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(H): Sleeves, HGSS, Lv Xs, and more (W): LV Xs and deck needs COME TRADE!

RE: (H): Glaceon X, Sally X, Machamp X (W): Some SP stuff

is gallade 4 X still pending out? if so what for sally or snorlax X?
RE: (H): Glaceon X, Sally X, Machamp X (W): Some SP stuff

Yes, Gallade 4 X is on it way out. From your list here is what I need. 2 Poke Turn, 3 Cyrus, 1 Energy Gain, 1 Blaziken FB, 2 SP Radar, 1 Garchomp C. I also have a very high interest in you Call Energy x3, Azelf LA, Claydols, and Spiritombs. I'm sure we can work something out from there. Could you post an opening offer?
RE: (H): Glaceon X, Sally X, Machamp X (W): Some SP stuff

will you cml for this
Feraligatr Prime JPN

i have the uxie and i should have an azelf incoming but i dont have blazy or gengar
RE: (H): Glaceon X, Sally X, Machamp X (W): Some SP stuff

How much for donphan prime? It's a major want so I'll trade big. Can you make th first offer and I counter from there? I am horrible at starting offers. LMK here or in PM.
RE: (H): Glaceon X, Sally X, Machamp X (W): Some SP stuff

konter - How about your Gallade 4 X, Luxray GL RH x2, Azelf LA, and Machamp SF?

richkid - I could do it for Gengar X and 2 call energies.
RE: (H): Lv Xs and HGSS Primes (W): Some SP stuff

oh god. sorry for doing this to you making you bump before posting back. im sorry that seems a little much for me. is there anyway we can put most of the TGI's for it?
RE: (H): Lv Xs and HGSS Primes (W): Some SP stuff

Don't worry about it. I'm getting just about all the TGI's I need from another trade for a DGX, so I won't need them any more.
RE: (H): Lv Xs and HGSS Primes (W): Some SP stuff

I have Garchomp C Lv. X (PROMO) and need your 2 Toxicroak G along with some others if you want to work something out
RE: (H): Lv Xs and HGSS Primes (W): Some SP stuff

Yeah, I'm definitely interested in working something out. How about this:

My: 2 Toxicroak G
2 Skuntank G
1 Moonlight Stadium

Your: Garchomp C X promo?
RE: (H): Lv Xs and HGSS Primes (W): Some SP stuff

I have a lot of SP support Trainers and a few of your wants. I'm interested in Expert Belt and Salamence Lv.X.
RE: (H): Lv Xs and HGSS Primes (W): Some SP stuff

I actually just made a trade to get all the SP trainer stuff I needed. However, I am interested in your Luxray GL X, Uxie X (ENG), and Dialga G X. Let me know what we could work out, thanks!
RE: (H): Lv Xs and HGSS Primes (W): Xs and Staples mostly

cml for: 3 magmortar for my garchomp c lv. x and garchomp c?
RE: (H): Lv Xs and HGSS Primes (W): Xs and Staples mostly

Ill give a Heatran X and 2 Magmortar X's for glaceon X :) Please I beg of you :)
RE: (H): Lv Xs and HGSS Primes (W): Xs and Staples mostly

killed - Yeah I can do that trade. I'll PM you to confirm, thanks.

TheBB - That is a fair offer, and I hate to do this to you cuz I know how it is to want a card really bad, but I'm trying to trade up to a Flygon X, so I'm going to need to keep the Glaceon X to help me get there. So I am going to have to politely decline, sorry.