remember that this is "The Official Black and White-On Metagame Speculation Thread"
RE: The Official Black and White-On Metagame Speculation Thread

Oh, my bad. I was reading you long post and totally forgot the purpose of the thread :p
RE: The Official Black and White-On Metagame Speculation Thread

Empoleon w/Mew EX is also good against Gothitelle, because it ohko's Gothitelle.

You should try a 1-1 or a 2-2 Ninetales tech in Emporose, it gives you an extra catcher that is searchable.

Two more Empoleon varients:
RE: The Official Black and White-On Metagame Speculation Thread

Never seen so much love for my ol' penguin friend before, thanks for making me happy XD
Man I am ashamed I never really thought about using Empoleon with Roserade or Amoongus or Ninetales... but I tried Empoleon/Aerodactyl (with Terrakion tech) and can confirm ít isn't bad at all, you are normally doing a bunch of damage, my best output was 150.

Something else: Is there already the right partner for Drifblim BW5 or should we wait. I though about using him with Pinsir NDX or Kyurem EX but these two are much to unplayable if your opponent knows what Drifblim does. How about Drifblim/Durant? Durant could be searched out pretty fast with Level Balls and Ultra Balls, and though it isn't as strong on it's own anymore, it could still be disrupting enough to prepare the right damage output for Drifblim... Just a crazy little Idea of mine ^^
Man this would be the most luckreliant deck I've ever seen...
RE: The Official Black and White-On Metagame Speculation Thread

Drifblim can actually be used in a Hammertime Varient, a Quad deck, or really any deck that usesEnganced Hammer, but fair warning, it is incredibly risky, if you come acrossed an All-Basic Energy deck like most quad decks, and most Darkrai decks. Along with Ho-oh/Beautifly and most ZekEels decks. With an outlook on Drifblim, you need at least 3 discarded Special energy cards to do any decent amount of damage. If Truth was still viable, I suspect Drifblim would be <_< >_> the government conspiracy to cover it up.:p
RE: The Official Black and White-On Metagame Speculation Thread

Yeah that's exactly what I thought, GarTaria would give it a hard time too, because it is running 4 Blend Energy at max, though in my opinion it doesn't really need them though... Too bad, I love this card so much ^^
RE: The Official Black and White-On Metagame Speculation Thread

I'm not too familiar with the Empolean Variants except Donphan. Could someone provide links?
RE: The Official Black and White-On Metagame Speculation Thread

Drifblim is just a Mewtwo counter. Drifblim could never be a real deck, because not every deck runs Special Energy. Your max damage output on my Empoleon deck is 40 damage.

Me being the awesome person I am, will PM you some Empoleon decklists cannonballkuriboh.
RE: The Official Black and White-On Metagame Speculation Thread

Drifblim will be kind of like the new "2 card tech." It's not amazing, but it is really good to draw a KO. For example, in Garchomp Altaria. You have around 2-3 prizes remaning and you're on your last Garchomp. You can bench a Drifloon to draw a KO because late game, Drifblim will sweep EXs. That was they have to kill it to avoid field destruction and your Garchomp can grab the last few prizes. You don't even have to run a Drifblim (But you probably should in case people Figure it Out and Ko the Garchomp)