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[H]: Mostly everything you could need [W]: unown q, rh meta cards

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RE: My trades [H]:What you're looking for. Lots Lv Xs [W]: Promo Energy

Sorry, didn't really see anything. Thanks for your interest though.
RE: My trades [H]: Lots Lv Xs [W]: Pop Promo Energy (New Stitch Pattern)

Sorry, I checked, and I have mostly everything on your list.
Thank you for your interest though.
RE: My trades [H]: Lots Lv Xs [W]: Pop Promo Energy (New Stitch Pattern)

I'm interested in Darkrai X, Cresselia X and any primes.
RE: My trades [H]: Lots Lv Xs [W]: Pop Promo Energy (New Stitch Pattern)

angel: how many crobat g do you have? And do you have the stitch pattern energy?

richkid: ehh...no thanks. I don't really need a flygon x.
RE: My trades [H]: Lots Lv Xs [W]: Pop Promo Energy (New Stitch Pattern)

You would have gotten them in the mail if you have them. And sorry, I can't trade an x or prime for 1 crobat g. Thanks for your interest though.
RE: My trades [H]: Nearly Every Lv X [W]: Pop Promo Energy (New Stitch Pattern)

Please CML for Chomp CX, and Blaze FBX. Thanks!
RE: My trades [H]: Nearly Every Lv X [W]: Pop Promo Energy (New Stitch Pattern)

Thank for your interest juliacoolo, but I'm mainly looking for the player reward energies POP sent out.
RE: My trades [H]: Nearly Every Lv X [W]: Pop Promo Energy (New Stitch Pattern)

cml for garchomp c x and landmin x
RE: My trades [H]: Nearly Every Lv X [W]: Pop Promo Energy (New Stitch Pattern)

Sorry, didn't see anything. All I'm really looking for are the new pop promo energies.
RE: My trades [H]: Nearly Every Lv X [W]: Pop Promo Energy (New Stitch Pattern)

All 8? They wouldn't happen to be sealed would they? It doesn't matter, just wondering. But I do prefer all 8. What do you value them at?
RE: My trades [H]: Nearly Every Lv X [W]: Pop Promo Energy (New Stitch Pattern)

they are sealed and i value them a lot
RE: My trades [H]: Nearly Every Lv X [W]: Pop Promo Energy (New Stitch Pattern)

Could you give me a dollar value so that I can match a card to it?
RE: My trades [H]: Nearly Every Lv X [W]: Pop Promo Energy (New Stitch Pattern)

really? almost $2 each...wow...
what were you looking for?
RE: My trades [H]: Nearly Every Lv X [W]: Pop Promo Energy (New Stitch Pattern)

CML for luxray gl lv x and dialga g lv x

RE: My trades [H]: Nearly Every Lv X [W]: Pop Promo Energy (New Stitch Pattern)

I think we're both after the same thing (the league promo energies). If I collected japanese cards, I'm sure I could find something, but I try really hard to stick to english cards. If you had a few sets of those energies you'd be willing to trade though, I'm sure we could work something out.
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