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[H]: Donphan Primes, Vileplume UD, Rare Candy [W]: RDL Bottom, Alph Lithograph THREE

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RE: [H]: 4x Rare Candy, 2x RH Uxie LA [W]: Need Shaymin Ground Lv. X!

He hasn't even been on since the 16th... I'm going to keep the Luxray GL until I hear back from him, but is there anything else you wanted? I can still trade everything else.
RE: [H]: 4x Rare Candy, 2x RH Uxie LA [W]: Need Shaymin Ground Lv. X!

festizzio said:
He hasn't even been on since the 16th... I'm going to keep the Luxray GL until I hear back from him, but is there anything else you wanted? I can still trade everything else.

Nope, I would like this trade ;)
RE: [H]: 4x Rare Candy, 2x RH Uxie LA [W]: Need Shaymin Ground Lv. X!

Alright then, as soon as I hear back I'll let you know.
RE: [H]: 4x Rare Candy, 2x RH Uxie LA [W]: Need Shaymin Ground Lv. X!

festizzio said:
Is your Relicanth Shiny? I might want it actually, I'm pretty sure the trade I was doing with Misa isn't happening.
Yes it is shiny so would you do that for ninetails.
RE: [H]: 4x Rare Candy, 2x RH Uxie LA [W]: Need Shaymin Ground Lv. X!

I have Arceus Fire and Grass. Please CMWL.
RE: [H]: 4x Rare Candy, 2x RH Uxie LA [W]: Need Shaymin Ground Lv. X!

2x Cherrim PA (One RH)

2x Non-reverse holo Cherrim SF
RE: [H]: 4x Rare Candy, 2x RH Uxie LA [W]: Need Shaymin Ground Lv. X!

Tristan: So I was looking through my cards to double check if I had the Ninetales, and I couldn't find it. Either I A. Lost it or B. Traded it; in any case I've taken it off my list for the time being. Thank you for your time. :)

Edlittle: I don't want to trade for Arceus atm, I'll talk to you again on thursday to see if you still want to work a deal.

graberjr: Sure thing, PM me to confirm.
RE: [H]: 4x Rare Candy, Tangrowth Lv. X [W]: RH Expert Belts, Arceus!

dragonitetim: I am also interested in your Pikachu M Lv. X and Shiny Relicanth, see anything more on my list for those?

Edit: I also need a few of your Arceus, LMK.
RE: [H]: 4x Rare Candy, Tangrowth Lv. X [W]: RH Expert Belts, Arceus!

That is perfect. :) I will PM you right now
RE: [H]: 4x Rare Candy, Tangrowth Lv. X [W]: RH Expert Belts, Arceus!

interested in these:

Tangrowth Lv. X
Heatran (PA)

could cml for those, thx
RE: [H]: 4x Rare Candy, Tangrowth Lv. X [W]: RH Expert Belts, Arceus!

qnetykz: I am interested in the Lightning Arceus (AR6), but idk for the Tangrowth X and the Heatran is probably being traded right now.
RE: [H]: 4x Rare Candy, Tangrowth Lv. X [W]: RH Expert Belts, Arceus!


I have

the following Arceus:

AR4 (Water)
AR5 (Colorless - Ripple Swell)
AR7 (Psychic)
AR9 (Metal)

I am interested in your tangrowth LV X and the Kabutops/Omastar from Arceus.

please LMK if we can work something out.
RE: [H]: 4x Rare Candy, Tangrowth Lv. X [W]: RH Expert Belts, Arceus!

cml for tangrowth X

have normal, grass, fire, lightning, and water arcues, as well as luxray and toxicroak???
RE: [H]: 4x Rare Candy, Tangrowth Lv. X [W]: RH Expert Belts, Arceus!

cml for

1x Tangrowth Lv. X
Shiny Yanma
1x Honchkrow Lv. X (pack)
1x Heat Rotom
1x Walrein ex (EX Power keepers)
1x Tyranitar ex (POP1)
4x Rare Candy (2 HP, 2 POP8)
2x RH Uxie LA
2x RH Unown G
1x RH Azelf LA

i have unlisted fire arceus and colorless arceus mostly interested in tangrowth x and
4x Rare Candy (2 HP, 2 POP8)
2x RH Uxie LA
2x RH Unown G
1x RH Azelf LA
RE: [H]: Tangrowth Lv. X [W]: RH Expert Belts, Arceus!

richkid: Unfortunately, didn't see anything I needed.

Frodus: Kabutops and Omastar are traded, but I'm still interested in the Metal Arceus. I'm also VERY interested in your Shining Mewtwo 1st edition, please trade it to me!!!

vrapceboy: Still haven't worked anything out with Misa, so I can't trade the Luxray GL, but even if I could I just made a deal with dragonitetim for a Shiny Relicanth so I don't need one regardless. :( Sorry

spartan7987: I'm interested in your fire and lightning arceus, but if Frodus for some random reason decides to trade me his 1/e Shining Mewtwo, I have to take that offer instead.

karim: All I really liked was Shiny Shinx, offer?

CFOUR: Didn't see anything of interest
RE: [H]: Tangrowth Lv. X [W]: RH Expert Belts, Arceus!

shiny shinx just got finalized (sent him my address less than 3 minutes ago)

anything else
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