RE: {W} Tin Lv. X's, SV Lv. X's, Lux X, & $$ {H} Absol X, Elect FB X, Staraptor X, & more
Bump bump
I only value it at $5. So.... It depends
Sorry I just traded my TSD...
Bump bump
EspeonROX said:Are you willing to trade a few of your MT/RR Bebe's and the Roseanne's and the Dialga G for it? I'm also liking the Gardy X SW. LMK. (The first sentence was NOT an offer).
I only value it at $5. So.... It depends
eevee said:My
Blaziken FB Lv. X
Staraptor FB
Time Space Distortion
Secret Articuno x1
Sorry I just traded my TSD...