
RE: Groudon ex???

Card Slinger J said:
Groudon EX benefits alot from Exp. Share, infact I see it being played with Terrakion/Landorus as a Tier 2 deck possibly. Find a way to get {F} in Discard, Abundant Harvest with Landorus with Exp. Share attached, then If he dies send the energy to your benched Groudon EX while you're setting up and you're ready to roll. Perhaps Donphan might make a comeback thanks to Groudon EX?

Why the heck would you play it with LT? It just does the same thing that the deck is already accomplishing, but it is giving up more prize cards. Not worth it IMO
RE: Groudon ex???

Card Slinger J said:
Groudon EX benefits alot from Exp. Share, infact I see it being played with Terrakion/Landorus as a Tier 2 deck possibly. Find a way to get {F} in Discard, Abundant Harvest with Landorus with Exp. Share attached, then If he dies send the energy to your benched Groudon EX while you're setting up and you're ready to roll. Perhaps Donphan might make a comeback thanks to Groudon EX?

So you're going to take Terrakion, a tier 1-1.5 deck (most agree its tier 1 though) and turn it into a tier 2 deck by using Groudon EX instead? Where is the logic in that? Also, aside from using the same type of energy Donphan and Groudon EX have no synergy at all.
RE: Groudon ex???

In addition to that^:

Just because 2 pokemon work together does not mean they should be played together. Kyurem and Feraligatr work great together, but nobody plays them because Kyurem is better by itself. Same goes for Terrakion/Terrakion+Lando
RE: Groudon ex???

EX or not, it's still a fact that 120 > 90. Bigger damage is always more relevant than it first appears.
RE: Groudon ex???

Celebi23 said:
EX or not, it's still a fact that 120 > 90. Bigger damage is always more relevant than it first appears.

I disagree because the deck's (Terrakion/Lando) isn't damage, it is consistency. Groundon just makes is harder to run smoothly.
RE: Groudon ex???

Celebi23 said:
EX or not, it's still a fact that 120 > 90. Bigger damage is always more relevant than it first appears.

Also I'd like to point out that it isn't a consistent 120. The only way to be hitting 120 after 1 attack is to another Pokemon that requires 3 energy (Kyurem) and 2 of those energy have to be different than Groudon's; so with Shaymin you can still only hit 120 turn 4 about as often as Reshiboar EX hits 150 t2 (that is to say not at all) and without Shaymin it takes considerably longer. Using Groudon EX's own attack still means turn 4 at the least and its completely nullified by Eviolite. Meanwhile, Terrakion can hit a consistent 90 damage t3. There aren't too many things that Groudon KOs in less turns than Terrakion either.
RE: Groudon ex???

Dark Void said:
Also I'd like to point out that it isn't a consistent 120. The only way to be hitting 120 after 1 attack is to another Pokemon that requires 3 energy (Kyurem) and 2 of those energy have to be different than Groudon's; so with Shaymin you can still only hit 120 turn 4 about as often as Reshiboar EX hits 150 t2 (that is to say not at all) and without Shaymin it takes considerably longer. Using Groudon EX's own attack still means turn 4 at the least and its completely nullified by Eviolite. Meanwhile, Terrakion can hit a consistent 90 damage t3. There aren't too many things that Groudon KOs in less turns than Terrakion either.

Between Landorus and Exp. Share, hitting for 120 by T4 is very, very possible. Psychic/Lightning + Spiritomb/Minun DEX + Exp. Share makes a T3 120 possible. From the sound of it, you haven't tested the deck at all and are going on theorymon... Remember how theorymon worked out for Gengar Prime and against Chandelure?
RE: Groudon ex???

RogueListers said:
Between Landorus and Exp. Share, hitting for 120 by T4 is very, very possible. Psychic/Lightning + Spiritomb/Minun DEX + Exp. Share makes a T3 120 possible. From the sound of it, you haven't tested the deck at all and are going on theorymon... Remember how theorymon worked out for Gengar Prime and against Chandelure?

That is very hard to do. There are few search cards in Terrakion based decks and those decks usually revolve around rolling with what you have in hand. You can't expect to do the Groudon thing more than 20% of the time.
RE: Groudon-EX???

iisnumber12 said:
That is very hard to do. There are few search cards in Terrakion based decks and those decks usually revolve around rolling with what you have in hand. You can't expect to do the Groudon thing more than 20% of the time.

No need to put it in a Terrakion deck though, it could be its own deck with Landorus/Shaymin/Exp. Share.
Outclassed completely by Landorus. Even if Lando wasn't out, nothing that has come out has benefited it (unless you count Terrakion being bad now benefiting it) and plenty that hurts it has come out (Blastoise/Keldeo...). This doesn't need dicussion.