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H: New Cards, Old Format Cards, Merch, and More! W: A Lot!

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RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: Luxray GL X, Gengar X, Salamence X, Deck Boxes/Sleeves, Staple Trainers + TONS more! W: BUL

...No thanks. Those 2 Lv. X come in Tins and find and get them for cheaper. And those 2 were the least wanted Lv. X on the list anyway.
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: Luxray GL X, Gengar X, Salamence X, Deck Boxes/Sleeves, Staple Trainers + TONS more! W: BUL

ok gliscor x
cressalia x

lmk thanks
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: Luxray GL X, Gengar X, Salamence X, Deck Boxes/Sleeves, Staple Trainers + TONS more! W: BUL

flygon LV X
Garchomp MT

Salamence X AR
Gengar X AR

RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: Luxray GL X, Gengar X, Salamence X, Deck Boxes/Sleeves, Staple Trainers + TONS more! W: BUL

Heatran1991: I sent you a PM. LMK through there.

Zierent: Thanks for the offer but I'll pass. Thats a bit too much for me to give up for just 1 Flygon X (Only if its ENG and MINT).

I most I can do is either of those Lv. X's + a something else for Flygon, but other than that unfortunately I am going to have to pass.
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: Luxray GL X, Gengar X, Salamence X, Deck Boxes/Sleeves, Staple Trainers + TONS more! W: BUL

It is english and it is mint.
Inside a sleeve within a toploader.
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: Luxray GL X, Gengar X, Salamence X, Deck Boxes/Sleeves, Staple Trainers + TONS more! W: BUL

i'm interested in any of the following:
1x uxie lv. x (big want)
2x uxie, la (rh/pack) (big want)
2x expert belt
1x vs seeker
3x cyrus's conspiracy (big want)
1x power spray
4x hp fire energy (can straight trade hp grass matrix)
3x hp lightning energy (can straight trade hp grass matrix)
2x hp psychic energy (can straight trade hp grass matrix)

i have:
1x nidoqueen, rr
2x rare candy (non holo)

feel free to check my list for more.
1x looker's investigation
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: Luxray GL X, Gengar X, Salamence X, Deck Boxes/Sleeves, Staple Trainers + TONS more! W: BUL

Zierant: Well again, I can't do that offer. But as I said before I can do either 1 of those + a throw in for it.



Spardan19: I don't need HP Matrix it says on my wants I only want PK or EM. So I'll pass on that.

And I really only kinda need the 2x Rare Candy (What set?), depending on what you offer is for them (I am thinking 1x Cyrus + 1x Power Spray for those; but you can make me another offer).

RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: Luxray GL X, Gengar X, Salamence X, Deck Boxes/Sleeves, Staple Trainers + TONS more! W: BUL

AnthonyG said:
Spardan19: I don't need HP Matrix it says on my wants I only want PK or EM. So I'll pass on that.

And I really only kinda need the 2x Rare Candy (What set?), depending on what you offer is for them (I am thinking 1x Cyrus + 1x Power Spray for those; but you can make me another offer).


I trade by card value, so a Cyrus's and Power Spray for two Rare Candy is kind of hard for me to go with. I can do this:

2x Rare Candy (POP8/GE)
1x Nidoqueen, RR

3x Cyrus's Conspiracy
1x VS Seeker
3x HP Lightning Energy
4x HP Fire Energy
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: Luxray GL X, Gengar X, Salamence X, Deck Boxes/Sleeves, Staple Trainers + TONS more! W: BUL

i have
Spirtomb (Arecus)
Nidoqueen (RR)
Gengar (SF)
Gyarados (SF)
Mesprit (LA)
Azelf (LA)
Shelgon (Arceus)
Bagon (Arceus)
Garchomp C
Expert Belt (RH)
Night Maintenance (Need Non Holo As Well)
Broken Time Space (Need Non Holo As Well)
Cyrus’s Conspiracy
TGI Energy Gain
Bebe’s Search
Luxury Ball

i want
Gengar Lv. X
Blaziken FB Lv. X x2
Luxray GL Lv. X

Can u cml for more pls
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: Luxray GL X, Gengar X, Salamence X, Deck Boxes/Sleeves, Staple Trainers + TONS more! W: BUL

Woah...no thanks. Thats way too much for 2 Rare Candies + and card that I don't really need. And if you do trade by card value, you research and learn what your talking about because Cyrus is as big (and sell for almost the same as) Rare Candy.

