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H: New Cards, Old Format Cards, Merch, and More! W: A Lot!

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RE: Great New Sales! Come and SEE! Trading GOOD for States wants! Some GE in!!

For the boost energy what set is it from? If it is from a set under UF, sry I dont need that.

From your list, if you still have Palkia Lv. X, I could use that if the deal dosent go through.

Heres an offer, LMK what you think:

Chansey (MT, RH only) x1
Quick Ball (MT, RH Only) x1
Holon Energy FF (RH Only) x1
Drake's Stadium (PK, Holo Only) x1

Larvitar (52/100) x2 (Holo w/ Logo?)
Pupitar (59/101) x1 (Holo w/ Logo?)
Super Scoop Up x3 (2x DS RH, 1x FR/LG RH)
RE: Great New Sales! Come and SEE! Trading GOOD for States wants! Some GE in!!

My mistake, I just checked.. my Boost Energy IS RH with the Dragon Frontiers Logo on it.

I don't have Palkia Anymore, and I need the PETM more than the Super Scoop up. What about instead of the SSU, replace it with PETM and Holon Adventurer?

So it'd be:

Chansey (MT, RH only) x1
Boost Energy (RH) x1
Holon Energy FF (RH Only) x1
Drake's Stadium (PK, Holo Only) x1

Larvitar (52/100) x2 (Holo w/ Logo?)
Pupitar (59/101) x1 (Holo w/ Logo?)
PETM (RH) x2
Holon Adventurer (RH) x1

And the Larvitar and Pupiter do have the DF logo on it right?

BTW: Sorry, I checked, it was an RH Dusk Ball I had, not Quick Ball. =\
RE: Great New Sales! Come and SEE! Trading GOOD for States wants! Some GE in!!

Yea, the Larvitar and Pupitar have the DF logo, sry but I think my brother is using both of the PETM and Holon Adventuer, do you want add in something else?
RE: Great New Sales! Come and SEE! Trading GOOD for States wants! Some GE in!!

How about the 2 Mentors (RH?) Do you have an Aerodactyl d (HP)? LMK.

BTW: If your brother still needs 2 PETMS and a Holon Adventurer, I can still trade them. I just want the holo version. =P
RE: Great New Sales! Come and SEE! Trading GOOD for States wants! Some GE in!!

How about I give you 1 PETM and 1 Aerodactyl d (HP)?
RE: Great New Sales! Come and SEE! Trading GOOD for States wants! Some GE in!!

I have RH Boosts from UF, DX, AQ, and an MT Typhlosion. I'm interested in Dialga (RH), 2 Team Galactic's Wager, and Garchomp.
RE: Great New Sales! Come and SEE! Trading GOOD for States wants! Some GE in!!

I only need your RH Boost from UF and DX. Do you need anything else other than what you listed?
RE: Great New Sales! Come and SEE! Trading GOOD for States wants! Some GE in!!

pcml for mew*, 1 rayquaza ex d
u live in usa right?
RE: Great New Sales! Come and SEE! Trading GOOD for States wants! Some GE in!!

I Could use maybe these:

EX/LV X/*/promo:

1 gardevoir lv X (decked, will be hard to get off me)
1 Time-Space Distortion!!

D/P cards:

1 magmortar sw
2 absol sw

Make an offer.
RE: Great New Sales! Come and SEE! Trading GOOD for States wants! Some GE in!!

1 gardevoir lv x
1 magmortar sw
1 absol sw
RE: Great New Sales! Come and SEE! Trading GOOD for States wants! Some GE in!!

Ok, PM me for details
RE: Great New Sales! Come and SEE! Need Claydol (GE) & Blastoise d from CG! Need it soon!

Bump, new updated Haves/Wants
RE: Great New Sales! Come and SEE! Need Claydol (GE) & Blastoise d from CG! Need it soon!

Why do you need Blastoise d (CG)? I have one, but it will be hard to get off me. LMK and maybe I can give you an offer. Also, CML for any other cards you might be interested in.

RE: Great New Sales! Come and SEE! Need Claydol (GE) & Blastoise d from CG! Need it s

CML for:

Dragonite EX d (DF)
Holon's Castform
Scott (PK, holo)
Rare Candy x2
Raichu (MT) x2
Metal Energy x4 (1, RH) -basic of special?
Flygon d (HP, rev. holo)

and if you have any of these:

Flaffy (SW, holo/RH)
Mareep (SW, holo/RH)
Exeggcute (MT, rev. holo)

RE: Great New Sales! Come and SEE! Need Claydol (GE) & Blastoise d from CG! Need it soon!

birdpoop37: If it gonna be hard to take off your hands, then I dont want it. Im not looking to trade big for it.

PacMac tL: The Metal Energy is the special energy NOT the basic. And I have Exeggcute from MT holo. I could use this stuff:

Pachirisu (Great Encounters, Rev. HOLO)
Felicity's Drawing x1 (Great Encounters; 1 Rev. HOLO)
Boost Energy (Unseen Forces; HOLO)
RE: Great New Sales! Come and SEE! Need Claydol (GE) & Blastoise d from CG! Need it soon!

i have rev holo claydol GE woudl you trade that for a level x or a rotated ex?
RE: Great New Sales! Come and SEE! Need Claydol (GE) & Blastoise d from CG! Need it soon!

Well I defenatly will not trade it for a lv. X unless you are gonna add in more cards or $$$, i might trade it for a rotated ex but probly not unless you want a Magmar ex.
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