
Regice is enough IMO.
Junk arm didn't test well for me, regice is enough.
Also rescue energy only brings it back after DAMAGE ko's it, therefore Gengar Prime will still Gyarados to the lost zone because it places damage counters.
Regiice is the main way of discarding, but I also love junk arm for getting a trainer, usually a SSU back.
minimidget-I like doing that too, but it's not worth more than 1-2 copies(i run 0 right now) because vs. trainer lock you just continue to dead draw.

Also hunter i'm semi torn on running in this deck right now, my list is cramped right now and not sure if i can squueze in more that one than copy of hunter.
Junk Arm is a fail. You will all find that out real soon. Volkner's and Regice is all you need.
I run 1 junk arm and 1 regice and 0 volkner's, volkner's=overrated IMO. even if they spray regice you still get the discard(as far as i know) and w/ junk arm you can junk arm, discard 2 and then just get junk arm again and discard. Also volkner's is just a bad card, i almost always have more than 6 cards in my hand and it doesn't help you discard earlier unless you get a god start and t1 get regice+volkner's. So i just keep my count at that.
Pokeman: Your so confident that Junk Arm will not work. Logically it should work great. The ONLY problem with it would be trainer lock. But only 1 or 2 decks even do that. So most of the time your not running into problems. That being said, Junk arm can do nothing but help you.
The more ways you have to discard those Karp early on, the better.
I run 1 junk arm and 1 regice and 0 volkner's, volkner's=overrated IMO. even if they spray regice you still get the discard(as far as i know) and w/ junk arm you can junk arm, discard 2 and then just get junk arm again and discard. Also volkner's is just a bad card, i almost always have more than 6 cards in my hand and it doesn't help you discard earlier unless you get a god start and t1 get regice+volkner's. So i just keep my count at that.

You can't junk arm to another junk arm, and when Regimove is power sprayed, you don't get the discard, it stops all effects of the power. And my I share the same feelings with Pokeman about junk arm, it's exactly what the name says it is, and that's junk. It's good only for early game and doesn't really benefit you late game, especially under trainer lock.
Yes, unfortunately you can't get Junk Arm back after using it, but that's really alright. Late game you have TONS of Trainers to choose from that help you out so much. Pokemon Rescue, Expert Belt, SSU, even the Poke+ Trainers should you choose to play them.

dmaster out.
He was talking about the combo with Warp Energy so you Warp to the Bench and then use Hunter.

dmaster out.
^^then you get the warp back into your hand and rinse and repeat for as long as you have hunters. An awesome combination.
However I find that this happens to me to often in the new format.
ME-T1 sableye collector for karp,karp,ice
THEM-gastly,rare cany,gengar prime, energy OMG MY ONE OF MY MAGIKARPS IS IN THE LOST ZONE :'(
It's sooo hard to recover after that.
Do you think that Gengar Prime will make Gyarados a bad deck to play then?Not gonna lie,I never thought about the above situation
I think Gengar Prime will enjoy the random beatings from the SP decks before it could even get to Gyarados honestly. I still run 2 Volkner's in my list, as well as Banette PL, Chansey Prime and Luxray GL. Of course, my techs are to fit my meta and are not indicative of what people are playing elsewhere.

Junk arm reminds me of item finder from back in the day, solid card imo. I'm not sold on using hunter. More often than not, I don't want my opponent reusing CIP effects.

You can get around the lost zone problem by playing smart, using Collector from your hand to get Shuppet, Regice and (tech pokemon here). Don't Sableye for any pokemon search cards, or bypass the hand and rescue the key pokemon with rescue or Combee if you play it.
After thinking about it,if you remove the Lv.x form of SP pokemon from the game,they really aren't that good.They can't heal(Garchomp C),they can't switch up your guys(Luxray GL),can't shut off Poke Bodys(Dialga G),ect.ect.ect

The more and more I read on Gengar Prime,while not hard to tech around,the more I'm starting to like.