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H: New Cards, Old Format Cards, Merch, and More! W: A Lot!

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RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: Bisharp Sleeves/JPN Items! EX's, Full Arts, Trainer Staples + TONS more! W: BULK + TON MORE

Updated with Dragon Exalted!
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: NEW DRX! JPN Items! EX's, Full Arts, Trainer Staples + TONS more! W: UN/C BULK + TON MORE!

i have
regigigas ex
tornadus fa
cml if you would like
i like
tornadus ex
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: NEW DRX! JPN Items! EX's, Full Arts, Trainer Staples + TONS more! W: UN/C BULK + TON MORE!

I'm assuming these are English, so.... CML for DRE Garbodor, and DRE 2 Promo Altaria! I have 4 Tornadus FA, Tornadus EX, and Raikou EX!
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: NEW DRX! JPN Items! EX's, Full Arts, Trainer Staples + TONS more! W: UN/C BULK + TON MORE!

jgreen: Hey there, I don't really see much other than Terrakion and few smaller stuff. Not really enough for Tornadus. Sorry.

Fluttershy: Hey there, I am probably going to hold on to the Promo Altaria to try to trade for some Hydregon (sp?) and/or Garchomp. I can trade Garbodor though, I am sort of interested in Raikou EX. Anything I can add in to get it?


RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: NEW DRX! JPN Items! EX's, Full Arts, Trainer Staples + TONS more! W: UN/C BULK + TON MORE!

Actually, I don't know about Raikou right now because it is currently in a trade that I'm not fully done working out. Is there anything else that you like on my list?
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: NEW DRX! JPN Items! EX's, Full Arts, Trainer Staples + TONS more! W: UN/C BULK + TON MORE!

Sort of interested in Regigigas EX but it's a low want and not looking to trade too much for it. Feel free to make an offer though.
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: NEW DRX! JPN Items! EX's, Full Arts, Trainer Staples + TONS more! W: UN/C BULK + TON MORE!

Since you can't trade the Garchomps or the Altarias, I'm going to hold off for now. Thanks anyway!
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: NEW DRX! JPN Items! EX's, Full Arts, Trainer Staples + TONS more! W: UN/C BULK + TON MORE!

Never had Garchomp on my list lol, not sure if you got me mixed up with someone. But anyway, no problem. Maybe next time.
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: NEW DRX! JPN Items! EX's, Full Arts, Trainer Staples + TONS more! W: UN/C BULK + TON MORE!

Fully Updated! Tons of new EX and RH Trainers added
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: NEW DRX! JPN Items! EX's, Full Arts, Trainer Staples + TONS more! W: UN/C BULK + TON MORE!

I have Tornadus EX FA, Regigigas EX FA, and some Rescue Scarfs, etc. from your Dragons Exalted want list. You can check my list to see if you're interested in anything else. Im interested in the 2 Pokemon Catchers. Let me know if we can work something out for them!
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: NEW DRX! JPN Items! EX's, Full Arts, Trainer Staples + TONS more! W: UN/C BULK + TON MORE!

Sorry really didn't see too much, a few small things and lower wants but nothing too urgent to trade away the RH Pokemon Catchers.

If you happen to need anything else, LMK, otherwise thanks for posting.
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: NEW DRX! JPN Items! EX's, Full Arts, Trainer Staples + TONS more! W: UN/C BULK + TON MORE!

Bump #2!
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: DRX! JPN Items! EX's, Full Arts, Trainer Staples + TONS more! W: UN/C, ENERGY BULK + TONS M

Bump #1. Updated list with tons more staple trainers and Pokemon. Wants are up to date as well!
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: DRX! JPN Items! EX's, Full Arts, Trainer Staples + TONS more! W: UN/C, ENERGY BULK + TONS M

Sup Anthony, I like your RH Max Potion, RH Bianca, RH catcher, if you have RH Deino x3 I need those, and if you have any other of my wants I have listed on my thread. Off your wants I have Empoleon, Raikou EX, Tornadus EX, Regigigas EX, NV Terrakion, Eviolite. lmk :D
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: DRX! JPN Items! EX's, Full Arts, Trainer Staples + TONS more! W: UN/C, ENERGY BULK + TONS M

Sorry dude. Most of that stuff I am probably going to hold onto for higher wants/DRX wants right now. Since that would be my only way of getting DRX stuff right now lol.

If you see anything else though I am sort of interested in your Eviolite and Raikou EX.

RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: DRX! JPN Items! EX's, Full Arts, Trainer Staples + TONS more! W: UN/C, ENERGY BULK + TONS M

Dang :( lol I guess I need to get back at ya next week when drx comes out.
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: DRX! JPN Items! EX's, Full Arts, Trainer Staples + TONS more! W: UN/C, ENERGY BULK + TONS M

Sorry about that man. But cool man looking forward to it.

RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: DRX! JPN Items! EX's, Full Arts, Trainer Staples + TONS more! W: UN/C, ENERGY BULK + TONS M

Would you do the following for my Shaymin Ex or Regigigas Ex?

Black and White: Dragons Exalted - Garbodor
1 Giant Cape
and any HGSS fighting energies you may have.
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: DRX! JPN Items! EX's, Full Arts, Trainer Staples + TONS more! W: UN/C, ENERGY BULK + TONS M

Man..that is a very temping offer, but unfortunately I am going to have to pass. I think I am going to hold on to all the "bigger" wanted cards on my list for DRX stuff as I don't see myself getting any cards/packs of them anytime soon without trading.

If you see anything else, LMK.

Otherwise thanks for posting!
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: DRX! JPN Items! EX's, Full Arts, Trainer Staples + TONS more! W: UN/C, ENERGY BULK + TONS M

Well before I completely give up, can you possibly check my list for them?? I would appreciate it, even if you dont find anything. Thank you.
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