Future Metagame Speculation Thread

RE: The Official Black and White-On Metagame Speculation Thread

I've been mainly playing around with 4 N, 4 Juniper, 2/3 Bianca, and 2/3 Cheren in most of the decks, although it can change around a lot with the counts of other cards. I'm definitely not on the Random Receiver bandwagon simply because it literally takes out too many Supporter outs over the course of a game and I'd rather play more Supporters at that point to ensure no dead hands.

dmaster out.
RE: The Official Black and White-On Metagame Speculation Thread

Whenever I can, I'll play with 4 Juniper, 4 N, 4 Cheren, and 4 Bianca. I dislike any deck that can't fit 15-16 Supporters and have no plans to play any deck like that (except Empoleon <3).

I'll play a couple Random Receiver in any deck with Sableye, but I just hate that card. :l
RE: The Official Black and White-On Metagame Speculation Thread

The Supporter lines I've been using in my decks are: 4 N, 3 Bianca and 2-3 Juniper and: 4 N, 3 Cheren and 2-3 Juniper. Sometimes if I have room I put Random Reciever in. I honestly don't like Juniper as much as I used to, maybe its just my bad luck, but 75% of the time, I'll have things in my hand I don't want to discard.
RE: The Official Black and White-On Metagame Speculation Thread

I've been using 4 Juniper 3 N/3 Bianca/0-3 Cheren with 2 RR's. It's been amazing for me in all my decks :)
RE: The Official Black and White-On Metagame Speculation Thread

I play 4 N and 3 Juniper and it works amazing. I'm thinking I'll add another Juniper, depending on the decks, and possibly 3 Cheren. I don't like Bianca very much, except in things that play Ultra Ball, but even then it doesn't seem to work that well.
RE: The Official Black and White-On Metagame Speculation Thread

I run 4 Juniper, 2 Bianca, 4 RR, and 2 N is Ho-oh.
RE: The Official Black and White-On Metagame Speculation Thread

I run 4 N, 3 Juniper and 3 Bianca in my Gartaria.
RE: The Official Future Metagame Speculation Thread

Vulpix Yolk said:
The Official Future Metagame Speculation Thread

Since Black and White - On discussion is now the heart of discussion throughout the TCG forums, it is time to start discussing the future formats that we are going to see this season. This thread can be used for any sort of speculation or discussion about what the future metagame will look like after the English release of the newest Japanese sets. Feel free to discuss cards, decks, or anything else about upcoming formats that you think we are going to see this season. Please keep all discussion on topic and civic.

Alright! This thread has been changed to "The Official Future Metagame Speculation Thread." Please use this thread for speculation or discussion about our future formats. Scans of Freeze Bolt and Cold Flare (the cards that will most likely make up our next English set) can be found here. Here are some questions you can answer if you don't have any ideas for discussion. Feel free to discuss anything else that comes to your mind as well.
  • What will the Metagame look like after the release of Freeze Bolt and Cold Flare? What decks will be considered top tier?
  • What new cards out of Freeze Bolt and Cold Flare will be considered staples?
  • Are there any decks that you are thinking about running?
  • What are the most over-hyped and under-hyped cards out of the set?

RE: The Official Future Metagame Speculation Thread

I really don't know how will the freeze bolt/cold flare metagame advance. My expeculation is:

Tier 1:
Blastoise Keldeo
Darkrai Hydreigon

Tier 1.5:
Garchomp Altaria
Empoleon varients
Other Darkrai Varients
Garbodor Terrakion

Tier 2:
Dusknoir varients
Emboar varients (it might see a come back)
Quad decks and fighting varients
Vileplume varients

Computer Search will be the staple for any deck that won't run an specific ACE SPEC like a Black-Kyurem varient would be. I think that Flygon can be under-hyped. It would run better with fighting/grass energy accel to keep paralyzing. I am thinking to run Blastoise/Keldeo or Dusknoir/Flygon/Celebi EX. I want raticate to work but it may be over-hyped in this. Exploud and Stoutland are also being under-hyped as they have a great potential but not many will play it. I like bicycle as a non-supporter draw.
RE: The Official Future Metagame Speculation Thread

How do you think Plasma Gale will alter the metagame?
Now that we have all of the scans for Plasma Gale, we have a very rough idea of what the February set will look like. Feel free to discuss some of these questions.
  • How will these cards alter the metagame when they are released?
  • What do you think the top 5 or 10 cards in the set are?
  • What cards have potential to be amazing techs?
  • Are there any new decks that you are looking into?
  • What Ace Specs is the most playable?

