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[H]Palkia G Lv.X Infernape 4 Lv.X and more[W]will trade any cards for Luxray GL Lv.X and to CYL

Which Deck should i use, Legos or BlazikenFB?

  • BlazikenFB Lv.X

    Votes: 10 71.4%
  • Lego's

    Votes: 4 28.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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RE: [N] Gallade4 Lv.X(ENG) Leafeon Lv.X(ENG) [H] Palkia G Lv.X, Raichu Lv.X. Will update!

Sadly im now at "90% is BUMPS" ;_;
RE: [N]Gallade4 Lv.X(ENG) Floatzel Lv.X(ENG) [H] Palkia G Lv.X, Frostom! Will update!

I like your Frostom, lease CML! :)
RE: [N]Gallade4 Lv.X(ENG) Floatzel Lv.X(ENG) [H] Palkia G Lv.X, Frostom! Will update!

First off thanks for the first post in 1+ month!!!!*throwsparty*
Alright now to trading, what X's would you trade for it?
I like Gallade 4 (RF) but i won't be able to trade a Frostom just for a Gallade 4 so let me know about the X's and if you don't want trade any of your X's for Frostom LMK and i'll take a second look at your list.
RE: [H] Palkia G Lv.X, Frostom, 2XClaydol GE, Garchomp Lv.X Machamp Lv.X!

Hey, can you CML for these:

3X Unown G

1st edition Cleffa(Neo genesis)
Dark Wartorle that have EX/Lv.x border(all legendary collection).

LMK what you need.

RE: [H] Palkia G Lv.X, Frostom, 2XClaydol GE, Garchomp Lv.X Machamp Lv.X!

I like your Cyrus's Conspiracy x2 ($2.00 each), TGI Energy Gain x2 ($1.50 each), 1x Bronzong MD and Palkia G, LMK how much of this you would trade, hopefully we can work out a deal.
RE: [H] Palkia G Lv.X, Frostom, 2XClaydol GE, Garchomp Lv.X Machamp Lv.X!

Anything else not on the wants list that you might want? RH Charizard, maybe?
RE: [H] Palkia G Lv.X, Frostom, 2XClaydol GE, Garchomp Lv.X Machamp Lv.X!


Can you CML for your Palkia G Lv.X, please. =3
RE: [H] Palkia G Lv.X, Frostom, 2XClaydol GE, Garchomp Lv.X Machamp Lv.X!

Well the Cleffa and Wartortle are for collection wants, so I don't really value them too highly (just a heads up).

So would you do something like:

Bronzong (MD)

Dark Wartortle
Unown G

LMK or counter.

RE: [H] Palkia G Lv.X, Frostom, 2XClaydol GE, Garchomp Lv.X Machamp Lv.X!

Galloxys: Your thread is locked we could maybe work something out but i'd rather have your thread opened first.
Blue Thunder: Do you have anything of my wants list possibly?
AnthonyG: Is that all you'd trade? I would normally get rid off my older cards for deck wants faster but i took time to find the Unown G.. I'd rather trade them for more. LMK
RE: [H] Palkia G Lv.X, Frostom, 2XClaydol GE, Garchomp Lv.X Machamp Lv.X!

LoneTyranitar said:
Galloxys: Your thread is locked we could maybe work something out but I'd rather have your thread opened first.
Blue Thunder: Do you have anything of my wants list possibly?
AnthonyG: Is that all you'd trade? I would normally get rid off my older cards for deck wants faster but I took time to find the Unown G.. I'd rather trade them for more. LMK

Well, I don't need to many Unown G's, and the stuff you want isn't really stuff I want to trade for them since they aren't really needed.

So LMK if you need anything else or if you want to do that trade.

RE: [H] Palkia G Lv.X, Frostom, 2XClaydol GE, Garchomp Lv.X Machamp Lv.X!

First off how many Unown G do you want? Second is there any chance at all of you being able to trade me one of the Cyrus or Energy Gain? If you really don't want to trade either of them that's fine, i need the Bronzong pretty badly and beggers can't be chooser's right? LMK about everything else, hopefully we can finalize. Thanks.
RE: [H] Palkia G Lv.X, Frostom, 2XClaydol GE, Garchomp Lv.X Machamp Lv.X!

Well, I don't really want to trade Cyrus or Energy Gain for those I would rather trade those for something useful like Roseanne's Search or maybe some RR trainers.

But your list said you had 3 Unown G so 1-3 Unown G's are alright. Doesn't matter as long as I get a least 1 if I get more thats cool if not thats cool too.

So yea, LMK.

RE: [H] Palkia G Lv.X, Frostom, 2XClaydol GE, Garchomp Lv.X Machamp Lv.X!

Alright sorry for draging this out so long as it is, but im afraid i have to delay finalizing one more post.
I have 2 Roseanne's i can trade, how many Cyrus and Energy Gain could i get?
Thanks for wating so long, as soon as you respond i will PM you.
RE: [H] Palkia G Lv.X, Frostom, 2XClaydol GE, Garchomp Lv.X Machamp Lv.X!

IDK would 1 Cyrus work for you?


RE: [H] Palkia G Lv.X, Frostom, 2XClaydol GE, Garchomp Lv.X Machamp Lv.X!

Please CML for Garchomp LV.X and Unown G x1.
RE: [H] Palkia G Lv.X, Frostom, 2XClaydol GE, Garchomp Lv.X Machamp Lv.X!

check me for,
Frost Rotom
RE: [H] Palkia G Lv.X, Frostom, 2XClaydol GE, Garchomp Lv.X Machamp Lv.X!

@Pi3ce0fMind: I like your Palkia G Lv.X.
@dragonitetim: What where you wanting of my list?
@ StarForce Lv.X: I saw your Dialga Lv.72, Energy Gain and Cyrus's.
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