• Please read THIS THREAD if you are a new trader/seller.

    Thank you!

H: LOST WORLD W: primes!

RE: K1ll3d trading thread ~~ipod~~ camera

on second thought what version ipod is it? I know nano, but what generation?
RE: K1ll3d trading thread ~~Xbox 360~~ipod~~paintball gun~ Computer monitor~much more@

alright salamance x mesprit x blissey prime super scoop up and energy restores
RE: K1ll3d trading thread ~~ipod~~ camera

I can give you
1 Entei suicene legend peice
2 tyranitar prime
1 uxie LA
1 heatran lv.x..
4 bebes
LMK please
for the Ipod
RE: K1ll3d trading thread ~~ipod~~ camera

ok but im in desprate need of energys. so i need some physcic so all of that for my ipod?
RE: K1ll3d trading thread ~~ipod~~ camera

yeah all that for your ipod.. I will find you some energies as well.. Pm me to add that to our trade
RE: K1ll3d trading thread ~~ipod~~ camera

I sent you a PM. Please reply, thanks! :)
RE: K1ll3d trading thread ~~ipod~~ camera

alakazam holo (base set)

for 4 bebe searches
RE: K1ll3d trading thread ~~ipod~~ camera

ok i will be willing to to trade those things i need:

2 steelix primes
4 onyx
4 sablye sf
1 chatot md
1 unkown q
3 momo milks

RE: K1ll3d trading thread ~~ipod~~ camera

Please CML for your...

Ipod Nano
x1 nidoqueen rh (is this 1 from Rising Rivals)
x1 vileplume (is this 1 from HGSS Undaunted)
RE: k1ll3d corner! sableye sf blissey pl~ rare candy@

Are any of your rare candies RH, and do you have any of my RH deck wants??