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H: New Cards, Old Format Cards, Merch, and More! W: A Lot!

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RE: Hottest Thead HERE!! H: 'Zone X, Azelf X, Cynthia's, Kingdra and MORE! Come and SEE! Need Extra Cash For College!

i have x1 Mesprit, and x1 Uxie LA, and an Uxie MT (if your interested?) Like the cynthias, jarachi x1 LA, and bucks. (exspecially the RH one....
RE: Hottest Thead HERE!! H: 'Zone X, Azelf X, Cynthia's, Kingdra and MORE! Come and SEE! Need Extra Cash For College!

T-tar Master: Oh, and you expect to get a Lv. X for a Claydol thats not a ripp off. Oh and you say my prices are too high? I looked at yours, and half of your prices are worst....and I usually take the it average price off ebay (except this time when I took only the highest 3).

ESP: Sorry, I did not see much. Thanks anyway for looking.

Larcan: All I really saw that I might have wanted was your Snorunt RH. But its not worth sending out for it lol. Thanks anyway

Pokemonphantom3: Sorry I do not need Uxie (MT) though thanks for offering it. I also do not really need Mesprit or Uxie too much, but if you want you can make me an offer and we can go from there.

RE: Hottest Thead HERE!! H: 'Zone X, Azelf X, Cynthia's, Kingdra and MORE! Come and SEE! Need Extra Cash For College!

Last bump of the week
RE: Hottest Thead HERE!! H: 'Zone X, Azelf X, Cynthia's, Kingdra and MORE! Come and SEE! Need Extra Cash For College!

Hey, are you interested in Uxie LA, non-lvX?
Anyhoo, I'm very interested in these cards:
Jirachi LA (probably would be for this guy) lol
Luxray LA
Gliscor LA (holo)

Yeah, I guess LMK if there's anything else on my list your interested in XD
RE: Hottest Thead HERE!! H: 'Zone X, Azelf X, Cynthia's, Kingdra and MORE! Come and SEE! Need Extra Cash For College!

CML for
Azelf Lv. X
and azelf RH
RE: Hottest Thead HERE!! H: 'Zone X, Azelf X, Cynthia's, Kingdra and MORE! Come and SEE! Need Extra Cash For College!

I have

2 Azelf Lv. X (1 JPN)
1 Uxie Lv. X (JPN)
3 Uxie LA (1 RH)
3 Azelf LA (2 JPN)
2 Mesprite LA

LMK a deal for the 2 Kingdra Holo
RE: Hottest Thead HERE!! H: 'Zone X, Azelf X, Cynthia's, Kingdra and MORE! Come and SEE! Need Extra Cash For College!

DarthAxle: Do you happen to have/need anything else? I dont really want to do a 1 for 1 trade. Also would you happen to have any Unown Q (RH or non holo)?

Pokeric: I really only want English cards ATM.
RE: Hottest Thead HERE!! H: 'Zone X, Azelf X, Cynthia's, Kingdra and MORE! Come and SEE! Need Extra Cash For College!

Yup, I have Q. Uhm, you'd have to CML for other things though.
I need supporters! 2 Bebe's, 2 Felicity's
RE: Hottest Thead HERE!! H: 'Zone X, Azelf X, Cynthia's, Kingdra and MORE! Come and SEE! Need Extra Cash For College!

Umm...I dont really see much else. Idk, would you be able to buy cards at this time?
RE: Hottest Thead HERE!! H: 'Zone X, Azelf X, Cynthia's, Kingdra and MORE! Come and SEE! Need Extra Cash For College!

AnthonyG said:
Umm...I don't really see much else. Idk, would you be able to buy cards at this time?

No, current events are holding my wallet. Would you do the uxie and 2 Q's for the Jirachi LA?
RE: Hottest Thead HERE!! H: 'Zone X, Azelf X, Cynthia's, Kingdra and MORE! Come and SEE! Need Extra Cash For College!

I am going to have to think about it. A friend might be giving me a Uxie but if it dosent work out, I might be able to do the trade. Give me a few days, but if I dont answer back, Post/PM me for an answer.

RE: Hottest Thead HERE!! H: 'Zone X, Azelf X, Cynthia's, Kingdra and MORE! Come and SEE! Need Extra Cash For College!

Will you pay 25$ for azelf X and 5-6 cards???? LMK ASAP!!
RE: Hottest Thead HERE!! H: 'Zone X, Azelf X, Cynthia's, Kingdra and MORE! Come and SEE! Need Extra Cash For College!

PM'd You.
RE: Hottest Thead HERE!! H: 'Zone X, Azelf X, Cynthia's, Kingdra and MORE! Come and SEE! Need Extra Cash For College!

I pmed you back. The other dude still says no...
RE: Hottest Thead HERE!! H: 'Zone X, Azelf X, Cynthia's, Kingdra and MORE! Come and SEE! Need Extra Cash For College!

English wise I have Azelf Lv. X, 2 Azelf (1 RH), 3 Uxie LA, and 2 Mesprite LA. I also have Gliscor Lv. X, Magnezone Lv. X, and Mewtwo Lv. X incae you're interested in those.

I still want the 2 Holo Kingdras
RE: Hottest Thead HERE!! H: 'Zone X, Azelf X, Cynthia's, Kingdra and MORE! Come and SEE! Need Extra Cash For College!

i would take your mewtwo[MD], do u have one more???
and do you have Ambipom[MT]
RE: Hottest Thead HERE!! H: 'Zone X, Azelf X, Cynthia's, Kingdra and MORE! Come and SEE! Need Extra Cash For College!

Pokeric: Someone might be buying the Kingdra's. So unless you want to buy them, I might have to pass for now unless he backs out.

thegreengiant: I PM'd you
RE: Hottest Thead HERE!! H: 'Zone X, Azelf X, Cynthia's, Kingdra and MORE! Come and SEE! Need Extra Cash For College!

I'm broke atm so lkm if he backs out
RE: Hottest Thead HERE!! H: 'Zone X, Azelf X, Cynthia's, Kingdra and MORE! Come and SEE! Need Extra Cash For College!

Yea, check back in a few days. If it's still on the list then you can make an offer
RE: Hottest Thead HERE!! H: 'Zone X, Azelf X, Cynthia's, Kingdra and MORE! Come and S

cml for the zone lcv x and 4 la kingdra?
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