Can any judges give a ruling on whether or not G-Booster goes through the effect of Weakness Policy? If so, that would kind of ruin your stategy.
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Andy414 said:Guy, I like this deck, but have some problems in metagame for this deck. U saw Ninetales of primal clash? Abillitie of Ninetales "Each player can't play any Stadium cards from his or her hand". This pokemon can cancel groudon ex. Groudon need 4 energies to attack, is very hard to attack. I think of camerupt ex with magma camerupt than better witch groudon. Opinions of addition to groudon's deck are about Robots. I prefer "lazy game" with groudon. Primal groundon is slow, but don't receive lysandre, so, robots help Groudon to person game. Mr.mime is necessary to cancel sniper atacks like landorus ex. What u think about these opinions?
Dark Espeon said:Hi Andy414,
Thanks for the review. As FaustVIII stated Nnetales can be Lysandre'd out and ohkoed without the need to use a stadium.
Hoorgear Pinijudomkarn said:How are you going to do if Groudon is the only pokemon in First hand and your opponent take first to go.
I mean how are you going to get back to your deck concept which build groudon on bench.
Dark Espeon said:Hoorgear Pinijudomkarn said:How are you going to do if Groudon is the only pokemon in First hand and your opponent take first to go.
I mean how are you going to get back to your deck concept which build groudon on bench.
Korrina for Landorus and Switch![]()
Hoorgear Pinijudomkarn said:I see, Korina can save our ass.
Dark Espeon said:Hoorgear Pinijudomkarn said:I see, Korina can save our ass.
In my opinion Korrina, Fighting Stadium, Strong energy and Omega Barrier are the sole reasons the deck is viable. These cards make the deck real consistent. Include Scramble Switch and let us assume that Primal Groundon Ex is not knocked out in one turn in you have a rather consistent deck.
FaustVIII said:A Lando with Strong energy can take out Safeguard as well, so I think it's covered pretty well. Silent Lab might be a good idea though.