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[H]: Donphan Primes, Vileplume UD, Rare Candy [W]: RDL Bottom, Alph Lithograph THREE

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RE: [H]: 4x Rare Candy, 2x RH Uxie LA, RH speedrill stuff, rare candies [W]: See inside

Soul Seeker: Didn't really see anything I needed, sorry.
RE: [H]: RH Claydol GE, 2x RH Uxie LA, RH speedrill stuff, rare candies [W]: See inside

festizzio said:
SrSpoony: OHH so THAT'S what you meant by the different energy types, I thought that was just the holo energies you pulled or something like that. >_< I do want all three of those, as well as the 2x Department Store Girl and the 2x Lucky Egg, what would you trade those 7 cards for?
Haha all of those just got traded away in a trade! Man! But I'm still interested in your Rare Candys and Claydol. LMK Thanks! I can add in some cash too.
RE: [H]: RH Claydol GE, 4x Rare Candy, 2x RH Uxie LA [W]: Really want 4 Expert Belts!


say it isn't so spoony, say it isn't so!

Not really interested in selling either, cause I'd just use the money I get to buy the stuff I want, so I might as well just find people who have my wants. =\ I wish you had checked this thread sooner :(
RE: [H]: RH Claydol GE, 4x Rare Candy, 2x RH Uxie LA [W]: Really want 4 Expert Belts!

Man! Do you want a leafeon x?
RE: [H]: RH Claydol GE, 4x Rare Candy, 2x RH Uxie LA [W]: Really want 4 Expert Belts!

is there anything else you wanted because i really want the mew ill give you raiku* and some rares for it
RE: [H]: RH Claydol GE, 4x Rare Candy, 2x RH Uxie LA [W]: Really want 4 Expert Belts!

I have 2 expert belts...
RE: [H]: RH Claydol GE, 4x Rare Candy, 2x RH Uxie LA [W]: Really want 4 Expert Belts!

=\ not really, I'm trying to build my scizor deck again and leafeon x kind of screws it up.

Edit: I do want the 2 expert belts

tyranitar77: What's the condition on the Raikou*?
RE: [H]: RH Claydol GE, 4x Rare Candy, 2x RH Uxie LA [W]: Really want 4 Expert Belts!

mint. lmk
RE: [H]: RH Claydol GE, 4x Rare Candy, 2x RH Uxie LA [W]: Really want 4 Expert Belts!

Question for you: have any Cherrim PA or Expert Belts?
RE: [H]: RH Claydol GE, 4x Rare Candy, 2x RH Uxie LA [W]: Really want 4 Expert Belts!

i will probly tommarow i wil let you know after league
RE: [H]: RH Claydol GE, 4x Rare Candy, 2x RH Uxie LA [W]: Really want 4 Expert Belts!

CMl me for
1x Ninetales MT

RE: [H]: RH Claydol GE, 4x Rare Candy, 2x RH Uxie LA [W]: Really want 4 Expert Belts!

tyranitar77: Nevermind about the Belts and Cherrims; Would you trade Raikou*, a league Uxie, and Water Arceus for it? LMK or counter

Tristan: Only thing I saw was the Shiny Relicanth...
RE: [H]: RH Claydol GE, 4x Rare Candy, 2x RH Uxie LA [W]: Really want 4 Expert Belts!

cml for
Shining Mew CoroCoro Promo (tiny crease on upper right side of the card, flawless otherwise)
4x Rare Candy (2 HP, 2 POP8)
2x RH Uxie LA
2x RH Unown G
1x RH Azelf LA
RE: [H]: RH Claydol GE, 4x Rare Candy, 2x RH Uxie LA [W]: Really want 4 Expert Belts!

Didn't see anything, Lucario. :(
RE: [H]: RH Claydol GE, 4x Rare Candy, 2x RH Uxie LA [W]: Really want 4 Expert Belts!

CML for
1x Honchkrow Lv. X (pack)
1x Mewtwo*
1x Shining Mew CoroCoro Promo
1x RH Claydol GE

I have an unlisted Expert Belt if you want it.
RE: [H]: RH Claydol GE, 4x Rare Candy, 2x RH Uxie LA [W]: Really want 4 Expert Belts!

Hey please CML 4x Rare Candy (2 HP, 2 POP8)
2x RH Uxie LA
2x RH Unown G
1x RH Azelf LA
1x RH Claydol GE
1x RH Baltoy GE.

have arceus-AR6
RE: [H]: RH Claydol GE, 4x Rare Candy, 2x RH Uxie LA [W]: Really want 4 Expert Belts!

zephilim: Expert Belts are pending, and didn't see anything else I wanted. :(

Spardan: I like the Arceus, but I don't really wanna trade that stuff for just the Arceus.
RE: [H]: RH Claydol GE, 4x Rare Candy, 2x RH Uxie LA [W]: Need Shaymin Ground Lv. X!

SV Cherrim RH
MD Warp Point RH x 2
GE Claydol RH
RE: [H]: RH Claydol GE, 4x Rare Candy, 2x RH Uxie LA [W]: Need Shaymin Ground Lv. X!

Hey! I'm back! Haha I have a Shaymin Ground, what would you like to trade for it? I'm thinkin' about Claydol and some Candieees ;)
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