Thanks for posting but i'll definitely take a pass on that.
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: Luxray GL X, Gengar X, Salamence X, Deck Boxes/Sleeves, Staple Trainers + TONS more! W: BUL

AnthonyG said:
Woah...no thanks. Thats way too much for 2 Rare Candies + and card that I don't really need. And if you do trade by card value, you research and learn what your talking about because Cyrus is as big (and sell for almost the same as) Rare Candy.

Thanks for posting but i'll definitely take a pass on that.

Really? For some reason, I always thought Rare Candy was worth more. Silly me.

If you change your mind, my offer still stands. If not, thanks anyway.
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: Luxray GL X, Gengar X, Salamence X, Deck Boxes/Sleeves, Staple Trainers + TONS more! W: BUL

Lol, if your buying Rare Candies for $8 each, PLEASE buy all 10 of mine from me at that price.

Because anyone willing to pay that much is (no offense) a HUGE fool. And if you knew how to use eBay CORRECTLY, you would know the 1 person who is overpriceing them isn't selling any of them (do you wonder buy where is it suppose to say "Sold X number" there is none?) And that to get a REALISTIC price you should learn how to use "COMPLETE LISTINGS" like normal people do to find how much they are ACTUALLY selling for.

So, nice try there buddy ;]

I have been doing this way too long to think someone who doesn't know the first thing of selling can teach me something lol.

And no don't worry. I won't change my mind.
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: Luxray GL X, Gengar X, Salamence X, Deck Boxes/Sleeves, Staple Trainers + TONS more! W: BUL

AnthonyG said:
Lol, if your buying Rare Candies for $8 each, PLEASE buy all 10 of mine from me at that price.

Because anyone willing to pay that much is (no offense) a HUGE fool. And if you knew how to use eBay CORRECTLY, you would know the 1 person who is overpriceing them isn't selling any of them (do you wonder buy where is it suppose to say "Sold X number" there is none?) And that to get a REALISTIC price you should learn how to use "COMPLETE LISTINGS" like normal people do to find how much they are ACTUALLY selling for.

So, nice try there buddy ;]

I have been doing this way too long to think someone who doesn't know the first thing of selling can teach me something lol.

You're right.

After checking the Completed Listings on Cyrus's Conspiracy, I'm seeing this:

$.60, $.86, $.26

And one sold for $4.99! Oh wait, that's because they sold 3 reverse holo.

I did check the Completed Listings for Cyrus's Conspiracy, and they're not close to Rare Candy. I even gave you the benefit of posting up a $1 Cyrus's Conspiracy instead of posting the 20-80 cent ones; I was trying to help you out.

Checking the Completed Listings on Rare Candy, they average out to be $5; just like they always were.

Again, my deal still stands. If not, thanks anyway.
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: Luxray GL X, Gengar X, Salamence X, Deck Boxes/Sleeves, Staple Trainers + TONS more! W: BUL

RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: Luxray GL X, Gengar X, Salamence X, Deck Boxes/Sleeves, Staple Trainers + TONS more! W: BUL

Lol, did you actually take a look at the Bid auction? The auctions only started out at $0.01 and only last 3 DAYS; did you really expect it to sell high when it starts at $0.01 and each of the auction only lasted 3 days?. Again you need to learn how to do some research before trying to come up with fake numbers trying to "one up me" when you have no idea what your talking about lol.

