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H: New Cards, Old Format Cards, Merch, and More! W: A Lot!

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RE: Hottest Thead HERE!! H: PT, Drapion X, Dusk X, Uxie X, Claydol + More! W: $$$, Palk G X + More!! Come and Buy/Trade!

ESP°: OK, PM me the details then.


amisheskimoninja: Ill get back to you, I am still undecided if I want to trade it or not.

Rayquaza95: Do you have pictures of the playmats that you chould show me? LMK


vrapceboy: Don't see anything, sorry.
RE: Hottest Thead HERE!! H: PT, Drapion X, Dusk X, Uxie X, Claydol + More! W: $$$, Palk G X + More!! Come and Buy/Trade!

AnthonyG said:
d master342: Well I don't mind selling it off in parts, if you want to do that LMK what you want to buy now and I can try to hold the rest for you, as for trading I don't really think we can work anything out since you want to trade big for the Giratina X which is really the only card I need from you.

Well I want to trade big for it, but I can buy some of the things (namely Trainers/Uncommons). I can't buy all of it though. ;f

dmaster out.
RE: Hottest Thead HERE!! H: PT, Drapion X, Dusk X, Uxie X, Claydol + More! W: $$$, Palk G X + More!! Come and Buy/Trade!

nope , my camera is out of batteries so I cant take any pics. sry.
RE: Hottest Thead HERE!! H: PT, Drapion X, Dusk X, Uxie X, Claydol + More! W: $$$, Palk G X + More!! Come and Buy/Trade!

Another card besides Delcatty I am interested in is Uxie or x2 Looker's Investiagtion. Please LMK.
RE: Hottest Thead HERE!! H: PT, Drapion X, Dusk X, Uxie X, Claydol + More! W: $$$, Palk G X + More!! Come and Buy/Trade!

d master342: OK Pm me the list of cards you want to buy and the prices you want to buy them at.


Rayquaza95: Well, sorta want a picture so I guess nevermind.

Thanks anway

Blue Thunder: Are those the only cards you need? Because I am undecided about trading Delcatty and Looker's and I would rather sell the Uxie then trade it.
RE: Hottest Thead HERE!! H: PT, Drapion X, Dusk X, Uxie X, Claydol + More! W: $$$, Palk G X + More!! Come and Buy/Trade!

Yes, those were the only things I saw that were interesting to me.
RE: Hottest Thead HERE!! H: PT, Drapion X, Dusk X, Uxie X, Claydol + More! W: $$$, Palk G X + More!! Come and Buy/Trade!

You have quite a few cards i need, mostly Claydol though. check out my list if you could!

RE: Hottest Thead HERE!! H: PT, Drapion X, Dusk X, Uxie X, Claydol + More! W: $$$, Palk G X + More!! Come and Buy/Trade!

Blue Thunder: I am going to have to pass. Sorry.

Captcoconut: I am interested in these but I do not 100% agree with you point system:

Lv. X
Giratina LvX (1)

Dialga G (3)

Palkia G(1)

Honchkrow G RH(1)
Weavile G (1)

Skuntank G RH(2)
Toxicroak G RH(2)
Giratina #9(1)


Looker's Investigation RH(2)
Poke Turn RH(2)
Energy Gain RH(1)
Power Spray RH(2)


RE: Hottest Thead HERE!! H: PT, Drapion X, Dusk X, Uxie X, Claydol + More! W: $$$, Palk G X + More!! Come and Buy/Trade!

Hi anthony, I really need these from you CML please.

RE: Hottest Thead HERE!! H: PT, Drapion X, Dusk X, Uxie X, Claydol + More! W: $$$, Palk G X + More!! Come and Buy/Trade!

Hello AnthonyG how are you? well Im here to propose a trade here it goes.
I am in need greatly of these cards and I am just wondering if you have any.
x4 Rare Candy ( any set )
x1 Rosanne's Research
x2 Moonlight Stadium
x1 Level Max
x2 Night Maintenance
x2 Team Galactic's Wager
x2 Looker's Investigation
3-2 Weavile sw line
2-2 Claydol GE claydol line ( I can settle for just one claydol )
2-1 Palkia G Lv.X PT line
2 Unown G line

I know that is A LOT to be asking for but Im sure we can work out a trade right ?

