Gotta love noobs

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Flygon Jedi Master said:
I only rip off weird/stupid/fat/funny looking people. I've traded a Electivire Lv.X for a Charmeleon SF, and a Mesprit Lv.X for a Charizard SF, but those trades were with funny looking people, so it was okay. :D
Except a long time ago, like 2 years ago, some girl wanted to trade lie 3 Venusaur(CG) for my Skitty(CG), so instead I traded the Skitty(CG) for a Charmander(CG).

Dude, that was mean. I usually get more cards in a trade from n00bs, but calling people names. It's epic.
Flygon Jedi Master said:
I only rip off weird/stupid/fat/funny looking people.

Yeah I generally rip off people older than 12 thats what makes it so epic.

Devastator said:
If they are the ones making the offer then its not really your fault, but to say that people have to be ripped off to learn about it makes me sick. Who gives you the right to decide that these people "need to learn a lesson". Perhaps if people like you did not play the game to start off with then we wouldn't have rippers at all. And to say its alright to rip people off who have lots of money is wrong as well. Do they deserve it.... NO. Nobody does, are you worried that they are going to be able to have a deck that can beat you because they got their cards through boosters that they bought themselves. Lets put that into real life terms
You the ripper :"Well judge I decided to rob "xxyyzz" because they had money"
Judge: "oh I suppose thats ok they have plenty more"
You think thats what going to happen. Perhaps after this thread you can start the "how many times have you ripped someone off in a trade through a forum cause you never sent the cards", because thats how wrong this thread is. Now if you excuse me I have to go and clean the vomit from my keyboard

I was saying if people terrible traders only way they will learn most of the time is by getting ripped off.Comparing an unfair trade to robbery to try and prove your point just makes you look like a ass GTFO my thread.
i once ripped off someone (i was a noob back then) i traded his charizard (base) for my kauna (base).
after that, i traded it back because i realized i ripped him off, i really didn't knew the values back then.

oh, and i only rip oof guys mentally older then me.
(that means i don't rip off lou or SA667).
Yeah, I am TOTALLY with Lou cyph on this one. Ok, as a good example, you are supposed to show and teach n00bs, or they willl never want to play.

Think, all of us were once n00bs so you have to pity them and show them how to trade right. Taking advantage will want to make them kill you when they learn what is good vs. bad.

Sure I could have ripped a few n00bs when I had the chance, but your best bet would be teach them, and if they still want to trade, that is THEIR loss as you tried.

This should be closed as PB is a pokemon fan community. We are supposed to welcome all and telling n00bs we rip them is not cool.

See ya.
Lou Cypher said:
You guys sicken me. Being a league leader I have to set an example, and teach the kids the value of cards. If they have an expensive card such as Uxie, I'll be certain to give them fair value in return. If they only want some little card I'll give them extra stuff. People who rip off little kids should be banned from the game, stat. I got an offer...My Darkrai GE for his Glaceon LVX. I denied, saying I didn't want to rip him, and offered him a LVX to go with. That is how you're supposed to do your business. Young kids, you should always aim to help. I can understand if its an older guy since they should be able to have some perception themselves, but ripping off little kids is wrong.

Lou cypher is right,the always trade me bad cards for good cards,since I say no the say me bad words.Shout me all the day.So,even if I am in south America I want you not to trade bad cards for awesom cards.And BTW,if they don´t want to trade it don´t stalk them until they want.
I don't really care if I rip them off or not. If they don't understand the value of each card, then it's their loss for not knowing.

I traded a promo Darkrai LV.X and promo Palkia LV.X for one of each pixie. Well worth it considering I could alwas just buy a tin to get one back.
No, but I already have Uxie LV.X so that's all I needed to actually finish my Gigas deck.
Wiseman. said:
Yeah, I am TOTALLY with Lou cyph on this one. Ok, as a good example, you are supposed to show and teach n00bs, or they willl never want to play.

Think, all of us were once n00bs so you have to pity them and show them how to trade right. Taking advantage will want to make them kill you when they learn what is good vs. bad.

