tyranitar77: would you trade one of your * pokemon?
eevee: Didn't see anything I wanted, sorry.
Lucario: sorry about that, must not have been paying attention. Anyways, I like your Blaziken FB Lv. X and Shaymin Ground Lv. X. LMK an offer.
SSBBDaisy: Didn't really want anything, but I am interested in the Luxray GL Lv. X and Blaziken FB Lv. X. LMK
icman92: Didn't see anything, sorry man.
vrapceboy: I still have a pending trade with Misa for a Shiny Relicanth, just forgot to take it off my wants. If another week goes by and I still haven't received from Misa (that would make it a month), then I'll take your offer.