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[H]: Mostly everything you could need [W]: unown q, rh meta cards

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RE: My trades [H]: Nearly Every Lv X [W]: Pop Promo Energy (New Stitch Pattern)

crm103top08 said:
I think we're both after the same thing (the league promo energies). If I collected japanese cards, I'm sure I could find something, but I try really hard to stick to english cards. If you had a few sets of those energies you'd be willing to trade though, I'm sure we could work something out.

do u mean of the japanese set HGSS energy that has a special design on it??i have them as a set...do u interested?
RE: My trades [H]: Nearly Every Lv X [W]: Pop Promo Energy (New Stitch Pattern)

no I mean the ones POP sent you in the mail. They're holo and have a stitch pattern.
RE: My trades [H]: Nearly Every Lv X [W]: Pop Promo Energy (New Stitch Pattern)

crm103top08 said:
no I mean the ones POP sent you in the mail. They're holo and have a stitch pattern.

i don't receive them yet...i think i won't trade those because i want those energy too...lol....
RE: My trades [H]: Nearly Every Lv X [W]: Pop Promo Energy (New Stitch Pattern)

cml for lux x, i will give A LOT for it...i do have a couple pop holo grass energy as well
RE: My trades [H]: Nearly Every Lv X [W]: Pop Promo Energy (New Stitch Pattern)

Sorry, thanks for you interest, but I didn't see much I'm looking for.
RE: My trades [H]: Nearly Every Lv X [W]: Pop Promo Energy (New Stitch Pattern)

so would you trade your luxray lvl x? i have every type of the OP energies....
RE: My trades [H]: Nearly Every Lv X [W]: Pop Promo Energy (New Stitch Pattern)

I'm really more interested in holding on to them to sell them at nats, but if the offer is right, yeah I'll trade it. What do you value your energies at?
RE: My trades [H]: Nearly Every Lv X [W]: Pop Promo Energy (New Stitch Pattern)

Would you trade 1 of your luxray X for my FLygon X???

I can throw in somthing else If I must.
RE: My trades [H]: Nearly Every Lv X [W]: Pop Promo Energy (New Stitch Pattern)

Sorry, lux x's are worth almost 2x as much as a flygon x.
I haven't watched any flygon x's lately, but they aren't getting nearly as many bids or bid nearly as high as luxray x's.
e.g. if you search flygon x on ebay, there are a couple that are 2d away from ending and are bid up to $10-15.
If you search luxray x, there are a couple that are 2d away from ending and are bid up to $30-35.
I watched one end yesterday and it ended at $56.
RE: My trades [H]: Nearly Every Lv X [W]: Pop Promo Energy (New Stitch Pattern)

ehh lux x is moving up but fly x is worth like 35-40 and lux x is worth 45-55
RE: My trades [H]: Nearly Every Lv X [W]: Pop Promo Energy (New Stitch Pattern)



All I'm sayin is... case in point. I picked the 2 highest and 1 lowest auctions on ebay.
RE: My trades [H]: Nearly Every Lv X [W]: Pop Promo Energy (New Stitch Pattern)

lol it goes by buy it now prices...they both used to be 40 but now theyre slowly goign opposite directions
RE: My trades [H]: Nearly Every Lv X [W]: Pop Promo Energy (New Stitch Pattern)

Buy it now prices are generally higher than what the auctions end at. Buy it now prices also aren't as accurate because people can put whatever price they want on there. Auctions end at the buyers discretion, not the seller. Granted some auctions end really low, the average price of an auction is more accurate to a card's value than average price of buy it now.
RE: My trades [H]: Nearly Every Lv X [W]: Pop Promo Energy (New Stitch Pattern)

i am in love with your gengar X. It's sexy, and wonderful. Please, if you would CML for something, I would really like that. Thank you.
RE: Crm's trades [H]: LOTS

ESP said:
EDIT: Approved. Please make sure you read the rules if you have not already done so.



Trade my Luxray Gl X, Flygon X,Dialga G X and Palkia G X for Floatzel GL X,Garchomp X,and Blissy Prime

If u like PM me
RE: My trades [H]: Nearly Every Lv X [W]: Pop Promo Energy (New Stitch Pattern)

Soariyant said:
i am in love with your gengar X. It's sexy, and wonderful. Please, if you would CML for something, I would really like that. Thank you.
All I'm really looking for are the player reward energies.
If you're willing to trade those, we can work out a deal.
If you're interested, just list all pop reward energies you have.
RE: My trades [H]: Nearly Every Lv X [W]: Pop Promo Energy (New Stitch Pattern)

lol...sexy gengar x. ok sorry for spamming on your thread. good day :p
RE: My trades [H]: Nearly Every Lv X [W]: Pop Promo Energy (New Stitch Pattern)

Thegame8228 said:
lol...sexy gengar x. ok sorry for spamming on your thread. good day :p
Lol I don't mind. It's notably funny.
RE: My trades [H]: Nearly Every Lv X [W]: Pop Promo Energy (New Stitch Pattern)

Fire, Water, Grass and Dark im getting those in the mail next week. (player rewards energies)

I know that dark is worth a good amount :D lessee what we can do.

p.s. Please don't hate on my Gengar love. In my dreams it's completely mutual :D
RE: My trades [H]: Nearly Every Lv X [W]: Pop Promo Energy (New Stitch Pattern)

Lol you're funny. But anyway, I only value the pop energies at about $1 each, just like a majority of all the other holo energies. I would probably pay $8-10 for a full set though. So if you had 2 full sets, I would trade you in a heartbeat.
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