GE pre-release discussion

Did you enjoy your time at a GE pre-release?

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So... let me get everything clear...

1. You can't bring any of your own cards.
2. They'll provide basic energies.
3. ... Wow, It's alot of luck then, yeah?
Yeah it's alot of luck, depending on what you get in your packs! So Myles it sounds like it's going to be your first pre-release! Me 2:p Hope its good!
This will be my 2nd.

And maybe, I'll be able to take a friend. He's 10, but he's still my friend and LOVES Darkrai. You should have seen him when I told him about Darkrai Lv. X.
shaymingiratina8717 said:
MylesPrower said:
Only TWO trainers in a deck? That's... terrible. Are everyone's decks like that?

Ouch I really didn't realize that, It may be impossible to find the right poke if your deck is clutterd with like 35 pokemon. Ouch. Well Hopefully I will get SOME trainer cards!
No, they provide Energy cards. And, sometimes you do get more. Once again, depends on luck. And, I said the word "least".
At the one I went to they ran out of water energys so we had to flip lightning energys over in the sleeves for water. I heard that now the energy costs money from nintendo!
Beachdudelbi said:
At the one I went to they ran out of water energys so we had to flip lightning energys over in the sleeves for water. I heard that now the energy costs money from nintendo!

That is true. PTOs pay $30 for a box containing 150 of each basic type, except for Dark and Metal. PUI has stated to the PTOs that they won't be adding Dark and Metal anytime soon, hence the need to proxy them for Limited events like pre-releases.

MylesPrower said:
So... let me get everything clear...

1. You can't bring any of your own cards.
2. They'll provide basic energies.
3. ... Wow, It's alot of luck then, yeah?

Pretty much. But that's part of the challenge. Also keep in mind that it's a just-for-fun event. You're getting the cards before they hit retail. That's the whole point, really.

You'll see decks with lots of Pokemon. If you get 2 or 3 Trainers, consider yourself very lucky. But typically the Trainers are not what win in a pre-release, it's finding the right synergy in all the Pokemon you managed to pull.
hey i cant wait until my pre-release. This is going to be my 3th one i just started pokemon again once DP come out but i missed the 1st DP pack. So i was reading over some of this threads and i read that in some pre-release they do u a draft what is this. All i know is in my pre-release is that u get a extra pack if u go with out losing. So i dont know if i can post this here but i jsut wanted to know right away Because im going to my pre-release in this Saturday i cant wait to go.So thanks
What!!! why did I add a Question mark???
BlastioseTrainer.... its the best!!!! I think this is one of the best pre realeses yet!!
I didn't go....

Oh well at least I'm getting 2 Boxes =)
Whoa really? 2 Boxes? If I were you I would get 1 box of GE and one or 2 boxes of DP5 and 6.
Its just that DP5 looks so awesome!
My bro is getting a box of GE and I have a card he really needs so im sure he will trade me!
If you can't find one then go to the POP website. They have the locations, dates and times. They also have decklists for stuff like states though hardly anyone realizes they're there.