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H: Raquaza C lvl X, Garchomp C lvl X, Staraptor FB lvl X!! W: UXIE LA, and much more! Have Lots of l

RE: HAVE TORTERRAX, Electivire X, and Magmorter X! And many EXes!

I really want your Electivire X and Lugia SW. Please CML for anything you might want.
RE: HAVE TORTERRAX, Electivire X, and Magmorter X! And many EXes!

I am interested in your Darkrai Lv. X. I have a Cresselia Lv. X for trade, and I can throw in a lot of other stuff for it. Please check out my haves list! http://pokebeach.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=15183
RE: HAVE TORTERRAX, Electivire X, and Magmorter X! And many EXes!

Sorry, I dont think that I would trade it. I might, because I need Cress X for states, so if I cant get any, Ill come back to you!
RE: HAVE TORTERRAX, Electivire X, and Magmorter X! And many EXes!

Yeah, see, I'm on the Hunt for Darkrai for states, so you and I are in the same predicament! Please keep me in mind!
RE: HAVE TORTERRAX, Electivire X, and Magmorter X! And many EXes!

Cml for Mag Lv.X, Claydol(GE) & Pachirisu(GE) if you live in the states.
RE: HAVE TORTERRAX, Electivire X, and Magmorter X!, Darkrai X, And many EXes!

1 Cresselia Lv.X DP4 JPN
1 Premier Ball
1 Darkrai DP4 JPN (70HP)

for your:
Darkrai Lv.X


Or CML for more...
RE: HAVE TORTERRAX, Electivire X, and Magmorter X!, Darkrai X, And many EXes!

Will you still do my Palkia Lv.X for your Magmortar Lv.X and 3 Strenght Charm? If so pm me asap.
RE: HAVE TORTERRAX, Electivire X, and Magmorter X!, Darkrai X, And many EXes!

Hey ?man, I only have 2 Strength Charms, but I think I could do that....not confirming anything...
RE: HAVE TORTERRAX, Electivire X, and Magmorter X!, Darkrai X, And many EXes!

You posted in my thread. How soon is Cresselia Lv.X coming? Would you do that for Gardy X x1 and Gallade x1?
RE: HAVE TORTERRAX, Electivire X, and Magmorter X!, Darkrai X, And many EXes!

Sorry, I need Cresselia X for a deck..... Anything else for Gardy X or the Gallade???
RE: HAVE TORTERRAX, Electivire X, and Magmorter X!, Darkrai X, And many EXes!

PokemonPhantom3 said:
Hey ?man, I only have 2 Strength Charms, but I think I could do that....not confirming anything...

2 is fine. PM if its a deal.
RE: H: Palkia X, Many more Lvl. X Lots of GE W: CRESSELIA X AND GARDY X (updated 2/18)

Edit: Updated Haves and Wants!!!
RE: H: Palkia X, Many more Lvl. X Lots of GE W: CRESSELIA X AND GARDY X (updated 2/18)

hey i have
gardy sw
4 windstorms (1 rh) (incoming)(
1 paraishu ge
2 tangaroth
lmk of a offer
RE: H: Palkia X, Many more Lvl. X Lots of GE W: CRESSELIA X AND GARDY X (updated 2/18)

cml for palkia lv x, maggy lv x. and possibly cressy x!!
i have 2 gallade, 2 gardy sw, 2 gardy x
btw, what kind of deck are u running? from what ive gathered, ur running a gallade, gardy x, and cressy x deck :p 0.o
RE: H: Palkia X, Many more Lvl. X Lots of GE W: CRESSELIA X AND GARDY X (updated 2/18)

I really Need your Gardy X!!! I wont trade palkia for it, but I can trade Mag X and other stuff! I also need 1 Gardy SW and 1 Gallade!!! Try to come up with an offer for these 3!!!

P.S did you get your Darkrai X yet???