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H: New Cards, Old Format Cards, Merch, and More! W: A Lot!

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RE: Lowered Prices on Holos!! Come and SEE! Also need Claydol (GE), Scramble Energys and other random stuff! New EX's!!

Hmm...I have other offers on it now...I think I might just do a trading auction for it. Look at my thread tomorrow and place a bid on the Claydol. Thanks!:)
RE: Lowered Prices on Holos!! Come and SEE! Also need Claydol (GE), Scramble Energys and other random stuff! New EX's!!

OK, ill be sure to check your thread, I am also interested in your GE Blaziken, can you CML and LMK if there is anything you need. Thanks
RE: Lowered Prices on Holos!! Come and SEE! Need 2x Claydol (RH, GE), 2x RH Felicities Lottery and other random stuff!

Bump...Still need some stuff for Regionals if my trades don't work out.
RE: Lowered Prices on Holos!! Come and SEE! Need stuff for Regionals, help we out!!

I want the Blissy and I have all your high wants but not Claydol and Celio's,If you dont want to trade them Ill just buy it.
RE: Lowered Prices on Holos!! Come and SEE! Need stuff for Regionals, help we out!!

CML for:

1 Dusknoir
3 Gardevoir (SW)
1 Gallade

LMK ASAP thanx
RE: Lowered Prices on Holos!! Come and SEE! Need stuff for Regionals, help we out!!

hey i have
i have
2 palkia (1 dp 1 ge) (i gotta check i might have 1 more)
2 mantyke
1 celio
i liked 1 castaway
could u make a offer
RE: Lowered Prices on Holos!! Come and SEE! Need stuff for Regionals, help we out!!

7Lucario7Master7: If you could, can you buy it? I am only looking for my Regional Wants right now, since I need to finsih off my little brothers deck. So, if you want to buy it, PM me the details.

Pokeric: Im only looking for my regionals wants right now. LMK if you have any of them.
BTW: Would you happen to have a GE Mudkip (Non Holo). Plz LMK. Thanks

yuyuman345: I'm not sure how highly you value castaway. But here is my offer:

2/3 Palika
2 Mantyke


if not just LMK an offer, and LMK if you find the other Palkia.
RE: Lowered Prices on Holos!! Come and SEE! Need stuff for Regionals, help me out!!

k,I should have the money at the end of this week
RE: Lowered Prices on Holos!! Come and SEE! Need stuff for Regionals, help me out!!

thats a little too high for me because it going to rotate very soon and i really dough theyll bring it back
i mioght be able to do a palkia ge for it (your still getting the better deal)
also pm me
RE: Lowered Prices on Holos!! Come and SEE! Need stuff for Regionals, help me out!!

7Lucario7Master7: Cool, and BTW how many Blissy's do you need? I might be able to sell some more, but I am still deciding if I should or not.

yuyuman345: Yea, I am not going to trade a Castaway for a Palkia, and that is unfair for me and I am definitely not getting a better deal. But thanks anyway.
RE: Lowered Prices on Holos!! Come and SEE! Need stuff for Regionals, help me out!!

I can trade you a DP rev.holo Palkia for a Garchomp MT.
RE: Lowered Prices on Holos!! Come and SEE! Need stuff for Regionals, help me out!!

well if you think of it its a rotating trainer which wont be needed as much thankls to the ge lapras
i justr need one because its in a going on trade so i mean if you did want to do that offer id want to add stuff to the deal to make it more fair
heres what i laso want from your list
Gallade RH
Absol holo
absolx3 non holo
make a new offer
RE: Lowered Prices on Holos!! Come and SEE! Need stuff for Regionals, help me out!!

yuyuman345 said:
well if you think of it its a rotating trainer which wont be needed as much thankls to the ge lapras
I justr need one because its in a going on trade so I mean if you did want to do that offer id want to add stuff to the deal to make it more fair
heres what I laso want from your list
Gallade RH
Absol holo
absolx3 non holo
make a new offer

In response to you Lapras comment. All I have to say is this..., how many people are gonna use Lapras when there are 100x better starters than Lapras. But this is a total different discussion, which I will not get into because this is not the forum to do so.

As for making the new offer, no thanks again.
1. I need this card by Saturday which probably wont get here.
2. Palkia is a useless rare, and I am not going to trade away holos or good cards for Palkia.

So thanks any away, but no thanks.
RE: Lowered Prices on Holos!! Come and SEE! Need stuff for Regionals, help me out!!


I need some new stuff:

Absol ex x1 (PK)
Jolteon * x1 (PK)
Cresselia x2 (GE)
Cresselia Lv. X x2(GE)

There might be more ill update it later
RE: Lowered Prices on Holos!! Come and SEE! Need stuff for Regionals, help me out!!

hey i have 2 cressalias (1 rh)

i still need the castaway and the other stuff i listed
could u make a offer
RE: Updated list! Lowered Prices on Holos!! Come and SEE! New Wants!


Could you CML for Honchkrow x2 and Honchkrow Lv. X x2? LMK. Thanks!
RE: Updated list! Lowered Prices on Holos!! Come and SEE! New Wants!

Yuyuman345: sry im probly not trading that stuff that you listed.

G2F: do you have any of my wants?
RE: Updated list! Lowered Prices on Holos!! Come and SEE! New Wants!

Sry man, since regionals are over now. I don't need these cards anymore. If you have anything else just plz LMK, thanks
RE: Updated list! Lowered Prices on Holos!! Come and SEE! New Wants!

Hey I'm interested in your Garchomp x2 MT, also like your Lucario DP x1(Only medium want). I can get a tin Palkia LV.X if you want, as I live close to a store that sells. And I have Palkia GE x1 non-holo. Interested in trading. CML if those don't interest you.
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