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H: New Cards, Old Format Cards, Merch, and More! W: A Lot!

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RE: Hottest Thead HERE!! H: Chu X, Dusk X, Uxie X, Claydol + More! W: Money and SF Charmander!! Come and Buy/Trade!

Very interested in Uxie X. CML Have a few of you're wants
RE: Hottest Thead HERE!! H: Chu X, Dusk X, Uxie X, Claydol + More! W: Money and SF Charmander!! Come and Buy/Trade!

Hi, i'm very interested in your Uxie LvX x2.
Please CML for those.
RE: Hottest Thead HERE!! H: Chu X, Dusk X, Uxie X, Claydol + More! W: Money and SF Charmander!! Come and Buy/Trade!

If your IFITDS Charmander is Mint and 1stED, I will pay 8 bucks for it:). LMK :D
RE: Hottest Thead HERE!! H: Chu X, Dusk X, Uxie X, Claydol + More! W: Money and SF Charmander!! Come and Buy/Trade!

RE: Hottest Thead HERE!! H: Chu X, Dusk X, Uxie X, Claydol + More! W: Money and SF Charmander!! Come and Buy/Trade!

Hi, can you CML for x2 Kindgra (most important) and an Uxie lvl X? thanks! LMK!
RE: Hottest Thead HERE!! H: Chu X, Dusk X, Uxie X, Claydol + More! W: Money and SF Charmander!! Come and Buy/Trade!

CML for Uxie Lvl. X. I have Charmander SF and anything else you want. LMK.
RE: Hottest Thead HERE!! H: Chu X, Dusk X, Uxie X, Claydol + More! W: Money and SF Charmander!! Come and Buy/Trade!

I got Drifloon, Holo Psychic Energy, and maybe Rare Candy. CML too. Want Uxie Lv.X and 2x Uxie LA.

dmaster out.
RE: Hottest Thead HERE!! H: Chu X, Dusk X, Uxie X, Claydol + More! W: Money and SF Charmander!! Come and Buy/Trade!

Before I begin to look at any of your list, can any of you buy? I would much rather sell right now seeing as I do not have that many wants right now.
RE: Hottest Thead HERE!! H: Chu X, Dusk X, Uxie X, Claydol + More! W: Money and SF Charmander!! Come and Buy/Trade!

I would be able to buy, but I'm going to a Prerelease, and I don't have that much cash right now. :F

dmaster out.
RE: Hottest Thead HERE!! H: Chu X, Dusk X, Uxie X, Claydol + More! W: Money and SF Charmander!! Come and Buy/Trade!

nah, I dont buy. SOrry. the things I wanted again:
x2 Kindgra ( MOST important)
x1 Uxie lvl X (not really important, just if you see lvl Xs on my list ;) )
RE: Hottest Thead HERE!! H: Chu X, Dusk X, Uxie X, Claydol + More! W: Money and SF Charmander!! Come and Buy/Trade!

d master342: If you are able to buy, please LMK what you can and what you want to buy.


PP3: Sorry didn't see anything I could use.
RE: Hottest Thead HERE!! H: Chu X, Dusk X, Uxie X, Claydol + More! W: Money and SF Charmander!! Come and Buy/Trade!

RE: Hottest Thead HERE!! H: PT, Drapion X, Dusk X, Uxie X, Claydol + More! W: $$$, Palk G X + More!! Come and Buy/Trade!

Updated with PT cards!
RE: Hottest Thead HERE!! H: PT, Drapion X, Dusk X, Uxie X, Claydol + More! W: $$$, Palk G X + More!! Come and Buy/Trade!

Don't know if this has been asked, but what kind of cards would you want for Cresselia Deck Box, Giratina Sleeves, and Shaymin Sleeves?
RE: Hottest Thead HERE!! H: PT, Drapion X, Dusk X, Uxie X, Claydol + More! W: $$$, Palk G X + More!! Come and Buy/Trade!

I actually do not the Cresselia Deck Box seal on me right now though if you are still interested I have one that is used but still mint. Anyway, I really only take Lv. X cards that I need and ones that are of value and playable (such as Uxie X, or Cresselia X). I probably would not accept Holos/Rares (RH or Non)/RH (Un)Commons unless it is quite a bit of them
RE: Hottest Thead HERE!! H: PT, Drapion X, Dusk X, Uxie X, Claydol + More! W: $$$, Palk G X + More!! Come and Buy/Trade!

Ohh, CML for Broken Time Space.

dmaster out.
RE: Hottest Thead HERE!! H: PT, Drapion X, Dusk X, Uxie X, Claydol + More! W: $$$, Pa

How much does it cost to send to England, if its relatively cheap CML for
Drapion Lv X.
(Edit) A deal on my thread is about to go through please do not worry about this.
RE: Hottest Thead HERE!! H: PT, Drapion X, Dusk X, Uxie X, Claydol + More! W: $$$, Palk G X + More!! Come and Buy/Trade!

d master342: I am interested in your Giratina Lv. X. LMK what you need.

RE: Hottest Thead HERE!! H: PT, Drapion X, Dusk X, Uxie X, Claydol + More! W: $$$, Palk G X + More!! Come and Buy/Trade!

AnthonyG said:
d master342: I am interested in your Giratina Lv. X. LMK what you need.


That's a big card. I want Uxie Lv.X, Rampardos and other wants.

dmaster out.
RE: Hottest Thead HERE!! H: PT, Drapion X, Dusk X, Uxie X, Claydol + More! W: $$$, Palk G X + More!! Come and Buy/Trade!

Hm mm...I don't think I am willing to give up too much for it since its playability is still questionable.

But if you want could you make me an offer?
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