Discuss anything related to Plasma Gale here! What do you guys think of the set?
RE: The Official Future Metagame Speculation Thread

Klinklang will alter the meta for steel type pokemon. Also there will be lots of lugia DONKS. I would go for a crobat deck (most notably Crobat/Lugia) or garbodor. The best ACE SPEC would be computer search and dowsing machine.
RE: The Official Future Metagame Speculation Thread

After Boundaries Crossed, I'm thinking the decks are gonna be something like:
Tier 1:
Darkrai Variants

Tier 1.5
Dusknoir Variants
Vileplume Corners
Garbodor Variants

Tier 2:
Emboar Variants
Gothitelle Variants
BK EX Variants
Celebi Variants

Interesting Rogues (Honorable Mention):
Crustle Stall - Crustle mixed with Serperior and Reuniclus. Blissey/Crustle fits here too
Offensive Crustle - Crustle + Reuniclus + Squirtle + Damagriigus + Wailord. A rogue of my own creation. Relies on building 50 damage apiece on benched squirtles, and 90 on wailord, then switching, moving it all to wailord, and Damagriigusing it all to the opponet's attacking EX for 2 prizes. Rinse and repeat.
Flygon Variants - No energy variants, or Celebi Variants, or Paralock Variants, they're all interesting
Charizard - It looks cool. And it can deal a ton of damage mixed with either Celebi or Emboar
Blissey Variants - Spam healing with something survivable. Crustle, Cofagrigus, BK EX, Groudon, and Carracosta all come to mind.
Archeops Lock - Lock your opponent into basics and use your Terrakions to kill the puny weaklings.
RE: The Official Future Metagame Speculation Thread

Think that maybe Aggron/Lairon/Celebi EX for another rogue. It has a little potential.
RE: The Official Future Metagame Speculation Thread

Puff said:
Interesting Rogues (Honorable Mention):
Archeops Lock - Lock your opponent into basics and use your Terrakions to kill the puny weaklings.

There's a few things I'd like to add about this:

1. Archeops Lock is alive and well in this format, and it's evil. One placed top ten at my Battle Roads (3-2 Archeops, 2 Aerodactyl, 3 Terrakion EX, 2 Mewtwo EX, and 2 Terrakion NV) and it trolled HARD. It shut down every deck if get Archeops T2-3. I see it as a Tier 2 deck, because, even without Archeops, it works like Terrakion/Mewtwo.
RE: The Official Future Metagame Speculation Thread

Emopanda133 said:
There's a few things I'd like to add about this:

1. Archeops Lock is alive and well in this format, and it's evil. One placed top ten at my Battle Roads (3-2 Archeops, 2 Aerodactyl, 3 Terrakion EX, 2 Mewtwo EX, and 2 Terrakion NV) and it trolled HARD. It shut down every deck if get Archeops T2-3. I see it as a Tier 2 deck, because, even without Archeops, it works like Terrakion/Mewtwo.
Top 10 in a battle roads is not alive and well. Sadly, Archeops is still dead.
RE: The Official Future Metagame Speculation Thread

In what way is Archeops dead? He restricts you down to basics, and all but five need an evolution to work properly, and even those five have hard times going solo.
RE: The Official Future Metagame Speculation Thread

pokemonjoe said:
Top 10 in a battle roads is not alive and well. Sadly, Archeops is still dead.

I highly disagree. You can't just go on and call certain cards as dead just because the majority of players don't use them. An Archeops deck is great once you get it rolling.
RE: The Official Future Metagame Speculation Thread

r0naLd222 said:
I highly disagree. You can't just go on and call certain cards as dead just because the majority of players don't use them. An Archeops deck is great once you get it rolling.
There you go. If it's so great, why isn't it getting played? Why isn't it doing well at Battle Roads? The majority of attackers in a given deck are basic, so even if you lucksack your way into a fast Archeops, the opponent will just kill it with their basic attackers, and set up normally. The problem with Archeops is it's so hard to get it rolling, and once you do, it just gets ko'd. If there is even one turn that you don't have Archeops in play, your opponent just evolves, and since there is no devolving card in the format other than Golurk (lol), the evolution is there to stay.