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[H]: Donphan Primes, Vileplume UD, Rare Candy [W]: RDL Bottom, Alph Lithograph THREE

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RE: Festizzio's trade thread - H: Some RH G stuff W: Rare Candies, others

hey i liked
3x RH Poke Turn
3x RH Cyrus's Conspiracy
2x RH Crobat G
4x Looker's Investigation (1 RH)
1 mesprit la
i have
1 rare candy (foil or non foil ure choice)
2 roseannas (may have them in foil but i value those high)
azelf la
im also going to a pre release tommorow
so i can get u some thing because im having a friend play with me for more stuff
plmk of a offer via pm because im not active on these forums too much
RE: Festizzio's trade thread - H: Some RH G stuff W: Rare Candies, others

It's $3.50 per Rare Candy, $1.25 per Poke Drawer +, $4 per Roseanne's Research.

PM me to confirm the trade and if you want to buy those.

RE: Festizzio's trade thread - H: Some RH G stuff W: Rare Candies, others

Anthony: I actually just made a trade with the Power Sprays, so I don't have those anymore, but I don't need the Volkner's anymore. Would you still do the first trade, and the roseanne's for the two RH Cyrus's? LMK.

Edit: And I'll buy two roseanne's, one rare candy and two poke drawers for $14 (If I did the math right).

Edit2: I'll just by one roseanne's actually, if you decide to trade for the Cyrus's, if not then I'll buy two. So either $10 or $14.
RE: Festizzio's trade thread - H: Some RH G stuff W: Rare Candies, others

A lot of edits lol.

OK Hmm..lets sort this out in PM's (easier to deal with).

PM me and we can talk some more.

RE: H: stuff W: EX Emerald Grass Energies, others

I have two of the weedles from RR and 3 of the Victreebells from LA, interested?
RE: H: stuff W: EX Emerald Grass Energies, others

The Weedle from RR, is one RH?
And do you have this victreebel? http://www.trollandtoad.com/p163438.html
RE: H: stuff W: EX Emerald Grass Energies, others

Johnnieboilulz said:
The Weedle from RR, is one RH?
And do you have this victreebel? http://www.trollandtoad.com/p163438.html

it's not RH and i don't have that victreebel, sorry

sceptile: i didn't see anything I needed, sorry
RE: H: stuff W: EX Emerald Grass Energies, others

could you cml for 2 weavile and i think i have one foil grass enrgy from emerald
RE: H: stuff W: EX Emerald Grass Energies, others

Can you tell me what set the Salamences and Magnezones are from, and what the set numbers are in the bottom right corners? I might be interested in those.
RE: H: stuff W: EX Emerald Grass Energies, others

I Have an EMERALD LEAF ENERGY!! And a base first edition red cheek pika
RE: H: stuff W: EX Emerald Grass Energies, others

moo5100 said:
How much are you willing to give?

Let me know what you're looking at on my list and I'll let you know what I'm willing to do.

edit: I also want your RH Holon Rare Candy, LMK if you see anything for that too.

edit2: I also want that 1st ed. base set pika

edit3 (bear with me): I also like the shining mewtwo and shining tyranitar

edit4 (. . .): I also like your Promo Pikachu (#27) - Last edit I swear!!!
RE: H: stuff W: EX Emerald Grass Energies, others

I like heatran X and the world pikachu collection that you are expecting to recieve
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