Future Metagame Speculation Thread

RE: The Official Black and White-On Metagame Speculation Thread

iisnumber12 said:
Drifblim will be kind of like the new "2 card tech." It's not amazing, but it is really good to draw a KO. For example, in Garchomp Altaria. You have around 2-3 prizes remaning and you're on your last Garchomp. You can bench a Drifloon to draw a KO because late game, Drifblim will sweep EXs. That was they have to kill it to avoid field destruction and your Garchomp can grab the last few prizes. You don't even have to run a Drifblim (But you probably should in case people Figure it Out and Ko the Garchomp)

It's pretty hard for a player to get all 4 of their Special Energies into the discard if they know you play Drifblim and you don't play Enhanced Hammer.
RE: The Official Black and White-On Metagame Speculation Thread

Garchomp discards them... And most decks will put them down whenever they get them because they either:
1. Don't want to toss them with Juniper
2. Don't want to draw less with Bianca
3. Don't want to whiff off a risky N
RE: The Official Black and White-On Metagame Speculation Thread

They wouldn't need to play down every single one of them for those reasons... Also with Hydreigon, they could just move the energy to a fresh Darkrai or something so they were never on a Pokemon when it was knocked out.
RE: The Official Black and White-On Metagame Speculation Thread

Have you read Garchomps first attack?
RE: The Official Black and White-On Metagame Speculation Thread

Yes, I have. I meant that Hydreigon could move them to Pokemon that would be a waste to attack and a waste as a Catcher, such as a fresh Darkrai, or a Deino, or a Sableye. I said that wrong, sorry.

Also, like I said, you're playing against a bad player if they play down all 4 Special Energies, no matter the reason.
RE: The Official Black and White-On Metagame Speculation Thread

Yeah, when I saw the drifblim scan, I was like BCIF, then I looked at other decks to check Sp. energy count, and then I thought Best Situational Card In Format, I'd good if you do go against something like KlinkCornersbut useless against everything else.
RE: The Official Black and White-On Metagame Speculation Thread

If a card is that situational, it isn't a good card, and that's that. There is no reason to discuss Drifblim anymore.

What do you guys think about Terrakion EX?
RE: The Official Black and White-On Metagame Speculation Thread

Only the new BCIF... It can be teched into Zekeels rather than Terrakion, and make more damage, while providing some seriously needed energy acceleration. I plan on runnning that in my BW-ON Zekeels.

Also, the thing I love about this card is the fact that it can be combined with ANY attacker, and provide energy acceleration.
RE: The Official Black and White-On Metagame Speculation Thread

Martini said:
Also, the thing I love about this card is the fact that it can be combined with ANY attacker, and provide energy acceleration.

Yet it still needs a Prism/Fighting energy for it. Prism can be discarded with Enhanced Hammer, and not all decks have room for basic energy of different types.
So maybe not any attacker.
RE: The Official Black and White-On Metagame Speculation Thread

Dude... Sacrifice 4 spots in your deck and tech in 1 Terrakion EX, and 3 {F} making him easily splashable.
RE: The Official Black and White-On Metagame Speculation Thread

Martini said:
Only the new BCIF... It can be teched into Zekeels rather than Terrakion, and make more damage, while providing some seriously needed energy acceleration.

Terrakion EX can only do serious damage with 2 Fighting energy. The reason regular Terrakion is so good is because you can lay it down, attach a Fighting, Dynamotor, and attack. You wouldn't be able to do that with Terrakion EX.
RE: The Official Black and White-On Metagame Speculation Thread

I've never heard anybody say ZekEels is in need of additional acceleration, lol. Plus what alexmf2 said. You've got to be able to Retaliate a Darkrai the turn after it KOs something. Otherwise it's just not worth your time.
RE: The Official Black and White-On Metagame Speculation Thread

I think Terrakion EX is actually kind of overrated. He is fantastic in Mewtwo/Terrakion/Tornadus varients, but in anything else, the regular Terrakion is better. He takes way to long to set up in any deck other than one that uses EXP share and fighting energy already.
RE: The Official Black and White-On Metagame Speculation Thread

Celebi23 said:
I've never heard anybody say ZekEels is in need of additional acceleration, lol. Plus what alexmf2 said. You've got to be able to Retaliate a Darkrai the turn after it KOs something. Otherwise it's just not worth your time.

Actually I was saying the energy acceleration becomes faster, making the deck a horrible monster under the bed.

Also, if you can just constantly KO Darkrai, you'd win the prize race.
RE: The Official Black and White-On Metagame Speculation Thread

ZekEels will rarely have 2 energy in hand, and it definitely doesn't need any energy acceleration besides Eelektrik. Eelektrik is arguably the best energy acceleration card we have ever seen in the history of Pokemon, but Dark Patch is also up there. As long as you're smart about where you put your Dynamotors, you don't need anything else. Terrakion EX is much worse than Terrakion NV in anything besides EXP Share fighting decks, in which it will be amazing.
RE: The Official Black and White-On Metagame Speculation Thread

Terrakion-EX is going to surprise accel in decks that dont run high Energy Accel,

It going to be used well with some of the Dragons in the next 2 sets that require 2 different energys.
Also going to be used strong with Energy Switch

Its hard to OHKO and Provides good Accel (not great), its 100% NOT overrated but its going to show up in many EelBox decks

will be expensive to buy tho.

as for EX vs NVI in Eels, there is no point in the Terrakion-EX, NVI Terrakion does the job needed 100x better
the point is, no Terrakion on bench, drop him, 1 fighting, 1 lightning from grave. send out and kill...a good Eel player knows the point of the deck is to have surprise cards in the hand, not on the bench
RE: The Official Black and White-On Metagame Speculation Thread

Discussion Suggestions

Since discussion has died down a little bit, I figured I'd post some questions that may spark more discussion. Feel free to write your opinions in regards to the topics below, or discuss anything else related to the Black and White - On format.

Dragons Exalted

What do you think the top 5 cards being released in the set are?

What are some of the most overrated cards in the set?

What cards do you think will be cut from the English set?
RE: The Official Black and White-On Metagame Speculation Thread

1. Altaria, Gabite, Hydreigon, Terrakion EX, Garbodor. These are all very good cards and will be widely played. Garbodor not so much, but it will be the star of some rogues.

2. Easily Rayquaza EX. It's good, but it's not that good. Registeel has also been getting more hype than it's worth. It would be amazing if we had Special Metal, but sadly we don't.

3. From what I've been hearing, regular Rayquaza. Otherwise it would probably be in my top 5. I'm pretty sure all of the other cards will make it, but most if not all of Dragon Selection will not.
RE: The Official Black and White-On Metagame Speculation Thread

What do you think the top 5 cards being released in the set are?
Tool Scrapper, Garbodor, Altaria, Hydregion, Blends. Mew-EX is worthy of mention.

What are some of the most overrated cards in the set?
Bouffalant, Rayquaza-EX, Terrakion-EX, most of the other stuff getting hype, and to a lesser extent Garchomp.

What cards do you think will be cut from the English set?
Looks like all of Dragon Selection will be cut.