GE pre-release discussion

Did you enjoy your time at a GE pre-release?

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I am very jealous! Man I would kill for a Cressy Lv. X!! (not literally of course because that would be creepy:p)
well some ones bound to pull it at a pre also the reason i got so many good cards is becuase i entered both pre they had .^__^
I'm looking forward to mine this weekend. Playing in one, and judging one. i'm hoping that I'm able to pull the stuff I need for states out of these packs. *keeps fingers crossed for a good haul*
*crosses fingers with you*

Well, unfortunately, I can't go to States this year. But, I'll probably do something that day at least, becuase it's my Grandma's birthday that day.
2 days away from my pre release!! hoping to get houndoom, weezing, darkrai, sceptile and candy!
Ya hope i get something more because i help out at pre-release cant wait only until the moring to go. Go Great Encounters
I pulled Cresselia Lvl X, Darkrai, two Porygon Z, a Slowking, a Milotic, and a Pachirisu (we got 9 packs each at ours) and traded an Exploud EX for Darkrai Lvl X. Out of the 8 people who turned up, we pulled two Cressilia Lvl X and one Darkrai Lvl X (the two I wanted). I lost against Goribyss's Psychic Snap in the first round, and against Palkia's Transback in the second, but Hariyama and Granbull won me the third round, and I traded two Tropius SW for a Togekiss, so I had a pretty good pre-release.
My pre-release is tomorrow I'll tell you all how it goes. I hope it goes well. I really want to pull at lest one Lv.X because every other pre-release I have gone to I never got anything good. P.S. the pre-releases I have gone to are Dragon Frontiers to Secret Wonders and soon Great Encounters.
Well today was pretty fun! I didn't get my cressalia Lv.X:( But I got a porygon-z line, a candy, exploud, palkia, hypno, latias reverse holo, some meh stuff. We only had 3 rounds, and I only played 2 because there was an odd number of people and I couldn't play the last one:( I lost both matches, well because the stuff I pulled wasn't very good and the two people I went up against were the directors kids and they went to worlds and were...well amazing! So techincally I went 1-3 but I really went 0-2:( However it was fun for the first time and I have GREAT ENCOUNTERS FEVER! Man I can't wait until this set releases, when is the date of release? I want to say february 22nd but I could be really wrong!
alrighty i got out of 8 packs got 3 holos swapert,tangrowth,parchrisu, made a deck with water and grass only 2 grass pokes though tangela and tangrowth and the water was pelliper and lots of colorless i got no supporters and no lv.xs. went 3-1 so i think i got third but it dosnt matter. tommrow i go to another one but i get a box then and i somewhat judge tommrow.
OMG. This was the best day ever well at Prerelease. Well i didnt get that much out of the first 6 packs. But i got good trainers and made the deck. I never thought that i was going to win 4-0 but i did went undefeted. So i got 3 more packs and got good cards. After the prerelease was over i got about 8 more packs for helping out the owner and Head Judge. I heard that my friend got a Darkrai Lv.X in his last 2 packs and i was so jealous. Well i open my packs and got good cards but not a Lv.X until my last pack and got it. DARKRAI LV.X!!!! I was so happy and glad that i got this. Well out all this i got good cards. The total of Lv.X at our prerelease was about 6 Lv.X's so it was a very cool prerelease here yet.