Sure I could have ripped a few n00bs when I had the chance, but your best bet would be teach them, and if they still want to trade, that is THEIR loss as you tried.

This should be closed as PokeBeach is a pokemon fan community. We are supposed to welcome all and telling n00bs we rip them is not cool.

See ya.

Agreed here.

I actually traded that Promo Zapdos ex for 2 Dark Tyranitar, a Mew, and a R Energy. That was the first trade I made, back when I was a n00b and thought that every set was legal. I didn't do proper research before hand. :\
You guys are like, evil or something. I never rip ANYONE off. I give only fair trades. People have offered me their Magmortar Lv. X for a bad condition Charmeleon from Base. I didn't take it, because I wanted to teach him that his cards are valuable, even if he doesn't like the game nay more. Another time, my neighbor lost interest in the cards, and offered me his collection of 500+ cards for 20$. I refused, and gave him the estimate of how much his collection would be worth. And, I saw someone trading a TSD and Bebe's for 5$. I took him somewhere else for a second and told him that his cards are worth much more than that. He came back to me with 50$. :p
So, I go with Lou and Wiseman on this one.
Frylock said:
Flygon Jedi Master said:
I only rip off weird/stupid/fat/funny looking people.

Yeah I generally rip off people older than 12 thats what makes it so epic.

Devastator said:
If they are the ones making the offer then its not really your fault, but to say that people have to be ripped off to learn about it makes me sick. Who gives you the right to decide that these people "need to learn a lesson". Perhaps if people like you did not play the game to start off with then we wouldn't have rippers at all. And to say its alright to rip people off who have lots of money is wrong as well. Do they deserve it.... NO. Nobody does, are you worried that they are going to be able to have a deck that can beat you because they got their cards through boosters that they bought themselves. Lets put that into real life terms
You the ripper :"Well judge I decided to rob "xxyyzz" because they had money"
Judge: "oh I suppose thats ok they have plenty more"
You think thats what going to happen. Perhaps after this thread you can start the "how many times have you ripped someone off in a trade through a forum cause you never sent the cards", because thats how wrong this thread is. Now if you excuse me I have to go and clean the vomit from my keyboard

I was saying if people terrible traders only way they will learn most of the time is by getting ripped off.Comparing an unfair trade to robbery to try and prove your point just makes you look like a grass GTFO my thread.

Well i suppose the truth hurts doesn't it. No matter how you try to justify it, it is still wrong. Clearly you haven't heard about a thing called SOTG otherwise you would not be so proud of yourself.
I didn't do it on purpose but I think I traded a Holo or two for a Vaporeon Ex. Wow, that was really a bad deal for me, seeing as Vaporeon sucked. Sometimes the little kids could rip off you, so sometimes I might think it's fair, but most of the time I don't trade anyway because it's a bad deal for me.

dmaster out.
i really don't like this thread.. it's about two things:
lying (most of you probably said "yeah, yeah that's a great trade!")
so i think a mod should close this...
i personally have never ripped anyone of, but i have been ripped.
I trade cards the way they should be traded. If they want it, then I'll trade it. I don't see how it's trickery for them to rip themselves off if they wanted the card.

If they want it, then it's their profit, no?
Zyflair said:
I trade cards the way they should be traded. If they want it, then I'll trade it. I don't see how it's trickery for them to rip themselves off if they wanted the card.

If they want it, then it's their profit, no?

I agree about that, I usually do that, but if it is like a Super rare card, I will sometimes throw in good cards, but other than that I just give them what they are asking for.
Devastator said:
Frylock said:
Flygon Jedi Master said:
I only rip off weird/stupid/fat/funny looking people.

Yeah I generally rip off people older than 12 thats what makes it so epic.

