• Please read THIS THREAD if you are a new trader/seller.

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H: Staff Gabite Darkrai EX, RH Collector/DualBalls W: All Cilans, BW Promos, Shinies!

RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with mint older cards and LuxApe needs!

i have 1x rotom from pop9. interested?
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with mint older cards and LuxApe needs!

SotH: I'm sorry, but I can only trade that for Infernape 4X... o_O
Alyxandra: Sorry, I have a lot of those. Thanks for asking though! ^_^
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with mint older cards and LuxApe needs!

Ok, I guess.
Good luck with that though. *shrug*
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with mint older cards and LuxApe needs!

no problem and i hope that you realized that i recieved today!!!! i ref'ed ya! X.X
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with mint older cards and LuxApe needs!

I have Darkrai G. LMK if you want to make an offer
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with mint older cards and LuxApe needs!

How about my 2 Prof. Rowan's, 2 Prof. Oak's, 2 Volkner's, 2 Buck's, and 2 Cynthia's for your Azelf LA and Mesprit LA?
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with mint older cards and LuxApe needs!

darksoulSP said:
How about my 2 Prof. Rowan's, 2 Prof. Oak's, 2 Volkner's, 2 Buck's, and 2 Cynthia's for your Azelf LA and Mesprit LA?

No thanks. I don't trade highly for staple trainers, only if people need to make up cards for trades. I only request them as extras, I don't trade only for trainers. Thanks for you're interest though. Let me know if there is anything else.

RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with mint older cards and LuxApe needs!

I could trade you Luxray GL for both of them.
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with mint older cards and LuxApe needs!

Bump #1. Also, leaving on a trip today, so won't be able to offer trades or send cards until I return.
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with mint older cards and LuxApe needs!

Would you do a Glaceon X for a Snorlax ?
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with mint older cards and LuxApe needs!

darksoulSP said:
I could trade you Luxray GL for both of them.

No thanks Azelf and Mesprit can be swapped into almost any deck. I don't have enough to deck a Luxray line so it's not really worth me trading them for just one.

Thanks though
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with mint older cards and LuxApe needs!

DP Magnezone
1 Flygon RR - have two, if you want
All reprints - Scyther
Uxie X - HTG
Any Rotom card, including the regular Rotoms. - POP 9 rotom, special holo version
Roseanne's Research - again, decked
All SP trainers/Cyrus's Conspiracy - hard to get, as i want dialga G LV.X
Rampardos PT - 1
Rare Candies - umm, these are decked, but i could part with them
Super Scoop Up - 4

Dialga G LV.X

also, any of these you might have:
#-Cyrus, TGI
#-Uxie, Claydol
#-Dialga G
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with mint older cards and LuxApe needs!

I have flygon, pop 9 rotom, fan rotom, mow rotom, weavile gx2, weavile SWx2, rampardos, 2 rare candy, and holoenergyx9 (if your interested i can specify)

I'm interested in your dialga G X
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with mint older cards and LuxApe needs!

i have scyther reprint, scizor storm front, also heat rotom, darkrai g,a md. rotom. trade for azelf x. and e3 pikachu???
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with mint older cards and LuxApe needs!

I have Flygon RR, Weavile SW, and Rampardos. I want that Beedrill GE. CML/LMK.

dmaster out.
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with mint older cards and LuxApe needs!

Renzamil: Is there anything else I can trade for the holo energies?
D Master: Beedrill GE for Weavile SW perhaps? Just lemme think about it a bit.
Everyone else: Sorry, but no. Thanks for looking though!
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with mint older cards and LuxApe needs!

Bump #1

HUGE update with a RR box added!
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with mint older cards and a huge update with a RR box!

Looking for holo energy?
I got it.
I like your Gallade 4 LvX and Dialga G LvX.
How many and what type for both (or one if you only want to trade one)?