And again if you want to buy them from $5-$6 each please go over to my selling forum and buy all of mine for that price, because if you look up the information (not including RH Rare Candy) only about 5 of the completed auctions when for more than $5 while 9 completed auctions sold for less than $5....which must mean something! OH! Thats right, more people bidding are smart enough to know that it shouldn't got for more than $4 + change.

Again learn to do some research and I'll pass on the offer. Please don't post unless you know what your talking about.

AnthonyG said:
INFERNAPE112892: I'm just going to pass because every time I post a response you ignore it and its really annoying, so I am probably just going to ignore anyone who post multiple times without a response.
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: Luxray GL X, Gengar X, Salamence X, Deck Boxes/Sleeves, Staple Trainers + TONS more! W: BUL

AnthonyG said:
Lol, did you actually take a look at the Bid auction? The auctions only started out at $0.01 and only last 3 DAYS; did you really expect it to sell high when it starts at $0.01 and each of the auction only lasted 3 days?. Again you need to learn how to do some research before trying to come up with fake numbers trying to "one up me" when you have no idea what your talking about lol.

And again if you want to buy them from $5-$6 each please go over to my selling forum and buy all of mine for that price, because if you look up the information (not including RH Rare Candy) only about 5 of the completed auctions when for more than $5 while 9 completed auctions sold for less than $5...which must mean something! OH! Thats right, more people bidding are smart enough to know that it shouldn't got for more than $4 + change.

Again learn to do some research and I'll pass on the offer. Please don't post unless you know what your talking about.

I'll apologize for looking at the Completed Listings--like you said to--and posting the results of my findings.

You said that Cyrus's are worth as much as Rare Candy, and in the entire Completed Listings result, I didn't see a Rare Candy getting sold as low as a Cyrus's, or vice versa.

Five Completed Listings had Rare Candy at $5, while no Cyrus's Conspiracy listing had an individual card above $1. Close, but no cigar.

Also, take in to consideration this. If someone listed a Rare Candy at $0.01 and left it open only for three days, I could promise you that it would break $1 in bids.

My point was this: Cyrus's are in no way, shape or form remotely close to, in value, Rare Candy.

You keep recommending me to go to your selling thread, but seeing your prices, I'd rather try my luck on Ebay. Reasonable prices are more attractive.

Take care.
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: Luxray GL X, Gengar X, Salamence X, Deck Boxes/Sleeves, Staple Trainers + TONS more! W: BUL

I actually posted the first part wrong.

What I meant to say was "the bid completed auction" (as in where you quoted the $0.80 cent, and whatever the other numbers were.) Those completed [bid] auctions only lasted 3 days and started at $0.01. which again did you really expect those to sell for as much as/close to Rare Candy when they only lasted 3 days while the Rare Candies had at least 1 month+ on eBay selling?

Anyway, have fun overpaying for the card and shipping as well as continuous watching over 1 card!
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: Luxray GL X, Gengar X, Salamence X, Deck Boxes/Sleeves, Staple Trainers + TONS more! W: BUL

Do you have any regular Garchomp C?
Also I'd like to attempt to offer for Luxray after I hear your reply.
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: Luxray GL X, Gengar X, Salamence X, Deck Boxes/Sleeves, Staple Trainers + TONS more! W: BUL

AnthonyG said:
I actually posted the first part wrong.

What I meant to say was "the bid completed auction" (as in where you quoted the $0.80 cent, and whatever the other numbers were.) Those completed [bid] auctions only lasted 3 days and started at $0.01. which again did you really expect those to sell for as much as/close to Rare Candy when they only lasted 3 days while the Rare Candies had at least 1 month+ on eBay selling?

Anyway, have fun overpaying for the card and shipping as well as continuous watching over 1 card!

Will do. Also, I just wanted to say that I didn't mean to offend or anything. Just haggling prices. Hope there's no hard feelings. :)
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: Luxray GL X, Gengar X, Salamence X, Deck Boxes/Sleeves, Staple Trainers + TONS more! W: BUL

one question doesnt the rules say reply to every one just curious
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