Oh yeah if you do have these cards Please CML = )
RE: Hottest Thead HERE!! H: PT, Drapion X, Dusk X, Uxie X, Claydol + More! W: $$$, Palk G X + More!! Come and Buy/Trade!

SotH°: Hey, all I really saw was Giratina Lv. X. LMK


EastbayTrainer: Hey, I have these:

x2 Rare Candy ( any set )
x1 Rosanne's Research
x2 Moonlight Stadium (1 RH)
x2 Night Maintenance
x2 Team Galactic's Wager (Both RH)
2-2 Claydol GE claydol line ( I can settle for just one claydol )
2 Unown G line

LMK if you have any of wants from PT since you have no cards listed.

RE: Hottest Thead HERE!! H: PT, Palkia G X, Uxie and Uxie X, Claydol + More! W: $$$, PT Holos + More!! Come and Buy/Trad

Bump; Updated Wants!
RE: Hottest Thead HERE!! H: PT, Palkia G X, Uxie and Uxie X, Claydol + More! W: $$$, Dialga G + More!! Come and Buy/Trad

CML for Ampharos PT x2, Rampardos PT, Broken Time-Space x2 and Uxie LA x2 (please).

100th Post!
RE: Hottest Thead HERE!! H: PT, Palkia G X, Uxie and Uxie X, Claydol + More! W: $$$, Dialga G + More!! Come and Buy/Trad

Uxie x2 (1 RH; Best Offer)
RE: Hottest Thead HERE!! H: PT, Palkia G X, Uxie and Uxie X, Claydol + More! W: $$$, Dialga G + More!! Come and Buy/Trad

Do you have any EX Emerald Matrix energy?
RE: Hottest Thead HERE!! H: PT, Palkia G X, Uxie and Uxie X, Claydol + More! W: $$$, Dialga G + More!! Come and Buy/Trad

I have:

2 Dialga G ( 1 RH )
1 Palkia G
2 Weavile G
1 Skunktank G
1 Electabuzz ( Reprint, Pt. )
xXx Squirtle and Wartortle


Uxie LA
Azelf LA
Claydol GE

LMK if we can work something out!
RE: Hottest Thead HERE!! H: PT, Palkia G X, Uxie and Uxie X, Claydol + More! W: $$$, Dialga G + More!! Come and Buy/Trad

imacharizard333: Sorry, I really don't see anything I need right now off of your list. But if you are willing to buy cards I can sell you those. LMK if your interested in buying, if not thanks for posting and sorry it didn't work out.

Amt: No, sorry I don't have any =(

Ampha-pwn77: Well I am only interested in the Stunktank if its RH only otherwise I am not interested in it, sorry. As for the other cards LMK an offer for them.

RE: Hottest Thead HERE!! H: PT, Palkia G X, Uxie and Uxie X, Claydol + More! W: $$$, Dialga G + More!! Come and Buy/Trad

CML for:
Azelf x2
Uxie x2 (if you have 2)
RE: Hottest Thead HERE!! H: PT, Palkia G X, Uxie and Uxie X, Claydol + More! W: $$$, Dialga G + More!! Come and Buy/Trad

Sorry I don't see anything D:

LMK if you have any of my wants in case I missed anything. Otherwise, sorry and thanks for posting.
RE: Hottest Thead HERE!! H: PT, Palkia G X, Uxie and Uxie X, Claydol + More! W: $$$, Dialga G + More!! Come and Buy/Trad

OK how about:


2 Dialga G ( 1 RH )
1 Palkia G
2 Weavile ( 1 RH )
Some Squirtle and Wortortle


2 Uxie LA
1 Azelf LA

I can maybe add the Electabuzz Pt. but I might have an IRL trade for it, I will LYK tomorrow.
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