Devastator said:
If they are the ones making the offer then its not really your fault, but to say that people have to be ripped off to learn about it makes me sick. Who gives you the right to decide that these people "need to learn a lesson". Perhaps if people like you did not play the game to start off with then we wouldn't have rippers at all. And to say its alright to rip people off who have lots of money is wrong as well. Do they deserve it.... NO. Nobody does, are you worried that they are going to be able to have a deck that can beat you because they got their cards through boosters that they bought themselves. Lets put that into real life terms
You the ripper :"Well judge I decided to rob "xxyyzz" because they had money"
Judge: "oh I suppose thats ok they have plenty more"
You think thats what going to happen. Perhaps after this thread you can start the "how many times have you ripped someone off in a trade through a forum cause you never sent the cards", because thats how wrong this thread is. Now if you excuse me I have to go and clean the vomit from my keyboard

I was saying if people terrible traders only way they will learn most of the time is by getting ripped off.Comparing an unfair trade to robbery to try and prove your point just makes you look like a grass GTFO my thread.

Clearly you haven't heard about a thing called SOTG otherwise you would not be so proud of yourself.

SOTG is for scrubs like you.

Zyflair said:
I trade cards the way they should be traded. If they want it, then I'll trade it. I don't see how it's trickery for them to rip themselves off if they wanted the card.

If they want it, then it's their profit, no?
This is exactly what I do I ask what they want and then I trade them for metagame stuff.I trade if its a good deal not if I want it thats how I have gotten busted trade without spend any money.
Frylock said:
Zyflair said:
I trade cards the way they should be traded. If they want it, then I'll trade it. I don't see how it's trickery for them to rip themselves off if they wanted the card.

If they want it, then it's their profit, no?
This is exactly what I do I ask what they want and then I trade them for metagame stuff.I trade if its a good deal not if I want it thats how I have gotten busted trade and have to spend any money.
Oh please. First you call them noobs, and then for the rest of your thread, you call it fun. I don't mind if you just win off of other people, but if you say it's funny and then compare yourself to be like me, you need to rethink your ethics.
I believe that If someones is making the offer, you should make sure that they know what they are trading. how could any body do something that they wouldn't want done to themselves . its pathetic, people just assume that its right because everyone else is doing it . Then those that get ripped off get pissed and go and rip somebody else , then the other person goes and does the same thing.....It's a never ending chain and should be stoped.

Similar comparisons:

1) if you needed some money and were selling some cards at a yard sale, but had to look at the prices before putting them on the cases. you then give them to ur mom that dosen't know anything, and while she's attending a customer, a kid desides to pull of the sticker and switch with a lesser value . they end up paying 50 cents for a card worth 50 dollars. would you be mad. yes . It wasn't your moms falt, she didn't know.

2) your poor and have a deadly disease any , you are beyond trilled to just have recieved a brand new outfit and some new cards from a charity . It's your first batch of cards and because your well dressed and have some ultra rares, someone asumes that your rich. You don't have a clue about cards but someone that “does” come along with some cool looking pokemon cards that are fakes. they take all your good cards and you get stuck with a cool brand new pokemon, "INFERCHARLOSION". Guess what, It’s your fault , because your such a noob. How was the other person supoosed to know your dying.

3)So if you had a winning muti-million dollar lottery ticket and you didn't read the rules right, making you think it’s useless. You can’t find a trash can but someone that knew everything comes along with the "favor" of getting rid of it for you, would you appreciate it after they claim the prize. NO, and you don’t get anything. But it wasn’t there fault , they thought you Knew.

……………….What does all of this have to do with the subject , It’s all the same thing . no matter how small or big the ripping it is, its still considered stealing and lying.
I hate it when kids overvalue their cards. I remember when the metagame was all Delta Species Pokemon, and I needed 1 more Holon's Castform. This kid had one, but didn't want anything but my EX's. Sometimes though, I rip myself off to give kids more good cards. I needed a Sableye for a tournament once, and was feeling generous, so gave 2 Dragonite LA for it.
furiouswildcat said:
no matter how small or big the ripping it is, its still considered stealing and lying.
I see where you're going at. Lying is broadly defined as putting on any type of false impression. However, it's because they don't know that I don't bother changing. To me, nothing is a rip-off because I needed the cards I traded for. Lying is a major problem in our society, no doubt, but it can't be entirely be rid of either. We all need to lie at least to some extent to get by with life. It's just finding the line to draw where we have an issue with. I know my lines and I hope some people in this thread know theirs.
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