RE: GiP's Trade thread: B/W Cards 4 Trade!!!! Many Insta-deals!!! Want Regice HL (Non holo) Regigigas LA (theme deck hol
So I read on your thread that you value the following at this point value (Having never done this before I don't know alot about it).
RH Drifblim UD @ 200 points
Collectors @ 300 points each.
And various others at a very high point value. IF i tradee you on of those following cards, does the value stay the same? Or does it go down to the point value listed at the top?
If your interested in just trading for them (I dont have enough toploaders to send bulk, nor the cash), I am willing to offer this:
My: Jumpluff x2 (Holo @ $4 each), 1x Feraligatr Prime ($3) ($17 value).
Your: 2x Collector ($5 each. non RH), RH Drifblim UD x1 and 1x Roserade UL
LMK or Counter