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H: New Cards, Old Format Cards, Merch, and More! W: A Lot!

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RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: Arceus, Tangrowth X, SH Bagon, Professor Sleeves, Claydol GE, TONS of Staple Trainers! W:

How many bulks of commons and uncommons for the following:

Rare Candy
Call Energy
Holo Energies
Electivire FB Lv. X
Blaziken FB Lv. X
Uxie Lv. X
Claydol GE

Am willing to trade in bulks by the thousands for those cards

Also CML for anything you need. Thanks
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: Arceus, Tangrowth X, SH Bagon, Professor Sleeves, Claydol GE, TONS of Staple Trainers! W:

eevee: Really only looking for my wants right now, you can go ahead an make an offer from there or send me a list of what your willing to trade and we can start from there.

THE-D: Thanks for the offer but no thank you. I am really only looking for things off my wants list. But thanks for posting.

vcrew: I am not really looking to give up a lot of staple trainers/cards for commons/uncommons. I am not opposed to trading some Lv. X's for some commons/uncommons but they would have to be a great quantity for the more desired ones (really only value them at about $0.01 each.)

I can do a few hundred or so commons/uncommons for some Energies depending on which ones you need/what set you want them from.

Also somewhat still interested in that Squritle Binder, but nothing really too high of a want.
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: Arceus, Tangrowth X, SH Bagon, Professor Sleeves, Claydol GE, TONS of Staple Trainers! W:

It's fine. It's understandable

Could you make an offer for this then please?
I have
Luxray X
3x Gyrados (SF)
3x Gengar (PA)
2x Kingdra

I'm willing to trade commons/uncommons for the cheapest Holo Energies if thats fine with you

my wants are the staples and the claydols (english)

LMK if we can work something out
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: Arceus, Tangrowth X, SH Bagon, Professor Sleeves, Claydol GE, TONS of Staple Trainers! W:

I am interested in the Luxray GL Lv. X, and 2 Kingdra. The others I can take a pass on.

If you have some kind of offer in mind send me a PM or whatever way is easier to message, to work stuff out, if not LMK what you need the most and we can work from there.
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: Arceus, Tangrowth X, SH Bagon, Professor Sleeves, Claydol GE, TONS of Staple Trainers! W:

Salamance Arceus
Gengar (SF)
Shiny Bagon
Pokedrawers x4
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: Arceus, Tangrowth X, SH Bagon, Professor Sleeves, Claydo

How about my:

x1 Spiritomb PA
x1 Gengar PA (#16)
x1 Salamence PA (holo)
x1 Gengar SF

for your:
x1 SH10 Bagon
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: Arceus, Tangrowth X, SH Bagon, Professor Sleeves, Claydol GE, TONS of Staple Trainers! W:

Eevee: I'll pass, thanks for the offer though.

Spirit: Sent you a PM about potential a bigger trade if not we can fall back on that offer, if we can talk from there that would be great.

RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: Arceus, Tangrowth X, SH Bagon, Professor Sleeves, Claydol GE, TONS of Staple Trainers! W:

cml gliscor x
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: Arceus, Tangrowth X, SH Bagon, Professor Sleeves, Claydo

I'd rather that we fall back on my original offer. I already have a lot pending with my other lv.X's right now. But thank you for the offer. If the other trades fall through I'll hit you up.

So the above trade works?
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: Arceus, Tangrowth X, SH Bagon, Professor Sleeves, Claydol GE, TONS of Staple Trainers! W:

Yea, we can do something from that. Not sure if you read it last PM but I was wondering if it would be possible if you can maybe add in like another Spiritomb or like 2x Expert belt or something.

But yea PM me to finish up.

RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: Arceus, Tangrowth X, SH Bagon, Professor Sleeves, Claydol GE, TONS of Staple Trainers! W:

RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: Arceus, Tangrowth X, SH Bagon, Professor Sleeves, Claydo

AnthonyG said:
THE-D: Thanks for the offer but no thank you. I am really only looking for things off my wants list. But thanks for posting.

aww ok, good luck trading
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: Arceus, Tangrowth X, SH Bagon, Professor Sleeves, Claydol GE, TONS of Staple Trainers! W: L

INFERNAPE112892: I'm just going to pass because every time I post a response you ignore it and its really annoying, so I am probably just going to ignore anyone who post multiple times without a response.

THE-D: Thanks, enjoy your stay a PokeBeach! And good luck to you as well in trading.
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: Arceus, Tangrowth X, SH Bagon, Professor Sleeves, Claydol GE, TONS of Staple Trainers! W: L

I know you mentioned being interested in my Flygon but could I peak your interest in

My Gengar Lv.X
Your Uxie Lv.X + Kabutops A
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: Arceus, Tangrowth X, SH Bagon, Professor Sleeves, Claydol GE, TONS of Staple Trainers! W: L

I am interested in Gengar Lv. X, but not so much in that offer.

I found a few on e-bay and on some online stores where I can get it for about $20 - $25 (this is only BIN and does not include Bids). So with that said, I don't really feel its on the same value as Uxie Lv. X as its going for relatively higher than that.

If you want to work something else out LMK what you have from my wants and what you need from me. If not thanks for posting.
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: Arceus, Tangrowth X, SH Bagon, Professor Sleeves, Claydol GE, TONS of Staple Trainers! W: L

I am very interested in your
xXx amount of holo basic energy.
How many bulk c/uncommons would it take to get 15 of each BASIC type of energy?
Thanks, LMK.
I also have bulk rares as well.
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: Arceus, Tangrowth X, SH Bagon, Professor Sleeves, Claydol GE, TONS of Staple Trainers! W: L

Please don't spam. ~TofU
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: Arceus, Tangrowth X, SH Bagon, Professor Sleeves, Claydol GE, TONS of Staple Trainers! W: L

CFOURCOLTSFAN: I am not really looking to trade Holos, RH, and stuff like for just for a few I am looking for BULK not just a few so keep that in mind.

Anyway, I am not looking to trade away a lot of my Energies but here is a list that I am willing to trade for C/UC:

12 Fire (2 2006 League, Rest HP)
8 Water (1 JPN, 2 2006 League, Rest HP)
5 Electric (1 JPN, 2 2006 League, Rest HP)
4 Grass (1 JPN, 3 2006 League)
4 Fighting (1 JPN, 3 2006 League)
2 Psychic (2 2006 League)

I am looking for about 150 - 200 Uncommons/Commons for each energy.
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: Arceus, Tangrowth X, SH Bagon, Professor Sleeves, Claydol GE, TONS of Staple Trainers! W: L

I don't have quite that many left over.
So I won't be able to trade as of right now(maybe after cities though)
RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: Arceus, Tangrowth X, SH Bagon, Professor Sleeves, Claydol GE, TONS of Staple Trainers! W: L

I'm interested in:
Gliscor Lv. X
x3 Gliscor LA

From wants I have:
RH Unown G
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