RE: I Need CARDS not REFS H: 99 LEVEL X'S, 5 Flygon X, 4 Gengar X, 8 Salamence X, 4 Luxray X, 30 Spiritomb,
I would trade a
leafeon X
Flygon X or Luxray X
+ Plakia G
I would trade a
leafeon X
Flygon X or Luxray X
+ Plakia G
dragonpulse20 said:I'll trade you my Lucario X promo for a rare candy and a Gengar X.
Gamesstoper said:I would trade a
leafeon X
Flygon X or Luxray X
+ Plakia G
Thegame8228 said:I have a promocroak g now...we should be able to work out a deal now for the lux x...i have that as well as several other x's
ace11 said:My Luxray for your Flygon?
konter_j8902 said:my
flygon x
spirtomb ar x2
luxray gl x
luxray gl
ThePokemonProfessor said:Holy crud that's a good collection o.o
From your stuff I want: (The more * the more I want it)
Luxray GL Lv.X****
Blaziken FB Lv.X**** (I think I saw it)
Flygon Lv.X**
Gengar Lv.X***
Infernape E4 Lv.X***
From your wants I have:
A really cool mewtwo, IDK what set or anything it's from (I'll supply a pic in a sec)
Lucario Lv.X (Tin)
What holos do you want? I have alot
As far as Lv.X's/ex's go, I have:
1x Rayquaza C Lv.X (JPN) (Pt3)
1x Palkia G Lv.X (PT)
1x Drapion Lv.X (PT)
1x Landmin Lv.X (PT)
1x Raichu Lv.X (SF)
2x Heatran Lv.X (SF)
1x Gliscor Lv.X (LA)
1x Guardevoir Lv.X (SW)
1x Honchcrow Lv.X (SW)
1x Infernape Lv.X (DP, Pack)
1x Giratina Lv.X (Tin)
1x Lucario Lv.X (Tin)
2x Latios ex (DF)
2x Latias ex (DF)
1x Rayquaza ex (DF)
1x Altaria ex (DF)
1x Shkamory ex (PK)
1x Metagross ex (PK)
1x Registeel ex (UF) (Damaged a bit)
1x Jirachi ex (CG)
1x Gengar ex (FR&LG)
2x Rayquaza ex (POP7 I think) (Slightly Damaged)
1x Claydol ex (PK)
1x Shiftry ex (PK)
1x Mr. Mime ex (FR&LG)
Some other mentionable cards:
1x Claydol GE (JPN)
1x Syther Re-print (PT)
1x Holo Poliwrath (Base)
1x Holo Nidoking (Base)
1x Shiny Milotic JPN (Pt3)
2x Spiritomb (AR)
1x Power Spray (PT)
1x Holo Scott (Emerald)
ALOT of Sp. Darkness energy
1x Flying Pikachu (Orig print)
Alot of stable trainers, what do you need?
What can we work out?
P.S. It'd be easier to just show you my trade thread if the new updated one would get approved....
Edit: I just noticed a little "14" as the set for my Mewtwo, so I think it's a promo. Still trying to find my camra...
Cat-O-Ninetails said:stdne
thank you for all the effort in your post. i know number 14, and sadly i do not need it....
cards i see are
garde x
gliscor x
and lucario x
ThePokemonProfessor said:Could You do all 3 of those for Luxray GL Lv.X?
Uhm, can you do all 3 for Blaziken FB Lv.X? (If you have it)Cat-O-Ninetails said:sorry friend, i would rather not.
ThePokemonProfessor said:Uhm, can you do all 3 for Blaziken FB Lv.X? (If you have it)
Greel said:CML for x4 Roseys and x4 Bebes
Also, is that Garchomp MD the Lv. X from Majestic Dawn or perhaps you labeled it wrong and its MT and not Lv X? Either way, do you have Garchomp MT?
TheBBProductionz said:Sup skyler
Poll: Blaziken FB X since I can afford it...
I have lucario X Ill trade if for a Sally X![]()
I have some nice Japanese Neo Vaporeon Cards. I also have vappy star.
INFERNAPE112892 said:Can u cml
lux x
flygon x
ESP said:CML for SH10 Bagon please.